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FCT Webinar #005 Program
Monday, August 27th at 12pm (New York time)
(that is, realistically, to be viewed more as one of #005, #006 + subsequent webinars)
I. Revisiting parasites
There are two main reasons for this:
One, it is a time well-proven pedagogical treachery that periodically revisiting a subject helps to cement its hard core into our soft brain matter.
Two, being a major Star-Bullet that is capable of multi-systemic invasion with the brain being hypothesized as one of these, we must critically examine data from our FCT clinical experience that either confirms or refutes this crucial medical link.
In relation with this, we have some very interesting cases:
- Case 1 Presented by our FCT colleague, Jonathan Frewing, Dip.FCT, BA (Hons)Here is the case:
_____________________________________________________One of these patients was a severe neurological lyme patient in her 50s with a raft of symptoms, the most worrying of which was intermittent, complete immobility or shut down or slow down of all motor skills. Other symptoms included chronic fatigue, severe headaches, powerful food allergies to all strong flavored foods, severe/suicidal depression, breathlessness not associated with exercise, noise sensitivity, body rash from foods, poor organisational thinking, bloating, weakness in rt lower leg/foot etc etc.
She had had 26 treatments between July 2011 and July 20012, and had made good progress. She was able to go skiing for two weeks and skied every day, but she was still very vulnerable. Her passion is to draw, and it remained a daily lottery whether she would be able to or not each day.
It became clear that all her most severe symptoms were triggered by foods. She could eat almost nothing safely, and had to use “Bioset” to enable her to tolerate anything new. I treated her several times for parasites, mostly with MPR at high potency, with little effect. So I tried herbs – but she couldn’t tolerate them.
On July 6th 2012 a short protocol yielded the following email:
The transformation was so comprehensive, that her family didn’t want her to have any more treatment in case they lost her again.
We will discuss the treatment.
- Case 2 Another case by Jonathan of a patient with severe EMF sensitivity who, so far, has been for months by now, delivered from following a single treatment.
- Case 3 A patient of mine with extreme EMF sensitivity where he used to enter an Alzheimer’s type of state even from looking at or sensing an iPod to be turned on by someone 20-30 feet away in a park. This, as well as computers, TV, fluorescent lights, all of which was impossible for him to tolerate, he does not notice anymore.
- Case 4 By accident, I came across some 10-year old letter from a patient of mine suggesting my attaching D.V.M. (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine) for delivering his two cats from major evil.Cat #1 – Bumpy suffered from a long-term mysterious unhealthy activity of ripping hair out of his surface. As a result, his body looked like a chess board or resembled my head, except for the fact that I was not Bumpy and he was not teaching FCT.Many months of prednisone therapy by his Vet did no good. Yet, FCT delivered him from this bad habit in just one treatment with prednisone being discontinued.
Cat #2 suffered from chronic diarrhea that refused to respond to his D.V.M.’s just as scientific of a treatment, yet it was cured through a single FCT intervention.
Following presentation of these two cat cases, we will have a tele-celebration of my D.V.M. diploma whereby I’ll be drinking champagne as you all are watching and drooling. It shouldn’t take more than half-an-hour.
II. EMFs, EMF onslaught, clinical pearls concerning EMF sensitivity and related friendly subjects
Please examine this email from a patient of mine and refer to the provided two links therein.
hi, deb-
i have learned a lot from researching and finding out my landline is something they call FTTT — meaning connected to a cell phone tower via fiber optic cable!!!!!
dr. y had asked me a couple months ago if i lived near a cell phone tower….. there are two at the mall up the road. it appears my home phone is connected to them?? i spoke for a long time yesterday with several pp at the phone co, and have an appt to re-do my landline to get rid of this setup — hopefully, it will be downgraded to a more manageable signal.
a couple years ago i tried Fios, a fiber optic system, and it made me very sick.. when they re-hooked up my landline, they did not attach it to the pole behind my house, but to a connection near the major road where all the businesses are. and my phone has made me sick ever since. i have called before to try to figure this out, but they call my current setup a “copper dept” installation, and that has been the point of confusion. i do have a copper line — which is attached to a fiber optic cable which connects to the tower! i KNEW something was wrong, but with all the neighbors having Fios, i thought it was their signals connecting to me somehow in my home. appears they are — perhaps through the phone?? will find out when they make the changes..
what we need is to be attached to something called a “local loop” – the older technology that runs more underground. many will have fiber in the system somewhere along the line anyway (see article). but a tower? now that’s a different story. cell phones cause me brain fog — period. so i am hoping that is the main source of it in my home, and passing this along in case it may help you figure out what is going on in your environment.
the fiber itself is not electrical – altho the signal is transmitted electrically within the home… but it can blast a hell of a strong signal. the capacity is limitless, which is why it is becoming so popular with the communications industry.
lastly, i am not sure that morgellons doesn’t have a fiber optic component, (the fiber-optic looking hairs, the flat colored bits of plastic film which have come out, esp from the scalp), which may be interacting with all this….. and makes is all the more challenging to try to intercept in our lives.
glad to hear from you — it helps me a lot. you speak my language! good luck with the tx, and thanks for sharing.
oh, and candida / fungus and all pathogens become extremely prolific in a high EMF environment, studies show. i am sure that is why we are having a hard time shaking all this — but thank God we have dr. y to help us!
love ya!
[The reason for my inquiry was cellphone/towers related radiation as tested in her brain]
As we can blithely percept from even this limited data populations around the globe are being offered more and more technologically sophisticated telecommunication options in order to expedite acquisition of its own body bags.
The better news is, that as Gloria Gaynor (I was told) sang in one of her heartbroken optimistic hits, obviously referring to FCT consumers, “I will survive.”
On page 2 of the second link, I want you to spot a piece of information that is enrooted in one of our previous webinar discussions concerning scientific concepts/principles and phenomena. Any volunteers for the right answer?
III. Somewhere at a crossover between EMFs, parasites and mercury, I will present a case of mine where an autistic boy was cured from autism (not of severe form, nonetheless autism) with significant speech impairment and other mental limitations, in just one FCT treatment. The parents reported that the boy not only can fully read and recite a book completely on his own, but even compose and read his own poetry. Certainly, I gave him no pills and whatever supplements and (seven) homeopathics, he was taking were all discontinued.
IV. Patient cases
- The promised case of severe rheumatoid arthritis on two drugs, severe fatigue and chronic anemia and many other problems. The patient’s dramatic recovery, in her own words started hours into her first FCT treatment that contained no fewer than 10 nosodes. Do we need special drainage remedies besides what FCT offers?
We will display her blood work results only 3 months apart, prior to and following FCT treatment.
- A case of very severe chicken pox with some 200 blisters symptoms of encephalitis in a 21-year-old who had not been vaccinated (this doctor’s own daughter, who else would get so sick?). The first two doses of varicella nosode produced no visible difference. What to do next? According to medical literature, at this age, chicken pox may end one up in the hospital with encephalitis, or liver failure especially in response to medications, other problems or killed altogether, with none of these being positive options.
- One of our FCT colleagues, Dr. Robin Roberts, suggested my sharing some key points while I am presenting a webinar case which have made me suspect certain sarcodes and isodes before bioresonance testing (BRT) a patient. Then, my being or not surprised if my BRT did or did not confirm these, accordingly.
This is a very good suggestion that made me think of presenting, in more detail, an entire very important stage or the whole case-taking itself. What exactly do we need to know from a new patient? Certainly, we should not rely completely on BRT alone to dig out everything because BRT, also, does consume mental and physical energy from a tester where this draining process can be economized through empowering our mental software with relevant and exact information concerning patient’s totality of problems. This has nothing to do with the fact that BRT is completely reliable, in skillful hands, as we have produced enough accurate and objective readings over the years without knowing anything about people who we tested. As the most recent example, I’ve just blindly tested an alternative doctor at their big convention in Las Vegas last month, where we presented FCT, without knowing anything about the history. Yet, all of the relevant nosodes/agents have been accurately determined as well as a set of possible health problems based on my findings were all confirmed by a doctor. Also, as we have already identified a dozen or more layers/sarcodes/nosodes through BRT, the patient’s body field might be shifting over into a “relief” response mode where it is “asking” less for further help – identification of further weak organs – and, thereby, concealing these. Yet the necessity to still address these is still present. Under these circumstances, testing specifically for a suspected weak organ/tissue based on thoroughly gathered patient’s history might be still crucial to both a speedier recovery and avoidance of aggravations.
You must look for this information elsewhere – in FCT DVDs, newsletters, etc. – including follow-up assessments, etc., as it is impossible to give an exhaustive presentation to such a complex subject within a single session.
We will begin the case-taking with a brand new patient, just taken-on, a young woman with head-to-toe multiple health problems who, “After I have seen between 50 and 55 conventional and alternative doctors”, still remains in the same head-to-toe problem range. We will, also, follow through on her FCT clinical course in subsequent FCT webinars.
- A new case (no follow-up yet) of a middle-aged wheelchair-bound woman with multiple sclerosis for many years.
V. BRT Tips
- What to do with a working patient who can do an EMF-free treatment only over the weekend, yet who requires another 2-3 days’ worth of treatment?
- To give or not to give sarcode?
Example: We have identified a necessary nosode for an organ – virus, Lyme, Babesia, parasite, etc., — where we do not necessarily expect heavy metal release. How to decide if following a nosode a sarcode should be given or not?
VI. Miscellaneous
A new Memon on the block, Memon Food card. Q: Is it any good? A: It is very good for energetically clearing any food or beverage by placing these for 30 seconds over the card (unlike the company’s recommended 4 minutes). As importantly, I have found that it revitalizes old homeopathic remedies within only a 2-3 second time period. I use it for all of these reasons in my own household, and sometimes eating out. You may look up more information concerning this issue on under Portable Devices. You might just as well take a look at the rest of it related to sickening effects of EMFs.
We’ll be in touch on webinar Mondays and beyond,
Dr. Yurkovsky
Materials related to this webinar:
Jonathan’s Case #1.png
D.S. #2 (1).jpg
D.S. #2 (2).jpg
D.S. #2 (3).jpg
E.G. #3 (1).jpg
E.G. #3 (2).jpg
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G.Y. #4.jpg
H.B Email (#12).png