
Webinar 004

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Summary of Recording of Dr Yurkovsky’s Webinar 004 (30th July 2012)


A)  List of Cases and Topics Covered:

  1. Case #1: A victim of functional medicine.
  2. Case #2: Heart patient. A case of a young man who sustained myocardial infarction and over the years has gained some 120 lbs. while eating junk food.
  3. Case #3: A very difficult case of a young man with insulin-dependent diabetes and numerous mental and physical complaints.
  4. Case #4:  A case of a middle-aged man with severe multiple chemical sensitivities for decades, chronic fatigue and multi-systemic health problems.




B)  Notes from Dr Yurkovsky introducing the programme:

Case #1 – A victim of functional medicine, or: (Dys)functional medicine and one of its numerous victims.

This patient’s countless tests of functional medicine, allegedly aimed at identifying gene dysfunction, will be displayed.  I will present her literally countless medical complaints, the result of functional medicine treatment that pushed her into a documented carcinogenic zone, and I will also present her bioresonance testing findings.

This is in response to some of you who brought functional medicine topic at the Webinar #1.  Instead of your relying on my “thousand words”, we will present a documented picture as evidenced by the barrage of sophisticated lab tests under the sale pitch of “gene-nutrient connection”.  We will actually display this biochemical pseudoscientific quagmire that, even worse, was followed by the actual treatments.  The end result after the years of this ‘treatment’, she is a complete invalid. Right after her last injection of “gene-related and missing nutrients”, she deteriorated even more as her blood test showed new and a very serious blood disease.  This blood disease is a prelude to either leukemia or complete degeneration of the bone marrow.

Her chronic problems which have remained over the years are: a state of panic, intolerant of carbohydrates and fruit, chronic immune deficiency  as per blood work, decreasing muscle mass, severe digestive problems, peptic ulcers, stomach scars, chronic fatigue, adrenal insufficiency; sickest ever following the treatment with Alinia drug prescribed for the diagnosis of bacterial and parasitic infections in the intestines. Also some “top kinesiologist in the U.S” treated her with zero results.

The founder of (dys)functional medicine and the owner of a multinational natural pharmaceutical conglomerate, Jeffrey Bland, PhD,  markets this medicine as Medicine of the Future, Medicine of the 21st Century. Yet, facing facts for what they really are today this practice remains very misleading and dangerous, while ripping countless millions of dollars off people’s misery through using ignorance in science of the ‘holistic’ practitioners as its agents.

I have invited to join us a former Stanford University molecular biologist for this discussion, and am waiting for his response.

I will present (dys)functional medicine factual results in chronic diseases and through their own literature.

Q:  On a scale from 0 to 100%, what do you think their real success rate is?



Case #2 – I will present another delinquent case left over from the previous programs – A case of a young man who sustained myocardial infarction and over the years has gained some 120 lbs. while eating junk food (photo attached).


According to (dys)functional medicine and other pharmaceutical paradigms, what do you think should have happened to this middle-aged man with pre-existing heart disease, myocardial infarction and unstable angina pectoris? (see attached, his “healthy” photos).


Brief history:  A man who sustained myocardial infarction in his late thirties with documented coronary artery disease, has engaged himself in a very self-destructive lifestyle.  His diet has been full of all the junk food and drinks imaginable, filled with sugar, caffeine, chemicals and refined carbohydrates.  All these were helping him to work 2-3 jobs with hardly any sleep or rest.  This has continued for 15 years despite my warnings and FCT treatments were only sporadic, due to his self-neglect. His complaints were: severe exhaustion, depression, memory loss and periodic angina pectoris.  He has gained 120-140 lbs., with total body weight around 300 lbs., and kept this volume for just as long.  According to (dys)functional medicine and other biochemical teachings, such a state is called “metabolic syndrome” that results in diabetes, hypertension,  high cholesterol, etc., all leading to heart disease.  In his case, both blood sugar and cholesterol values were way out of control.  (Dys)functional medicine, in cases like these, calls for a barrage of blood tests, strict diet, exercise and massive administration of its pharmaceuticals.  He has had three cardiac imaging tests over the last 15 years with the last one a few months ago, February, 2012.

For several months prior to test, his angina pectoris has drastically intensified and FCT treatments were administered once or twice a month. His BRT Readings of his coronary arteries were quite alarming and I suggested he fasts that he did for 12 days, only.


Q:  How much of a progression in his coronary artery disease do you expect being reported by his cardiac imaging tests?  We will display his reports.

What do you think has happened to his exhaustion, depression and memory loss under the circumstances?


Note:  He was treated 99% of the time without a single “natural” or drug pill.


Cases #3 & #4which reflect very severe pathologies, I’m happy to submit because they were quite impressively treated by even some of our beginner FCT students.


Case #3  – concerns a very difficult case of a young man with insulin-dependent diabetes and numerous mental and physical complaints with some good response and questions as presented by our FCT colleague, dental physician Ann Pearcey.


Case #4 – a case of a middle-aged man with severe multiple chemical sensitivities for decades, chronic fatigue and multi-systemic health problems.  He was treated by the foremost expert(s) in chemical sensitivities without any progress.  Yet, the patient has responded profoundly to FCT treatment as carried out by one of our colleagues.




C)  Simon’s notes during the webinar:


1)      Case #1 – A victim of functional medicine:


Progressive decreasing muscle mass, digestive Sx, peptic ulcers, stomach scars, chronic fatigue.  Became very sick after Alinia.

When there are many food intolerances, then first think:  What parasites?


Functional medicine – or dysfunctional medicine? Demonstration of a number of lengthy expensive functional medicine tests she had done: “comprehensive metabolic pathways”, minerals/vits/amino acids/all kinds of things, elemental markers, etc.

End result – what is science? Science is to solve people’s problems. She was given a slew of supplements, costing thousands.

Following the last sophisticated assessment, incl B12, felt drastically worse, and was hospitalized. Diagnosed with polycythaemia vera, a serious and dangerous blood disease, precursor to leukaemia or myelofibrosis.


What was truly wrong with her? Via BRT:

  1. Severe EMFs. MF at start. Advised to obtain Memon at start.
  2. Chr. Strep A inf. Spiking fevers, sore throat. Found it in her Brn and EC. Very related to her chr. panic attacks and chr. anxiety. [cf. The functional medicine tests said her gene #47 had a hard time with adrenalin].
  3. 3.       Pernicious layers: Pestc, Herbc, Hg, Infl B, Env Tox, Hydrocarbons, Solvents, Diesel, Paint, Campylobacter pylori – all of these in her Ly.

Note on pesticides: she lives in Florida, a pestc/herbc capital, due to high heat and humidity.

  1. Sarcodes and other isodes including: Ly, BMB #2, K, Liv, EC, Amygdala, MPR, LI Muc, Spl. Day #3: Adr, H-s, Ov, Thy-d, Thy-s, SI Muc.

Note on Liver: it will be hit if you see many xenob. in the person.

Note on Amygdala: It also handles creativity; when you give it to patients, their learning or creative capacity improves; in that sense it’s in a category like FL, which also helps with creativity; also EC helps with creativity.

Note on H-s: Suspect in any chr/long-term illness and even if they don’t complain of chr. fatigue, or say it’s ‘so-so’ because they don’t recall any longer what a normal energy level is like.

Note on Ov: Ovarian Sx may not be obvious in post-menopausal women, as they’ll lack the usual ovary-related Sx such as PMS, painful/long/short/irregular periods, etc. But don’t forget Ov – can develop ovarian cancer. Hg and Cand often get into the ovaries.

Note on Thy-s: Multiple chr. infections.


Follow-up: She didn’t get Memon yet. Follow-up recommended two days later, i.e. very promptly, to see how she’s releasing all those toxins, and what’s happening. Now has refused to treat her further, because a “U.S.-top kinesiologist” told her that Memon is no good for her, just from touching it. It takes several days to balance house, and for a patient to get used to it. She then spent $10,000 to a specialist for a 2-day workup, and then had to call 9/11 after the specialist’s treatment; re: the injected Mg – the first time you may feel better, the second time nothing, the third time disaster. She had dizziness, low BP, slow heartrate.

She reported no change from the 1st FCT appt – but, thankfully, no aggravation either.

Not good to do such things without Memon. She installed it for only a day then took it out.


Any treatment can harm because all treatments produce a change, and as they start producing a change, you do not know what else is going to happen – how that change will affect other functions.

Safety always comes first, before efficacy – because you can always catch up on efficacy later!

Almost 25 years ago, began BRT, when he had a VEGA tester come. I felt like I was running some sort of ambulance service – the aggravations. So I decided ‘I have to learn it myself’. In FCT aggravations are very very rare, extremely rare – no one calls – only transient washout.


[Q on potencies:] Potencies are irrelevant, you have to titrate according to individual needs. Hers were between 5x and 40x, e.g. 5, 10, 15, 20, 40. Sometimes higher potencies may be needed for some organs such as BM, K, LI, SI – key involved in elimination, etc. – whereas others may be lower, at suboptimal potencies.


2)      Case #2 – Heart patient. A case of a young man who sustained myocardial infarction and over the years has gained some 120 ibs. while eating junk food:


Metabolic syndrome. Colas, bagels, sweets, cookies, etc. – to get through. So he gained a lot of weight. >300 lb.

Had a MI in his late 30s. Perfusions, def. of blood supply to heart, treadmill – shortness of breath and chest pain.

Within a year, at age 39 or 40, his heart normalized.

No perfusion abnormalities, no def of blood supply to heart, not even heart attack signs, no shortness of breath or chest pain on the treadmill – even though he was still gaining weight and continued his unhealthy lifestyle!


After this, he would come 3x/yr. Had poor memory, severe depression, severe low energy, constipation, HAs, and other Sx.

After each FCT treatment, he would hold longer and longer without all of these Sx, in spite of his diet etc.


Feb 29 2012 test (myocardial imaging) – No trace of any cardiac abnormalities. Not a single vit or spplt – only treated with ‘water’ (had had severe side effects from depr. meds so he stopped them).

The above Sx are all gone – except: Still self-destructive, but can stay away from junk foods for longer.


Remedies in a recent treatment for him: Cor Art, Hg, LI Muc, MPR, CE, K, Cor Art, SI Muc, Adr, BMB #2; Nd/ Cor Art 30x (don’t hesitate to repeat a seriously affected organ next day, and/or 2-x times in 6-7 days, etc.)


3)      Case #3 – A very difficult case of a young man with insulin-dependent diabetes and numerous mental and physical complaints:


Case from Ann Pearcey, presented by Dr Yurkovsky. FCT is not magic in one man’s hands – it is reproducible. All it takes is learning and perseverance, that’s all.


Diabetes Type I, high BP, per neuropathy, retinopathy, chest pain, drug use (marijuana, cocaine, alcohol, tobacco), depr, poor cogn f, Many ABs.

No mention of Hg history – ?


Remedies included: DPT isode, Islets of Langerhans, LI Muc, Ly, Brn, Pit, BMB #2, FL, Cannabis, Eye, Liv, K, CN.T, Thy-d, Nerve, EC, Cor Art, Adr+, Ret Frm, Thy-s, SI Muc, GB, Retina…

Suggestion from Dr Y – check also his Myelin Sheath next time.


Result after 1st treatment: Better cogn f, better mood, reduced blood sugars, ↓1-2 units insulin, better bwl f, no HAs

Used Memon for 4d, then after leaving Memon envt his cogn function dropped.


2nd and 3rd treatments included Brn, Liv, SI Muc, Strep, LI Muc, Thy-d, Ly, Adr+, Lu, Test, Eye, Spl, Thy-s, Cap (note severe vascular problems in diabetes).

Had aggravations after MPR and AB remedies as Hg was released.

Don’t get discouraged if after improvements there are aggravs – stronger imm sys means it starts killing infections on its own – leading to uncontrolled Hg release, esp. in EMF envt.

No vits given. He was vegetarian but agreed to take 2 glandulars, incl. pancreas.


4)      Case #4 – A case of a middle-aged man with severe multiple chemical sensitivities for decades, chronic fatigue and multi-systemic health problems:


Case from Nancy Post, presented by Dr Yurkovsky. CFS/MCS. Silica man, car mechanic, unemployed due to severe MCS, allergies since 1980s, chr. fatigue 20-30 yrs (>after eating; sens wheat and dairy), depr, poor conc, HAs, insomnia (up most of night), bone and muscle pains (garage), chr. sinus cong.

Couldn’t enter a store, so chemically sens. Removed 7 Hg fillings (holistic dentist) and felt lighter but then all Sx returned.

Went to a famous detox centre in Dallas, in the mid-90s – many vits, saunas, etc. No improvement at all.


Saw Nancy in Dec 2011. She started with Silica, then Nux Vomica (includes many sensitivities).

1st FCT treatment included: Liv, Ind Poll, BMB#2, Allergens (which?), SA, Lu, Ly, K Nephr, Spl, Sns, Brn, Food Allergy, HMs, Food additives & preservatives, BM Whole, Bone L.

Got Memon.

Result: Less chemical odour, better energy, more colour/complexion, less slouching, well enough to walk 18km, better rested, after changing car tyre had a HA for only 2-3 hours (used to be 1-2d)


Treatment #2 included: BM, Allg, Env Poll, Nux V, SA, K Nephr, K, Liv, Spl, Sns, Brn, Fd Allgy, HMs

Went to Walmart, where there are lots of chemicals – no reaction. Less depr.

Bought an old PC with an LCD monitor – surely got sick, depr, fat, insomnia.


Treatment #3 included: Solvents, Ind Poll, TV LCD, Petrol Diesel, Spl, Hydroc, Perf, Phth, Mld/Fung, Carb Mon, Brn, LI Muc, Ly, Liv, FL, Temp L… And there were more treatments.


End result: No more chemical sensitivities now, so MD was so impressed he’s referring his other tough cases.


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