
FCT Video Curriculum

Click here to download the Video Courses Order Form

Ordering Online

By ordering products through our online shopping cart, the buyer is
affirming that they have read and agree to our Liability Disclaimer.

Products available in this section include the USB sets of our Video Curriculum (immediately below) and our monthly E-letter / FCT® Workbook (scroll to the bottom):

— Video Curriculum on USB Flash Drive —
(Also, available on DVDs)


+ $20 Shipping



+ $20 Shipping



+ $20 Shipping



+ $20 Shipping



+ $20 Shipping



+ $20 Shipping


Video Course Package Special!

Special Packages!

  1. Basic DVD course – The FCT curriculum
  2. The Extremely Complex Hidden Nature of Chronic Disease and Proper Bio-Resonance Testing, as the Only Key to Unlock It
  3. FCT 2018 Video Program on DVD


+ $40 Shipping


Package #1

  1. Basic DVD course – The FCT Curriculum
  2. Advanced DVD course – The FCT Curriculum


+ $40 Shipping


Package #2

  1. Basic DVD course – The FCT Curriculum
  2. Advanced DVD course – The FCT Curriculum
  3. FCT Intensive Post-Graduate Clinical Training


+ $40 Shipping


Package #3

  1. Basic DVD course – The FCT Curriculum
  2. Advanced DVD course – The FCT Curriculum
  3. FCT Intensive Post-Graduate Clinical Training


+ $40 Shipping


Package #4

  1. Basic DVD course – The FCT Curriculum
  2. Advanced DVD course – The FCT Curriculum
  3. FCT Intensive Post-Graduate Clinical Training
  4. Intensive Post-Graduate Course in Patient Management
  5. Curable: Autism, ADHD, Lyme Disease with co-infections & Morgellons Disease


+ $40 Shipping


Package #5

  1. Basic DVD course – The FCT Curriculum
  2. Advanced DVD course – The FCT Curriculum
  3. FCT Intensive Post-Graduate Clinical Training
  4. Intensive Post-Graduate Course in Patient Management
  5. Curable: Autism, ADHD, Lyme Disease with co-infections & Morgellons Disease
  6. FCT Bio-resonance Testing, Hands-on and Principles


+ $40 Shipping



When you order any DVD Package, we will include a complimentary sample of the FCT E-letter, a $45 value.

Note: For more than a decade of offering both FCT® live and DVD courses to hundreds of health practitioners, we have not had dissatisfied students.
To the contrary, we normally receive requests for more information with
many students even choosing to order DVDs of the same courses that they
have actually attended!

Monthly E-letter / “FCT Workbook” Given proper diligence and time necessary to master our system, the results for both your patients and practice will exceed your expectations. One of  the strongest aspects of this system is its continuous growth based on the new information and knowledge.Therefore, it is crucial that all of our students keep up to date with both our ongoing teaching events, such as seminars, workshops, etc., as well as our periodic E-letter (a few issues a year). The latter serves as a great and
open forum for exchange of crucial information between all of the health
practitioners around the world who practice FCT®. Among other things, it contains challenging medical cases, clinical quizzes, new insights/shortcuts concerning bio-resonance testing (BRT), availability of new testing filters/remedies, and numerous other vital data.If you would like to seriously pursue FCT, and I hope you will, you must have all the back issues of our e-letter plus the ongoing issues. Besides many and diverse clinical cases, the e-letter also shares a wealth of new testing and medical information that is simply too crucial to miss. Therefore, I would strongly advise you to order all of the back issues and establish your current subscription at the rate of $45 (for each issue).
As far as all the back issues are concerned starting June 2004 through the
present, we will offer you a 25% discount on the BULK acquisition of all these issues (bringing the cost of each issue down to $33.75).

NOTE: Electronic copies of your E-letter will be sent to you via e-mail attachment.

SHIPPING Electronic copies of your E-letter will be sent to you via email attachment.

Ordering Offline To help people who prefer to order offline, here is a printer friendly order form:

Click here to download the E-Letter Order Form

When you order any DVD Package, we will include a complimentary sample of the FCT E-letter, a $45 value.

Issue 001 E-Letter


Issue 002 E-Letter


Issue 003 – E-Letter


Issue 004 – E-Letter


Issue 005 – E-Letter


Issue 006 – E-Letter


Issue 007 – E-Letter


Issue 008 – E-Letter


Issue 009 – E-Letter


Issue 010 – E-Letter


Issue 011 – E-Letter


Issue 012 – E-Letter


Issue 013 – E-Letter


Bulk- E-Letter
Save 25%



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