
7. Travel/House Call Emergency Kit

FCT Travel Kit


To all FCT party members,

      The vacation and traveling season is upon us and so is this related announcement.
Each time, over the last 100 years, whenever I had to travel for vacation or business, I had to subject myself to several stages of mental torture.

      Stage one consisted of ‘what if’? What if one is stricken with flu, food poisoning, or other bad infection, stomach or gall bladder pain, heavy EMFs affecting the brain, etc.? What if eating out ends up with ingesting more worms/parasites and other reptiles, or antibiotics than food? What if toxic lead from drinking water, or mercury from seafood, or airplane fumes or their 100 other pollutants would skew the quality of a trip. The list is truly long, and even though this mindset is reminiscent of some of the better Woody Allen movies, the facts are that in real life, things do happen.

      That is why when traveling with a spouse and children, the ‘what if’ list must be expanded, yet the idea of vacation rapidly transforms into one of seeing a psychiatrist, instead. “What if anyone gets hit with bad dental, ear, or sinus infection, UTI, URI, or just over the head with something, or wife, in her PMS delight is throwing kitchen knives in the wrong direction?” This torture lasts weeks, preceding the ‘joy’ of travel, to only progress into its advanced or stage #2, with chaotic throwing of dozens of remedy bottles into a dedicated suitcase, in the last minute. This is followed by stage 3, or actual earning oneself a hernia by lifting and carrying that suitcase that feels like a piece of furniture, on and off, until final destination. Stage 4 comes at the airport, with explaining to the security there that some 100 filled bottles are just remedies, not a combined liquid bomb. Stage 5, or the last straw on the camel’s back, commences when one actually is taking advantage of this portable ER inventory while plowing through this endless pile in order to find the right one. It is, provided that the right one is even there, and not forgotten. Stage 6, a slow torture, comes upon return home, where weeks are being spent on filing these piles of bottles, back into home’s medicine chest in alphabetical order ‘gradually’, as there is no time which can be found to do this. I have just repeated this cycle of torture while ‘enjoying’ this spring break, and am still in the process of ‘gradual’ unpacking, some two months later, of 100 different bottles.

      Each time I have gone through this process, there always was a revelation from Heaven – ‘you need a traveling emergency kit instead of this, to save yourself from a nervous breakdown’ – and each time I completely agreed, ‘definitely doing the kit for next year.’

      This ‘next year’ cycle would have gone for another 100 years, but thanks to some of the recently self-administered remedies for my frontal lobe, and some of our right wing extremist FCT instructors, I have finally ended this sadomasochistic process or ‘joy of travel’ and have actually put together, Travel KIT!

      Just to share with you less of Woody Allen flair, but actual life experience, read the following recollections:

      Over the years, we have provided our vacationing patients with numerous emergency phone consultations, followed by the shipments of the necessary remedies, to save them from local ERs, dentists and other specialists, in unfamiliar lands. Here are only two most recent and similar examples, where under the circumstances the available remedies did save from both considerable distress and expense.

Case #1 – This spring I was contacted by the grandson of an elderly woman, a patient of mine, before him almost dialing 911 for an ambulance, from her home. His grandmother had suddenly become unresponsive for a moment, which was followed by lethargy, a dropped heart rate and blood pressure. Following my evaluation and advice to administer one of the influenza remedies, that she was lucky enough to have at home, she immediately recovered and has stayed that way, for months, by now.

      This has definitely saved her from the far more common or ambulance case scenario, where she would have been hospitalized for days at least, with having to go through general, neurological, and cardiac work ups, with being poked with needles, wires, and catheters for endless invasive tests and procedures. Add here ‘user friendly’ MRI or CT scan brain irradiations. 5 digit hospital bill and 100% of a chance of missed diagnosis, because they cannot diagnose viruses in the gastrointestinal tract causing vaso-vagal reaction, which was the case with her, would have been the finale. In other patients, including children, the same virus(es) often cause protracted diarrhea, vomiting, severe headaches and other maladies. At any rate, being able to diagnose and address the cause of any problem is far better than blindly shopping through emergency rooms, local drug or health food stores for answers.

Case #2 – Travel related ordeal of a patient of mine who returned from Colorado, a few weeks ago. Among the few remedies he took along, just in case, were several infectious isodes, air pollutants, EMFs related, as well as a remedy for high altitude blues.

      His first words upon return were ‘thank you’, etc., for the remedies which had saved him from unavoidable local ER ordeal, otherwise. Once headed up the mountains, he started choking and feeling on the verge of blacking out, due to high altitude. The High Altitude remedy solved this problem. However, descending from the mountains, did not pave the rest of his trip, exactly, with the roses. The hotel stay led to exposure to molds, and even though he was not particularly allergic to them, this led to pretty bad bronchitis with the yellow and even green phlegm, and fever. In panic, he began loading himself with all of the infectious isodes in hand, for sinus and bronchial infections. The end result was that he recovered more than 80%, and was able to avoid both the dreaded ER visit, with its forever waiting in, as well as their ‘cure’ – antibiotics and steroids – the many side effects of which he had suffered in the past.

      He, also, upon my advice administered EMF and air pollutant remedies, after landing there.

      Certainly, in addition to ER’s, you may use the kit to make house calls for your family members, friends, or patients, in case of necessity.

      Thereby, and herewith, please find attached, its full and exact content, with the corresponding brief indications. Feel free to advise, if anything has been missed.

NOTE: The kit comes with important and concrete general instructions which address issues of sustaining maximum health resistance, during travel.

With regards and happy travel, to all,
The Chairman of FCT Travel & Tourism Division,
Dr. Yurkovsky


All potencies are 30X unless indicated otherwise


1. TEST C. Test Control
2. EMF/MF/GEOP. Electromagnetic, Magnetic & Geopathic Fields
3. 1.STR.ORG. The 1st Most Stressed Organ
4. 2.STR.ORG. The 2nd Most Stressed Organ
5. 3.STR.ORG. The 2nd Most Stressed Organ
6. MEL PRT. Multi-Energetic Layer Filter, Partial


1. Immune
7. IMMUN. S-M Immune System: Spleen, Lymph, Thymus, Bone Marrow, Tonsils
8. GALT Gut-Associated Lymphoid Tissue: LI-Ly, PP, Ly F, LI Muc Barrier
9. LYMPH Lymph
2. Elimination / Digestion
10. KIDNEY Kidney
11. LI MUCOSA Large intestine mucosa
12. GI S-M GI System: Stomach Mucosa, Esophagus, Duodenum, Appendix, Ileocecal Valve, Small & Large Intestine Mucosa
13. STOM. PAIN Stomach Pain: Stomach Mucosa, Esophagus, Campylobacter/Helicobacter Pylori
14. NAUS./VOM. Nausea/Vomiting: Nerve Vagus, Stomach Mucosa, Small Intestine Mucosa, GB
15. LIVER S-M Liver System: Liver, Gall Bladder, Bile Ducts, Hepatine
16. UROLOG. S-M Urological System: Pelvis renalis, Urinary Bladder, Urethra, Ureter
3. Endocrine / Glandular
17. JETLAG/TR.FT. Jetlag/Travel Fatigue: Pineal, Hypothalamus, Pituitary, Thalamus, Adrenals
18. ADRNL. S-M Adrenal System: Adrenal Gland, Adrenal Cortex, Adrenal Medulla
19. HPTH. Hypothalamus
20. PINEAL Pineal
21. THYRD. Thyroid
22. PANCR. Pancreas
23. MALE S-M Male System: Testicles, Prostate, Pelvic Diaphragm, Penis
24. FEMALE S-M Female System: Ovary, Vagina, Uterus, Endometrium
25. MAM. GLN. Mammary Gland
26. FLPN.TB Fallopian Tube –Ectopic Pregnancy
4. Neurological
27. BRAIN S-M Brain System: Brain, Frontal Lobe, Cerebrospinal Fluid, Blood Brain Barrier, Medulla Oblongata, Cerebral Artery
28. EMOTN. REG. Emotional Regulation: Hippocampus, Entorhinal cortex, Amygdala #1, Amygdala #2
29. SP CRD CX Spinal Cord Complex: Spinal Cord #1, Spinal Cord#2, Spinal Cord #3
30. NERV. S-M Nervous System: Myelin Sheath, Nerve Tissue
31. TGN Trigeminal Nerve
32. ENCEPHL. Encephalitis (Brain Inflammation): Brain, Influenza, Influenza A, Influenza B
5. Other
33. EYE Eye
34. TOOTH Tooth
36. SALV GL SM Salivary Gland System: Salivary Gland#1, Salivary Gland#2, Parotid Gland #1, Parotid Gland #2
37. EAR S-M Ear System: Ear Inner, Ear Middle, Acoustic Nerve
38. SINUS S-M Sinus System: Maxillary Sinus, Frontal Sinus, Nasal Mucosa
39. RESPIR.S-M Respiratory system: Bronchi, Lung, Larynx, Trachea, Bronchioles
40. HEART S-M Heart System: Myocardium, Coronary Artery, Pericardium,
Latrodectus Mactans, Cactus Grandiflorus
41. VASC.S-M Vascular System: Capillary, Artery, Vein, Lymph Vessel
42. HI. ALTIT. High Altitude Ailments: Red Blood Cells, Lung
43. SKIN Skin
44. MSC-SKL S-M Musculoskeletal System: Spinal Disc, Short
and Long Bones, Knee Joint, Tendon, Periosteum, Striated Muscle, Fascia
45. CRN. B. FX. Cranial Bones, fracture
46. PREGNANCY Amniotic Fluid, Placenta, Endometrium


1. EMFs
47. EMF CX. Electro pollution from: TV, Computer, Residence, Car, Cell Phone
48. FL. LGHT Fluorescent Light (Worldwide)
49. DNT EMF Dental Electric Currents
2. Hg / 3. Metals
50. HG MD Mercury Metal/Dental
51. ORG. MRC CX. Organic Mercury Complex: Mercury Dimethyl,Methyl Chloride Mercury
52. HM Heavy Metals
4. Xenobiotics
53. POLLUTN. Pollutants: Airplane Pollutants, Industrial Pollutants, Xenobiotics
54. PESTC/HRBC Pesticides, Herbicides, Lawn pesticides, herbicides, toxic fertilizer
55. TOBCO SM Tobacco Smoke
56. ASBST. Asbestos
5. Radiation / 6. Iatrogenics
57. X-RAY X-Ray
58. ANTIBCS Antibiotics: AB, AB#2


7. Fungi / Molds
59. CAND. COMP. Candidiasis Complex: Candida Albicans, Candida Parapsilosis, Candida Tropicalis, Candida Krusei, Candida Glabrata
60. MOLD MX.CX Mold Mix Complex: Aspergilla Mix, Stachybotrys, mold Combinations – A, B, C
8. Parasites
61. WRMS/PRTZ. Helminthes/Flukes, Protozoa, other Protozoa

9. Bacteria / Intracellular Parasites
62. TRAVEL DIAR. Salmonella, Shigella Dysenteriae, E.Coli, Protozoa
63. EAR/SIN INF Ear & Sinus Infection: H. Influenzae, Strep Pneumonia, Influenza B, Streptoccocus A, Middle Ear, Staph Aureus, Candida Tropicalis
64. TOOTHACHE Toothache: Strep Viridans, Staph Peptostreptococcus
65. STREP THR. Strep Throat: Streptococcus A, Pharynx, Tonsils, Larynx
66. RESPR. INF. Respiratory Infection: Mycoplasma Pneumoniae, Streptococcus Pneumoniae, Influenza, Influenza A, Influenza B
67. CAMP/H PYL. Campylobacter/Helicobacter Pylori

68. URIN. TR. INF. Urinary Tract Infection: Escherichia Coli, Enterococci, Pseudomonas Aureginosa

69. STD Sexually Transmitted Disease:
Gonorrhea, Chlamydia Trachomatis, Gardnerella Vaginalis, Trichomonas Vaginalis, Ureaplasma Urealyticum
70. STAPH. INF. Staphylococcal Infection: Staphylococcus Aureus, Staphylococcus Epidermis #1, Staphylococcus Epidermis#2
71. LYME CMPL. Lyme Complex: Lyme #1, Lyme #2, Lyme #3, Lyme Tick
72. LYME CO-INF. Lyme Co-Infection Complex: Babesia #1, Babesia #2, Bartonella, Ehrlichia, Anaplasma Phagocytophylum
73. CAT BT. SCR. Cat Bite/Scratch: Bartonella Henselae #1, Bartonella Henselae #2, Staphylococcus Epidermis
74. MALARIA Plasmodium Malariae
75. MENINGOC. Meningitis Isode
76. TETANUS Clostridium tetani, Lachesis Muta
77. FLU COMPLX. Flu Complex: Influenza, Influenza A, Influenza B
10. Viruses
78. HERP. V. CX Herpes Virus Complex: Herpes Simplex, Herpes Zoster, Herpes Type 7, Chicken Pox
79. WEST N VR CX West Nile Virus Complex: West Nile Encephalitis #1, West Nile Encephalitis #2, West Nile Mosquito
80. BIRD FLU Bird Flu


81. ALRG.AN.H. Allergy Animal Hair
82. CHLOR./POOL Allergy, Reaction to Chlorinated Water, Swimming Pool, Burning: Eye, Skin, GI tract
83. FD. ALLG. Food Allergy
84. MSG Monosodium Glutamate
85. HAY FEVER Pollen-Hay Fever, Northeast allergens, Southwest allergens, Allium Cepa
86. SULFIDES Sulfides


87. AUT. ISODE Indications for auto-isode use
88. PSN IVY CX Poison Ivy Complex
89. CANC TS. Cancerous Tissue
90. KIDN. STN. Kidney Stones
91. ALCH/SG Alcohol/Sugar blues: Alcohol, Sugar, Nux Vomica
92. NUTR. DEF. Nutrient Deficiency: Mineral, Trace Elements, Vitamin, Protein, Fatty Acids
93. TRAUMA Trauma, Injury
94. RESCUE Rescue Remedy


The following recommendations and items for travel might be considered in order to raise health resistance against certain adverse factors.

  1. Betadine solution, from a drug store, to apply to prevent or treat skin infections, following scratches, cuts, wounds, boils or infected finger or toenails. Usual application of betadine – 2-3 times daily, until complete healing. This is not a substitute for standard medical care. In case of allergy to betadine, you may alternatively use Calendula tincture.
  2. Memon devices on person and for hotel/residence use.
  3. To unplug as many EMF generating devices as possible, starting with TV.
  4. To minimize consumption of sweets and alcohol.
  5. To administer small portion of plain yoghurt, or kefir, or probiotics following such consumptions.
  6. Bring along glandulars such as Thymex, Thymus, and Immuplex in order to test through bio-resonance testing for possible need, in case of infection.
  7. Bring along a few empty dropper bottles (e.g. 2 per person) that can be used to make auto-isodes in case of need.
  8. FCT and constitutional homeopathic treatment prior to travel.


All potencies are 30X unless indicated otherwise

C1. BEE STING (Apis) Bee sting (pain, allergy to), anaphylactic shock, redness and swelling Apis mellifica
C2. RTL. SN. VEN. (Crot-h) Rattlesnake bite/venom Crotalus horridus
C3. BITES POIS. (Lach,Rab) Bites of snakes, spiders, dogs, poisonous insects Lachesis muta, Rabies Vaccine
C4. STING (Medus,Urt-u) Sting by a jellyfish, hives Medusa, Urtica urens
C5. INJURY (Arn, Bell-p) Body and organ injury, bruises, soreness, bleeding wounds, after & before surgery Arnica montana, Bellis perennis
C6. INJ. HEAD (Nat-s) Head injury Natrum sulphuricum (Nat sulph)
C7. INJ. SHARP (Led) Penetrating injury with sharp objects (tick, nail, needle) Ledum palustre
C8. INJ. NRV. (Hyp) Injury to finger tips/nerve endings, tooth ache with radiating neuralgic pain Hypericum perforatum
C9. INJ. PERI. (Symph) Periosteum injury Symphytum officinale
C10. INJ. EYE (Euphr) Injury to the eye Euphrasia officinalis
C11. SPRAINS (Rhus-t,Bry,Ruta) Sprains Rhus toxicodendron (Rhus tox), Bryonia alba, Ruta graveolens
C12. PANIC/FEAR (Acon) Panic, intense fear, fright, psychological shock Aconitum napellus (Aconite)
C13. FLYING/CLOS. (Arg-n) Fear of flying, closed spaces Argentum nitricum
C14. BURNS (Canth,Urt-u) Burns from fire, water, etc. Cantharis vesicatoria, Urtica urens
C15. SUNBURN (Sol) Sunburn Sol
C16. FROSTB. (Acon,Sk,Cap) Frostbite, mild and severe Aconitum nappelus (Aconite), Skin, Capillary
C17. ABSCESS (Hepar+) Abscess, boils, slow wound healing, suppuration Hepar sulphuris calcareum (Hepar sulph), Pyrogenium, Mercurius solubilis, Calcarea carbonica, Lymph
C18. FOOD POIS. (Ars) Food poisoning with diarrhea Arsenicum album
C19. WKN. DIARH. (Verat) Weakness with watery diarrhea Veratrum album, Ceanothus americanus
C20. COLDS (All-c,Dulc) Nasal colds with discharge Allium cepa, Dulcamara
C21. FLU (Gels) Flu generally, with severe weakness and lethargy Gelsemium sempervirens
C22. FLU PAIN (Eup-per) Flu with intense body pains Eupatorium perfoliatum
C23. VACC. SE. (Sil,Thuj) Ill effect of vaccination Silicea terra (Silica), Thuja occidentalis
C24. FOREIGN BD. (Sil) Foreign object lodged in the body – splinter, needle, dirt in eye, other Silicea terra (Silica)
C25. RESP. DIF. (Ant-t) Respiratory difficulty from drowning, aspiration of fluid, or wet chesty cough Antimonium tartaricum
C26. MOT./SEA S. (Cocc) Motion sickness, seasickness, vertigo Cocculus indicus


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