
9. Probiotic Kit Plus

Announcement of a new bio-resonance testing kit:


Probiotic Kit Plus

The related information to this kit and its major sections:

  1. Normal gut microflora and its importance in health and disease

    1. Facts that are known.
      This recent statement in World Journal of Gastroenterology publication leaves little doubt of an importance of our microbial gut flora or microbiota for health.

      “Relation between the gut microbiota and human health is being increasingly recognised. It is now well established that a healthy gut flora is largely responsible for overall health of the host…The normal gut microbiota imparts specific function in host nutrient metabolism, xenobiotic and drug metabolism, maintenance of structural integrity of the gut mucosal barrier, immunomodulation, and protection against pathogens… Microbiota includes not just bacteria, but also such as fungi, archaea, viruses, and protozoans. Significant interest have evolved on the gut microbiota in the recent years within the scientific community; and the gut microbiota have been associated with a large array of human diseases ranging from inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), metabolic diseases such obesity and diabetes, allergic disease to neurodevelopmental illnesses…” (Role of normal gut microbiota. Jandhyala, et. al. World Journal of Gastroenerology. 2015. 21(29): 8787-8803)

      This and other sources also list:
      Constipation; bloating; food, chemical, and other environmental allergies; leaky gut; asthma; eczema; kidney stones; lipid and carbohydrate metabolism; malfunctions of local and systemic immunity; impaired or accelerated metabolism of medicines resulting either in their side effects or excessive clearance; impaired synthesis of vitamin K and certain B vitamins; insufficient protection against gastrointestinal infections; systemic inflammation affecting any organ or tissue; autoimmune disorders; production of endotoxins; colon cancer; and even interactions with our genes.

      Considering that antibiotic prescriptions range in the hundreds of millions annually and are routinely found in all animal products, including dairy and even some fruit and city water, the damage to human gut flora has become imminent and endemic.

    2. Facts that are presumed.
      Supplementation with the broad spectrum probiotics of high quality and colony count is beneficial for everybody.
    3. Facts that remain generally unknown, yet are very important.
      There are about 500-1,000 and some recent sources suggest even as many as 35,000 different species of microflora with the combined number of 100 trillion.  The main physiologic principle of their function for health is not based on the presumed and widely promoted premise of ‘the more the better’, but on mutual balance and synergism.  Besides, as it has been taught for years by FCT and backed by scientific evidence, microbiota, particularly parasitic and yeast organisms, commonly sequester toxic metals and release them when killed, whether by probiotics or other treatments.  In light of these facts, FCT, has advocated for many years a strictly individualized and cautious use of probiotics, which can only be achieved through individualized bio-resonance testing, guided by proper medical knowledge or mental software of a practitioner.  Not as a total surprise, one of the foremost researchers in the field of gut microflora, NYU professor of infectious diseases, director of the Human Microbiome Program, and Chair for the clinical research at NIH and NCI, Martin J. Blaser, MD, confirms this point in his recent book (2014), where he implicates antibiotics in reducing or entirely eliminating certain gut species, and emphasizes their strictly individualized, not machine gun, use:

      I’m not dismissing probiotics.  In fact, I think they will be very important in future disease prevention and treatment, but we need to have a much stronger scientific base for their efficacy.  Which organisms exactly should we put back into our bodies?  Maybe your lost bacteria are different from mine.  How do we know what is suppressed in you or in danger of extinction?  Since antibiotics suppress or eliminate some microbes, I predict that in coming years we’ll give people probiotics as a form of standard care to accompany the course of needed antibiotics.  But first we must understand which microbes we’re dealing with.” (Missing Microbes: How the Overuse of Antibiotics is Fueling Our Modern Plagues.  Blaser, Martin J.  Henry Holt and Company, LLC. 2014)

      The individual nature of gut microbiota and use of probiotics is also stressed, in the already cited article, that human gut microflora is not uniform but varies with age, diet, a person’s individual history of antibiotic intake, and even geographical and seasonal factors!  With the stool tests reflecting only a meager fraction of the gut flora and not accounting for individual variations, to know which exact species are missing or suppressed, as stressed by Professor Blasser, is impossible to answer.  Likewise, whether the current mass supplementation with probiotics increases the microflora’s balance, or imbalance by over-supplementing the unnecessary flora, while under-supplementing the missing species is anyone’s guess.  Thus, we are back to this bitter but unavoidable pill of individualized/personalized medicine that can be practiced only based on proper bio-resonance testing and strategy.

    From here, this probiotic kit is a good place to start, as I have accrued a very interesting and gratifying experience with my patients and myself, where an individualized prescription has produced far superior results than just mixed or kitchen sink type of probiotic formulas.  For time’s sake, here is one example from an individualized probiotic prescription, based on bio-resonance testing: “I should add that the probiotic you sent me has worked better than any other probiotic I have ever used.”  Mr. JS.  However, in a few, some 5-10% of patients, mixed probiotic formulas can be necessary, and that is why the kit includes two filters representing such mixtures of the most common gut bacteria, Blend 1 and Blend 2.

    The reasons for my choosing probiotics of Signature Supplements for the kit, for both my patients and my family, are that these are high quality and also far more resistant to room temperature or absence of immediate refrigeration than others, which significantly prolongs their biological activity.  They also agreed, upon my request, to limit colony amount to a lower number, or 5 billion vs. the 10-20 billion per serving that other companies use, for safety purposes, in order to minimize excessive release of toxic metals.  While one can always add an extra capsule or two, one cannot subtract anything from an already consumed excessive dose. Also, for the quality, their price cannot be matched.*

    *When you order these, mention FCT and you will receive a 5% discount.

    As a disclaimer, SYY Integrated Health Systems, Ltd. derives no financial gain from your orders with this or any other company listed here, whose products we recommend based purely on their merits.

    These microbes or their sources, I have found, through bio-resonance testing and patients’ feedback, to be a potential and very likely cause of the corresponding food cravings and actual infections.  This may not be such a novelty, considering the fact that microbial cultures are routinely used for some foods that many people routinely consume.  In Webinar 52, I have already presented a very gratifying clinical experience, in this regard, with Saccharomyces Cerevisiae.  Among other interesting examples, just recently I tested a patient whose chronic sinus congestion had much improved on FCT, but was not gone.  Even though the patient has been free from alcohol consumption for many years, bio-resonance testing ‘strangely’ indicated beer yeast related infection in her sinuses.  Just as ‘strangely’, she said: “How interesting, I used to be a heavy beer drinker in my young years”, which I did not know of.
    As per FCT experience and instructions, I have found glandular-organ preparations as indispensable for support and repair of damaged and malfunctioned organs, with the latter being the ultimate source of all chronic diseases.  Besides the immune our emphasis is also on the endocrine system as the ultimate energy powerhouse of the body, which is indispensable in the treatment of chronic and acute infections, from Lyme to parasites or EBV, herpes and other, because an underpowered immune system is not a good system.  Likewise, even our brain or emotions, without proper energy supply, are only as good as half-charged batteries.  These particular products have been chosen over the years for their superior quality over others:

    26. CHLOR. COMP. → Good and safe (many other chlorophyll products may contain mercury) for bowel cleansing and binding toxic metals.
    27. ECHIN-C → Good for acute infections
    28. ELEUTH & 29. WILD YAM → Good as pro-hormonal precursors
    30. ZYMEX & 31. ZYPAN → Good for impaired secretion of correspondingly digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acid, while its causes are being addressed with FCT.

In the next webinar, #53, we will start introducing the general beneficial health properties of different gut microbiota, their corresponding probiotics, and related information.

This kit will be used for hands-on testing in our upcoming November 5th-6th bio-resonance testing seminar with special emphasis for the proper determination of effective and safe doses of probiotics against parasitic, yeast and bacterial infections.  See www.yurkovsky.com for the seminar details.

For information regarding orders: https://www.yurkovsky.com/zzz-bio-resonance-testing-tools/.

Also, I will add an interesting but very practical puzzle to this event: In spite of FCT certainly having a history of being a superior medical system, which is also reflected by enthusiastic patient’s referrals, WHY is it likely to be abandoned by patients, even to their detriment?  There are four major reasons to this, which we need to effectively address with our patients.

All the best,
Dr. Yurkovsky
Integrated Health Systems, Ltd


Click Here for more information on the Probiotic Kit Plus contents.


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