
1. Basic Kit

Bio-Resonance Test Kit

Basic Kit

119 Vials

1. Test C- 2x Test Control
2. Vital. 30x Vitality
3. EMF 12x Electro-Magnetic Field
3a. Magn.F. 12x Magnetic Field
4. EM/Geop.12x Combined Electro-Magnetic & Earth Fields
5. Geop.St. 12x Geopathic Stress
6. Reg-N 6x Regulation
7. Scar 6x Scar Block
8. In. Adp. Ts. 9x Internal Fat Tissue
9. RBC- 9x Red Blood Cell
10. Hmpt.Z. 9x Hematopoetic Zone
11. Lymph 6x Lymph
12. Cn.T. 9x Connective Tissue
13a. 1.Str.Org. The 1st Most Stressed Organ
13b. 2.Str.Org. The 2nd Most Stressed Organ
13c. 3.Str.Org. The 3rd Most Stressed Organ
13d. 4.Str.Org. The 4th Most Stressed Organ
13e. 5.Str.Org. The 5th Most Stressed Organ
13f. 6.Str.Org. The 6th Most Stressed Organ
13g. 7.Str.Org. The 7th Most Stressed Organ
13h. 8.Str.Org. The 8th Most Stressed Organ
13i. 9.Str.Org. The 9th Most Stressed Organ
13j. 10.Str.Org. The 10th Most Stressed Organ
14a. 1.Dgn.Org. The 1st Most Degenerative Organ
14b. 2.Dgn. Org. The 2nd Most Degenerative Organ
14c. 3.Dgn.Org. The 3rd Most Degenerative Organ
14d. 4.Dgn.Org. The 4th Most Degenerative Organ
14e. 5.Dgn.Org. The 5th Most Degenerative Organ
15. Neopl. 12x Neoplasm
16. CM 12x Cell Membrane
17. Res 9x Reticulo-Endothelial System
18. Rad.Tox. 12x Radioactive Toxins
19. Meznch. 12x Mezenchyme
20. N Ax. 6x Cellular Autonomic Axon
21. Tot. B. 6x Total Body
22. Head 6x Head
23. Thrt.-Nk. 6x Throat Neck
24. Chest 6x Chest
25. Abdom. 6x Abdomen
26. Pelvis 6x Pelvis
27. Crn-Scr. 6x Cranio-Sacral
28. Spin.Cd. 6x Spinal Chord
29. Sppt. Ap. 6x Supporting Apparatus
30. Art. S-M. 6x Arterial System
31. Brain 6x Brain
32. Hpth. 6x Hypothalamus
33. Pit. 6x Pituitary
34. Pin. 6x Pineal
35. Emotn. C. 6x Emotional Center
36. Cran. B. 6x Cranial Bones
37. TMJ 6x TMJ
38. Atlas 6x Atlas
39. Sinus 6x Sinuses
40. Tooth 6x Tooth
41. Tonsls 6x Tonsils
42. Thyrd. 6x Thyroid
43. Parath. 6x Parathyroid
44. Thymus 6x Thymus
45. Bronchi 6x Bronchi
46. Lung 6x Lung
47. Mam. Gl.6x Mammary Gland
48. Cor 6x Heart
49. Liver 6x Liver
50. GB/BD 6x Gall Bladder/Bile Ducts
51. Pancr. 6x Pancreas
52. Stomch. 6x Stomach
53. Si 6x Small Intestine
54. Li 6x Large Intestine
55. Appndx. 6x Appendix
56. Kidney 6x Kidney
57. Spleen 6x Spleen
58. Adrnl. 6x Adrenal Gland
59. Prost. 6x Prostate
60. Testes. 6x Testicles
61. Uter/Ov. 6x Uterus/Ovaries
62. UB/Urthr. 6x Urinary Bladder/Urethra
63. Skin 6x Skin
64. HM 6x Heavy Metals
65. Xenob. 9x Xenobiotics
66. Allum.M. 6x Aluminum
67. Cd.M. 9x Cadmium
68. Hg Viv. 9x Mercury – Mixed
69. Merc. Sol. 9x Mercury – Quick Silver
70. Pb-Met. 12x Lead
71. Asbst. 12x Asbestos
72. Envm. Tx. 12x Environmental Pollutants
73. Pestc. 12x Pesticide
74. Herbc. 12x Herbicide
75. Solvnt. 12x Solvents
76. Pnt-D. 12x Paint Dyes
77. Trauma 12x Trauma/Injury
78. X-R 12x X-Rays
79. Ab 12x Antibiotic Residues
80. Pharm. 12x Drug Side Effects Or Abuse
81. Vacc. 12x Vaccination Side Effects
82. Supplm. 3x Vitamin Or Supplement Side Effects
83. Bact. 6x Bacterial Infection
84. Virs. 6x Viral Infection
85. Min. 6x Mineral Deficiency
86. Tr. El. 6x Trace Elements Deficiency
87. Vit. 6x Vitamin Deficiency
88. Prot. 6x Protein Deficiency
89. Fa 6x Fatty Acids Deficiency
90. Protoz. 6x Parasitic Infection
91. Helmnt. 6x Worms Infection
92. Dysb. 6x Intestinal Dysbiosis
93. PP 9x Peyer’s Patch
94. LI Tox. 6x Large Intestine Toxic Residue
95. DNA 9x DNA
96. WBC 9x White Blood Cell Activity
97. Ion.Rad.12x Ionizing Radiation
98. Penicl. 12x Penicillin
99. Tetrac. 12x Tetracyclin
100. Sulfon. 12x Sulfonamides
101. DPT 12x DPT
102. MMR 12x MMR
103. Polio 12x Polio
104. Fd. Allg. 12x Food Allergy
105. CAPL. 9X Capillary
106. BLOOD 12X Blood

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