
When did your disease actually begin and what to expect and not expect from the right treatment?

While many people logistically clock the onset of their disease to the day when signs of that disease caused a noticeable change in their wellbeing, whether after a Lyme carrying tick, fluoroquinolone antibiotic or without any visible reason, commonly these events were just “the last straw.” The preceeding straws have been piling up in the body since birth. This is because that practically all babies are born already having been poisoned with toxic agents, and, often, infected, too. From that day on, our bodies, in the absence of correct treatments, only continue to accumulate more poisons, infections and other morbid assaults. Therefore, a correct treatment cannot be some magic rod that instantly makes one feel better by just touching us, but a gradual and consistent process that properly addresses all of the main morbid disease feeding layers, which have accrued over a life time. The treatment must also consider making the toxic release stages as tolerable or comfortable as possible, and to adjust it to the individual person’s health, level of tolerance, weakness and lifestyle. That is why the goal is not rushing to produce some special effects or speedy dramatic results, but, to produce a safe, gentle, steady and effective healing process. A good old rule for sound and safe driving – “Keep one foot on the gas and the other on the brake” – applies here fully. The example, below, illustrates the causalities of breaking the rule of the brake pedal and rushing to speed up the recovery.

Hi Dr. Yurkovsky, 

It has been several months since we last spoke and since I was on the FCT therapy. In the meantime, I did obtain an FCT remedy from my local ND for parasites and the response I had was very significant. I had vaginal/vulva swelling, rectal and vaginal itching so much that I was up all night with it, some mental/emotional issues i.e. a lot of depression, irritability and anxiety, my inflammation all over was really bad for days, I had insomnia and sharp, throbbing, shooting pain in my gut….the list of reactive symptoms goes on.  What was most compelling and concerning was that my hands broke out in what I believe were small warts….30 or more all over my fingers. They would come and go each day.

 I wonder if we could arrange to have a discussion about moving forward together?

She was given the same parasite remedy before but in much lower potencies in order to avoid the kind of drastic toxic release as she described in this email. Unfortunately, she preferred a faster course.

The illustrations below reflect the strictly individual nature of even the seemingly identical chronic disease, as presented by their different underlying roots.

Disease 1
Disease 2

It is the combined constructive efforts of the sound treatment and the patient which are directed not at a disease surface but cutting off the very roots of disease that matter in the defeat of disease. Based on this model of the essence of disease, its optimal treatment does not constitute some ‘natural’ or other medical recipes for the sick leaves and branches on the surface, but a capable saw that can saw off its roots through a gradual and consistent process. The depth and extension of the roots plus the aforementioned factors, including compliance, will determine the total timing of the cutting process.

When uncertainty leads to certainty.

Understandably, one who is unfamiliar in dealing with complex problems using the scientific process may find so many uncertainties as something that is too vague to accomplish the work. However, it is just the opposite because science deems knowing and accounting for uncertainties as the prerequisites for success. This is similar to one crossing a minefield knowing where the mines might be hidden but without knowing their exact number, versus walking through this minefield with confidence but without being aware of the mines even being present. That is why science deems that when ‘one begins in (informed) uncertainty he will end up in certainty but starting with (alleged) certainty (that lacks the necessary facts and being only a false certainty) ends one in uncertainty,’ e.g., empty handed.

This is also similar to fixing a failed economy, while one cannot know the exact date of its recovery due to many variables or factors involved, yet if the correct measures continue addressing the reasons for or causes of failure the recovery will take place. Here is a concrete case of a patient where I was certain that due to some strong factors working against his medical problem that the recovery would not even be possible, yet it occurred simply because the treatment kept addressing the detected causes of his compromised health.

Even though Mr. H was making progress in his other medical problems, from the age of 64, his sex life came to a halt. The problems with desire, achieving and maintaining an erection or experiencing orgasm continued and all became complete for several years. I thought this was all due to the known age-related reduction of testosterone in men. However, an easy way out – administration of testosterone or its precursors, such as DHEA or aphrodisiacs – were not an option because these might aggravate his prostate cancer. While homeopathic treatment for detected toxicological and infectious agents in his testicles and prostate did not seem to produce any immediate sexual boosts, I continued treating his body for other abnormalities, as detected by bio-resonance testing. Lo and behold, Mr. H and Mrs. H advised me that following his most recent treatment he experienced a sexual awakening with renewed ability to have quality sex at least twice a week and consistently for months with all of the lost functions being fully recovered. When I examined his last treatment it did not contain either homeopathics or any supplements that had anything to do directly with the reproductive system. Yet, his recovery was obviously due to the treachery of complexity – interconnectedness and interdependence between all organs and systems – where removing causes of seemingly unrelated problems creates a rippling effect throughout the entire system, thus benefiting the compromised function directly or indirectly. As the result, it explains the seemingly irrational end result of this case where a 67 year old man, who is supposed to have even less testosterone and related sex function than when he was three years younger, completely recovered his sex life. There is no question that the previous and seemingly unproductive, at the time, treatments have all contributed to this as being a part of the consistent and global roots cutting process of his global disease.

  • In medicine, as in no other area of life, our innate desire to avoid effort costing decisions plays a perfect example of “penny wise, pound foolish”, that we downplay with a comforting excuse, that something is “too complicated and simpler things are just as good”.  The followers of the AIM industry choose to consume dozens of pills a day since it is based on a simple idea not requiring ‘complicated’ efforts, without ever bothering to check if the idea has even ever worked well.  Those who follow the conventional medical method prefer ‘simple’ treatments ‒ medications for cholesterol, blood pressure, or whatever ‒ as long as extra efforts in changing diet, lack of exercise or excess of electronics use are avoided. In the meantime, as all of these simple medical consumptions continue, so does the erosion of health with acquisition of more diseases. Either way, we tend to prefer ‘simple’ options, at the expense of denying new important evidence.  In the recent book, “Denying to the Grave: Why We Ignore the Facts that Will Save Us” by Sara E. Gorman, PhD, MPH and Jack M. Gorman, MD, “the authors argue that the health sciences are especially vulnerable to our innate resistance to integrating new concepts with pre-existing beliefs.”  The reason is that, as the authors state, “…our habits prefer simple things and the avoidance of complexity because dealing with complexity requires considerable mental energy,” that for some means just a little sacrifice in a chosen hobby.  In health sciences or medicine, the trap for seemingly getting away with preferring simple things is particularly deep.  It is because that the punishment, such as a serious and even terminal disease, does not happen immediately, but later. In the meantime, the subconscious lullaby keeps playing the comforting tune, “nothing bad happened to me yesterday, nothing bad happened to me today, so, why worry about tomorrow?”  There are only a few concrete examples from this medical practice of many victims of such tunes.
  • Professor A was treated by me years ago and advised continue to address no the still remaining toxic pollutants in his body, while his elevated blood pressure was decreasing along with his blood pressure drug.  However, he deemed that avoiding computer activity for only a few weekends a quarter was ‘too complicated’ for him, plus according to the prevailing wishful medical thinking, he had only elevated blood pressure but was ‘healthy’, otherwise. For these reasons, he discontinued FCT in favor of a ‘simple’ AIM recipe with ‘natural’ supplements for his high blood pressure, and continued on just as ‘simple’ medication approach.  Lo and behold, nothing bad happened to him shortly after.  However, a few years later, he returned because the remaining and newly added environmental pollutants in his body had made his life far more complicated than just a few computer-free weekends. He no longer came in just by himself but was accompanied by his adult daughter, in order to correctly present all of his accrued medical problems because his mental function could no longer be trusted.  In addition, he developed neurological disease, one of potential fatality as Parkinson’s, erectile dysfunction, low thyroid requiring a drug, increase in blood pressure requiring more drugs, their side effects, and a decrease in energy level.  Fortunately, this all was resolved after only three FCT treatments, with his Parkinson’s symptoms vanishing and his sex-life exploding. However, the positive response might have taken longer or been limited depending on how much irreversible damage to his organs have already occurred, by then.  It is to note that his wife, who had been sick for many years prior to starting FCT at the same time as he did, has gained excellent health over the same time period, as he was getting sicker.  
  • A practically identical story with another couple in their 60s, where quite a sick wife, while continuing FCT has regained good health, yet a seemingly healthy husband dropped his treatment following only one visit, even while he was advised that bio-resonance testing suggested that his coronary arteries were energetically compromised.  He ignored it because an ‘inconvenience’ of minimizing electronics made a ‘simple’ deal of healthy diet, exercise and supplements good enough.  However, a few years later, his wife notified me that he was rushed by an ambulance to the hospital with a heart attack which, luckily, did not kill him.  Yet, the rest of his life, in all likelihood, will be shortened because of him having to live with a damaged heart.     
  • Other examples to illustrate that while examining and addressing all of the aforementioned factors may look “too complicated”, following this process properly is the only approach that works, unless one prefers doing “simple” things forever because of lack of true healing, and at a much higher expense.  As stated by a recent new patient who has gotten nowhere, as usual, by doing simple things: “After just a few treatments with FCT, I have made much more progress than in 10 years on alternative and integrative medicine on which I have spent, at least, $100,000 out of pocket.”  
  • On the other hand, a young man’s progress didn’t seem to hold, on this treatment for about a good year, yet he stuck with it and it paid off.  The reason for him not abandoning it was, likely, due to the fact that for the first time in 12 years, he started feeling normal, and discontinued all of his psychotropic medications, as the result.  Yet, even while feeling much better on the whole, he kept regressing due to persistent mercury poisoning, as suggested by bio-resonance testing.  In the absence of him having mercury fillings, I suspected a block to the treatment, due to a re-exposure from some source.  Since the second most common source of mercury is seafood, I had him bring all seafood that he was consuming.  The bio-resonance testing suggested that the culprit was sardines, and it so happened that he was consuming them almost daily, out of convenience.  After he had completely stopped eating them, not only did he completely recovered, but also stated that the sharp, burning pains in his stomach, which he often experienced, have never returned.  
  • Middle aged Mrs. B had the following conditions before she started my treatment years ago: Hashimoto thyroiditis and general autoimmune condition, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, migraines, panic attacks, depression, heart palpitations, diabetes type 2, hypertension, brain fog, poor short term memory, gastrointestinal bloating, hypoglycemia, esophageal reflux, and intolerance of carbohydrates to a degree of becoming, practically, comatose.  She saw, over the years, endocrinologists, rheumatologists, gastroenterologist, cardiologist, psychiatrist, internist and neurologist.  She was recommended to go on many medications on a chronic basis:  thyroid hormone, prednisone, anti-inflammatory, painkillers, anti-diabetes, anti-arrhythmic, anti-anxiety, anti-depression, anti-migraine, anti-acids.  She tried some alternative approaches but without success.  Yet, today, while continuing only quarterly FCT health maintenance she does not need to take any of those medications, since she has none of those conditions and enjoys a normal life, even while consuming sweets, at times, which she would be completely crashing from, before. Certainly, not all of her problems were solved after a few visits, but gradually over the years, due to age, severity and depth of her toxicities and infections, as well as very negative and draining emotional family environment, which she was compensating for by eating sweets, which drained her further.  Logistically, because of this lengthy process she could have quit at any time, but she did not and it paid off.  

To conclude simply, all sound approaches toward any serious problem focus primarily on their fundamentals with the choice of correct means to address these.  

In medicine, these fundamentals are:

  1. The main causes of disease
  2. The effective diagnostic and therapeutic means to address these.  

The great majority of medical practitioners and patients do not appreciate the value of these two as the only capable package, against disease.  Having just one without the other, does not amount to just 50% success, but to total failure plus harm.

On the whole, avoiding fundamentals equals avoiding solutions to problems.  As a well-known example, this is the reason why the most successful market investor, Warren Buffet, has outperformed, in the long run, those institutions and ‘savvy’ investors who sought quick riches.  His answer for the ‘secret formula’ has always remained the same, over decades, “I only pay attention to the fundamentals.”  And this is the main reason that after decades of analyzing all of the approaches in AIM, I use only this medical system for my family and my own health as the only one that works.  

When should I start getting worried about the state of the disease and call it quits?

When we still have a disease but bio-resonance testing does not detect sufficient causes to explain it. Fortunately, I have never encountered this only very rarely.

The following general patterns of recovery process were observed when the patient’s compliance level corresponded to the extent of the roots or severity of their disease.

The title of this page is an exact quote of a patient who felt discouraged for the first two years of her treatment, yet to only subsequently become one of its most grateful vocal supporters. Certainly, the period of discouragement might have been substantially shortened had she taken heed to my advice to drastically reduce her computer exposure, and stop falling off the bandwagon by eating sweets.  She shared in person her initially discouraging experience with the two separate groups of medical practitioners, at my office, on April 23 and May 13, 2015. Furthermore, her successful story was also fully supported by conventional lab tests. The latter demonstrated that her chronically low platelet count, which puzzled her hematologist, had completely normalized, her chronic and severe hypothyroidism was cured and her abnormal cholesterol and triglyceride levels became normal, too. As importantly, her quality of life was completely restored. While her hypothyroidism was being treated she was gradually taken off her thyroid hormone, and nutritional supplements for ‘thyroid support’, which prompted her prescribing integrative physician to abandon her care, as a hopeless case, due to my irrational management. Yet this ‘irrational management’ was simply eliminating suppressive treatments, which only hides deeper unresolved problems, while addressing the real underlying causes of her total disease. It should be kept in mind that as much as a replacement with thyroid, adrenals or sex hormones can certainly add to better functioning, it is still our own hormones as well as other innate components of our body chemistry, not administered supplements or hormones, that the receptors of our cells recognize as the most biologically compatible and respond to with the optimal physiological response and well-being.

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