
What is the underlying basic problem behind the majority of such conventional and alternative medical approaches?

It has to be either that chronic disease really is of a much deeper nature than is taught in conventional or alternative medicine, or that it has been treated with ineffective therapeutic means, or both. From my observations, both is the case. As mentioned above conventional medical scientists have already admitted that the current view of chronic diseases, as proposed by Sir William Osler, MD in the 19th century, remains grossly outdated. (http://meet43636227.adobeconnect.com/p84ukx24zd3/) This by and of itself is an insurmountable obstacle to solving their current epidemics.

Other important handicaps concerning chronic diseases brought up in scientific medical literature are: the failure to determine their true causes, the inability to offer individualized treatments and properly address disease as a complex multisystemic pathological network, (referred to as system biology) versus just fragmented symptoms and laboratory abnormalities based approaches.

In relation to the problem concerning causes of disease, as correctly stated by the former editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), Lester King, MD, in his book, Medical Thinking, conventional medical diagnosis is unable to determine these and, thus, successfully treat and prevent most of the chronic diseases. He also pointed out correctly, and as confirmed by my bio-resonance testing and years of clinical experience, that these causes are present in a multilayered and mutually sustained fashion. As this multisystemic pathological network generates thousands of abnormal findings, determining and deciding how best to diagnose, choose among and treat these matters the most.

Concerning an absence of individualized treatments, conventional medicine refers to an absence of gene therapies or approaches to address individual genetic malfunctions, which are the case with all of us, in different degrees.

Unfortunately, neither alternative nor integrative medicine even acknowledge these and many other deficiencies in their practices and just sustain the hype of ‘natural’, ‘new’ and ‘better’ treatments. Speaking of genes, the new science of epigenetics has established that our genes may malfunction even without any structural breakdown inside of them, but due to various morbid agents which can confuse genes’ function by acting from cells’ peripheries or outside of the actual genes. So, individualized medical approaches can also be those which can properly determine and address these toxins. This can be carried out through skillful bio-resonance testing, causative homeopathy* and proper lifestyle guidance.

* The Power of Digital Medicine by Savely Yurkovsky, MD: https://www.yurkovsky.com/
Are these abnormal findings the ones which have actually caused disease or just the shadows of the real causes?But in the meantime, what chronic disease even is, by the strict criteria of science, remains a virtual mystery. It is because that in spite of numerous diagnostic tests, or research detecting a high number of different abnormal findings in disease, such findings usually do not answer questions which are crucial to solving problems in science. Among these questions:

  • Are there other important, or more important undetected abnormal findings because doctors did not order the right tests, or laboratory tests cannot even detect these?
  • This leaves the only way to determine what has actually caused disease only if the treatment of the detected morbid agents has resulted in its successful and long term resolution or substantial progress, versus short term suppression of symptoms, which would not be expected otherwise. This is the same as confirming that the poliovirus was the real cause of poliomyelitis versus just some associated abnormal lab finding, only by successfully preventing poliomyelitis through the polio vaccine. Likewise, only documented reversals of chronic diseases, e.g., confirmed by objective medical tests, as well as consistent substantial progress in the reduction of reported symptoms of disease can validate that the identified morbid agents and findings were very likely the actual causes of disease.

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