
The curse of suppressive treatments


Samuel Hahnemann, MD. (1755 – 1843)

Founder of Homeopathy.

The concept of suppression, or just extinguishing the smoke in disease, was further developed by the founder of classical homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann, MD, in the 18th century. By suppression, he wisely referred to any treatment, conventional, or alternative including wrong applications of homeopathy, which in the short run have led to reduction in the signs of disease, yet later, to worse diseases and premature death. So, it was only logical, considering that an average human life spans for many decades, not for a few months or years, that Dr. Hahnemann had distinguished treatments where patients’ long term well-being, along with quality of life and its longevity were sacrificed for the sake of short term improvement of symptoms. Such treatments he named suppressive. Practically 100% of bio-chemical treatments, drugs or ‘natural’, are suppressive and those ‘natural’ that attempt to chelate, detoxify, or bind are unsafe.

While classical homeopathy can be invaluable, under certain circumstances, it is no longer able to fulfill Hahnemann’s hope to successfully treat chronic diseases in severely poisoned modern populations, still his concept of suppressive treatments and their fooling nature remains fully valid. Its importance must be taught to every MD, and especially to alternative practitioners who have deluded themselves that ‘natural treatments’ can do no harm while countless observations have indicated that these cause even more harm than conventional drugs.* Besides and scientifically speaking, ‘natural treatments’ do not even exist because anything that is man-made can no longer be natural and even if it was, poisonous mushrooms and plants or snake venoms are natural, too, and so are tsunamis.

*Many real cases of this, along with the explanations of why alternative medicine has become more hazardous than conventional medicine have been presented in Dr. Yurkovsky’s Webinars: https://www.yurkovsky.com/webinar-001/

Are the suppressions real, and what is Hering’s law and its role in breeding and recovering from diseases?


Constantine Hering, MD. (1800 – 1880)

Medical researcher, homeopath.

There are at least two firmly established facts which make both suppressions and their harm credible and logical. One is well-known in homeopathic practice, Hering’s law encompassing over 200 years of observations which have consistently demonstrated the link between suppressions of milder diseases leading to the emergence of more severe ones in millions of patients. Consistent observations have always been the well accepted and valid tools in science. The peculiar observations of Hering’s law can be equated with setting a person’s disease to travel back in time where troubling symptoms and never fully resolved medical conditions, stockpiled over the lifetime, keep returning following correct homeopathic treatment. This travel back in time into unresolved layers of diseases which have been stuck in the body like the layers of facial tissues in a box, is a process that is vital to true recovery and cannot be produced by any other treatment but only certain types of homeopathy. Beware, that most homeopathic approaches cannot produce Hering’s law and can be outright dangerous. The essence of Hering’s law is that while treatments, in the past, were suppressing or making milder diseases disappear from the surface and more severe ones emerge, the proper homeopathic treatment has produced just the opposite. As more severe diseases and conditions were resolved on the proper homeopathic treatment the milder, suppressed ones returned in succession, going back to childhood. As an example, as seizures, bronchial asthma, or tumors were regressing, these were succeeded by eczema, sinus or intestinal discharges, allergies and others, which had been suppressed by unphysiologic superficial treatments, in their time.

The other fact is related to medical physiology where metabolic wastes are pushed out by our cells, not held or suppressed inside, in order to maintain health. These are equivalent to pathological discharges in diseases whether from any orifice or surface. Just think of how healthy it would be for us if we took some ‘good’ medicines to suppress normal bowel movements or urination.

Also, while neither conventional nor alternative bio-medical (alternative pharmaceuticals) medicines neglect Hering’s law and its unique phenomenon of disease travel back in time a very recent remarkable discovery by MIT scientists set it on a firm scientific foundation.  They have just established a new technology – DNA stress counter or meter – where they obtain a read out of the past major stressful events which have been recorded like notches on DNA strands.  These stressful marks can be inscribed by noxious environmental pollutants, toxic drugs, strong infectious agents, emotional and physical traumas.  This is similar to CD and DVD disc recordings via magnetic inscriptions where our atoms, including ones of DNA, possess magnetic elements called magnetic monopoles, and it has been well-established that our brains and other organs contain magnetic substance – magnetite.  This recording of accumulated stressful events from the past, raises two issues.  One can certainly deduce that an accumulation of such stressful or pathological recordings, similar to scratched CDs, must impair the function of DNA, as the main transmitter of healthy regulatory information for our cells.  And it follows that the restoration of DNA healthy transmitting information must be preceded by removal of these stressful marks or layers, but where, in the process of this removal, those stressful events from the past will resurface and replay themselves like a video from the past, as they are leaving the body.  These marks must be removed through causative homeopathy and, may require constitutional or classical homeopathic prescribing for specific emotional trauma, or the entire physical-psychological being of a person, as practiced by FCT.

Each of these interventions – causative and classical homeopathy – have their own role, power and proper sequence and timing for administration in order to derive optimal therapeutic benefits from the both.

FCT not only consistently produces Hering’s law but does not prescribe treatments that simply rush to suppress discharges or symptoms of disease in order to avoid their artificial reduction or mask the underlying causes, even if the symptoms or disease take longer to resolve. To avoid this masking FCT also uses only short term treatments and, then, have patients stop these over progressively longer periods of time before the next reevaluation. This stoppage allows one to test the signs of real recovery and restoration of health, as evidenced by progressively longer periods without signs of disease versus a superficial improvement when symptoms of disease are buried under continuous treatments. Likewise, medications may need to be reduced or discontinued, as necessary.

The opposite litmus test, in this regard, is if one is to discontinue suppressive treatments, all of the underlying symptoms of disease immediately return or intensify thereby proving that their causes have never been resolved and no actual progress in disease has been made. Ill understanding of this crucial principle of temporary suppressions leads to an illusion of medical progress for which many people have paid a dear price. As one of many examples, certain alternative doctors’ YouTube videos may display actual happy patients stating their positive response to some ‘progressive’ Lyme or other treatment, yet they are still being propped up by pills and IVs. Such ‘encouraging’ displays fool many people who then flock to these ‘progressive’ places. But, as later or actual experience indicates once the treatment was discontinued or even if continued longer, all of the problems return with a vengeance. Other alternative doctors equally mislead by stating that they have cured hundreds of patients from Lyme disease only because their symptoms may have decreased while they continued with treatment. Such ‘healers’ are either ignorant in science because a cure cannot be declared while a treatment continues or dishonest, or both.

This email attests to the real picture behind these ‘successful’ treatments.

Dear Dr. Yurkovsky,
 I won’t go into too much detail but a short bit of my story.  I have been sick here and there with different issues for as long as I remember.  I am 32 years old, but around 4 years ago things started going wrong.  Electricity type jolts to hands and feet and body.  Went to many doctors with no real information.  Things got worse and I lost the ability to drive, and walk when out.  I constantly felt like passing out.  I went to a dr. that diagnosed me with Lyme.  I didn’t do anything for about 8 months because I didn’t know what to do.  I finally went to a Lyme clinic here in fl. which helped me a lot, I got out of my wheelchair and I was able to do most things except I would have a seizure or convulsions when I went into any public building that had mold. [This is one of many side effects of antibiotic treatments.] I slowly declined back down and it’s been almost 2 years now with the treatment.  I am looking for help but I know you are located in NY.  I am not able to travel as I am too sick.  I was hoping maybe you could give me some tips or information, or we could talk via Skype?
Thank you,

Even while she was still continuing this merely symptom suppressive treatment it already started failing and she is back to square one with the addition of new seizures and mold allergies. Yet, in the meantime some ‘progressive’ clinic or doctor could have used her as living ‘proof’ of their ‘successful’ treatments.

Certainly, when people are not familiar with Hering’s law they mistakenly interpret the return of old and, usually, forgotten problems as getting sicker. As the result they doubt the treatment and ask “Why does it take so long for me to recover?” without realizing that this is the necessary and very sign of the recovery process.

It is because FCT pursues the causes of diseases of diseases and induces Hering’s law that the rate of our patients, even in the elderly, developing serious chronic degenerative diseases is extremely low while their vitality for their age is uncommonly high.

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