
So what is chronic disease?

Based on my positive experience in such reversals and progress, chronic diseases are deemed to be the following. They are a combination of toxicological and infectious agents acquired by the body over a lifetime, since and, even, before birth. Depending on the nature of these agents they can invade, impair, or destroy the function of any organ and, often, many organs. And their destructive effects are greatly enhanced by another potent destroyer, by and of itself, EMFs continually acting in our daily environment.

As children grow so do the concentrations and variety of these harmful agents in their bodies, also adding antibiotics, possible side effects of vaccines, harmful foods, habits and mercury fillings. All of these deepen our genetic weaknesses, whether inherited or acquired, and ultimately result in our depleted regulatory health reserves or the very deterrents of disease.

The importance of residual health reserve whether in the speed or possibility of recovery from disease, even on the best of treatment, can be underscored by the fact that people don’t just die from cancer, Ebola virus, AIDS, or old age, but ultimately from inadequate health reserves to withstand these or other morbid assaults. Likewise, the degree of residual health reserves is crucial for speed of recovery from disease on the proper treatment.

The role of causes or entities without which your disease would not even exist.


Theophrastus Paracelsus, MD

Switzerland (1493-1541)

“The physician should look for the force and nature of illness at its source. He is not to look to that which can be seen, for we are not called upon to extinguish smoke but the fire itself.

 The fundamental role of causes in diseases has been emphasized since as early as the 16th century by the great Swiss physician, Theophrastus Paracelsus, MD, through his famous statement to address disease at its very source or the fire itself, not just smoke or symptoms. His other theory that it is the dose which determines cure from poison is still being accepted as the fundamental principle in toxicology and pharmacology. This holds true for medications and ‘natural’ supplements, which can easily trespass that thin and undefined line between being useful one day and becoming poisons thereafter. This is one of the reasons why most self-treatments are dangerous and medications need to be periodically re-evaluated.


Professor Colin J. Alexander, MD

“Medicine has failed in the care of chronic diseases. None of the types of research or clinical trials have made a difference because we have not identified a cause.

One hundred years after, in 2011, Professor Colin Alexander, MD stated the obvious in his book Complexity and Medicine: The Elephant in the Waiting Room that, as in any field, problems or chronic disease in medicine’s case cannot be solved as long as their causes remain unknown.

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