
We need to know the timetable, Doctor

  • Displayed below is an email from a mother, an MD herself, of a boy who has actually become severely autistic following years of interventions by integrative MDs of the DAN movement, who also use many ‘natural’ treatments based on the A to B mindset. Following their inflicted damage, naturopaths and some ‘homotoxicologist’ added more damage. The tragedy of this was that the boy was not even autistic, but quite bright before these treatments.

Another lesson here is that such a severely ill child could not be cured in just a few treatments yet, understandably, the parents assumed following these that they were on just another “ride to nowhere” and felt discouraged. During the office visit, before this email was sent, the mother expressed utter doubts and made it clear that it was their last visit, unless they see the recovery or I give them a concrete time table for one. I explained to her that time tables in chronic diseases constitute a scientific impossibility. However, that visit and treatment just happened to be enough to capitalize on the prior FCT therapeutic process.

Dear Dr. Yurkovsky,
After we completed last round Martin started showing HUGE progress! It feels like his brain fog is being lifted. He is engaging in short conversations, his awareness is improved, he even started asking some questions. His memory is awakening. It’s a miracle! I want to thank you very much and apologize for my doubts and impatience. He still remains a bit hyper and impulsive. But we are heading in right direction.

But what if he needed just another or a few more visits with his future life being, essentially at stake?

  • An almost identical story concerning the treatment ‘deadline’ took place with another autistic and ADHD child where the parents declared their discouragement, too, due to his erratic progress and uncertainty of the time table for the V day. Therefore, that visit was about to be his last one. Yet again, his bio-resonance testing indicated TV rays in his brain, which were blocking the remedies’ attempt to help his brain to release causes of his disease. It was just fortunate that after the failure of my previous pleas to the parents to eliminate exposure to this neural toxin, I was able to come up with a logistical demonstration of their counterproductive actions. That seemed to finally sink in. I acted as a treatment while physically opening a door in the office and asked his daddy, the biggest doubter of FCT and my TV theory, to block the door from the opposite side. We expectedly produced the expected end result – the door failed to open. My blunt verdict to him and mom was, “That is what you are doing to your child by electrocuting his brain through TV and that the treatment’s attempts to heal him are simply being blocked or outpaced by this regular EMF re-poisoning.” Lo and behold, the message sunk in, the TV venom was banned in the household and the boy started making progress by leaps and bounds. Soon after, a pediatric neurologist has declared him cured of autism. Today he is in normal school and displaying signs of a gifted child. Again, what if the parents still refused to properly address that destructive negative variable on his end?
  • Likewise, Mr. C felt discouraged because after the years of failed alternative treatments for Lyme, his progress on FCT, following just a few treatments, did not feel complete. One year of hiatus in trying something else, brought him back to FCT, where only two more additional treatments to complete the process have resulted in his utter joy and satisfaction.
  • Another example, a young and very ill woman who was not helped by many alternative treatments, over the years. Several initial FCT treatments have not produced “fireworks”, either. Since the lack of any progress was rather unusual, even at this stage, I suspected blocks to the treatment. Surely, outside of her treatment days and in spite of my warning she was regularly watching TV because it was a thing to do together with her husband, which is a fair excuse, and frequented the internet. Yet, once she had finally ended the excuses, and discontinued her electrocuting sessions and replacing these with healthier choices she optimized her chances for recovery, as an immediate positive response to FCT followed. As per her written report, out of some 30 troubling symptoms, almost half have improved and she felt, overall, much less ill.

In this example concerning the aforementioned boy with PANDAS, the boy was completely cured and not only due to FCT but in the same degree due to patience, intelligence and complete cooperation of the parents who:

a) were willing to do whatever it took to remove blocks to his treatment

b) exercised sufficient patience to determine and solve all of the blocks which were negating the treatment

c) kept the pace of follow up appointments strictly, as recommended, in spite of not seeing much of a progress, for a long time

d) trusting the testing and treatment.

Below is their testimonial:

Our son, Zane was adopted at six weeks old.  His birth mother worked at a convenience store located at a gas station in Oklahoma during the entire pregnancy, exposing Zane to hazardous chemicals in utero.  At nine years old, after being treated with a ten-day course of Amoxicillin for a strep infection, Zane’s school nurse called to say he was exhibiting an eye blink/head roll combination tic.   At first, it occurred 50 times per day but after a week, the tics increased to about 200 times per day.  Zane was examined by a neurologist and leading PANDAS* expert and diagnosed with PANDAS in March 2014.

From March 2014 through August 2015, Zane’s condition continued to deteriorate.  He exhibited myoclonus like tics (which looked like epileptic seizures).  He was evaluated by an immunologist and leading PANDAS expert as well as three neurologists.  Zane’s MRI and 24 hr EEG test results were normal and the EEG while capturing the myoclonic tics, indicated that they were not seizures.  In addition, Zane’s IGeneX Lyme test was negative.  During this time period, Zane was treated with prednisone, Amoxicillin, Augmentin, Bactrim and a few other antibiotics, and multiple courses of antibiotics were received.   We also tried alternative treatments (i.e., essential oils and other supplements), but without success.  

Due to the full body tics and corresponding diminished cognitive ability, Zane could no longer attend school.  Once an “A” student with a charming personality and liked by everyone, he could no longer read or write without having painful tics and violent headaches.   At the time, the only thing that helped Zane was playing Minecraft or another exciting game on the iPad.   He spent 16 hours a day playing on the iPad to avoid having painful tics and headaches and was lost in his own world.  At night, he would have irrational fears and it was difficult for him to fall asleep.  

In August 2015, we started seeing Dr. Yurkovsky and being treated through his FCT approach consisting of periodic bio-resonance testing and homeopathic remedies.   After spending three hours with Zane, Dr. Yurkovsky diagnosed Zane with Lyme, mercury, heavy metals, candidiasis, strep, parasites and significant electromagnetic radiation, with all of these affecting his brain.  Some of these, Dr. Yurkovsky has stated were also detrimental to his immune system, and that is why it could not resist Lyme, strep and other infections, and accounted for failure of multiple antibiotic treatments.  Over the next ten months, Dr. Yurkovsky prescribed remedies to detox Zane.   He also advocated no electric magnetic frequencies (iPad, t.v., video games, etc.), removal of all fluorescent lights in our home and a special candida diet, essentially eliminating white flour, yeast and all sugar.  We also have installed Memon in our house and car, in order to minimize electromagnetic stress on our son’s brain and immune system. We complied with all of his advice.  
The detoxes for Zane were very difficult.  While he was detoxing a particular toxin, his tics often increased and were combined with violent headaches.  The range of his tics included jumping tics, slapping tics, vocal tics, blinking tics, head jerking tics, body shaking tics, and he experienced violent headaches, body aches and irrational fears.  It was interesting that, as it was correlated with the treatment based on the causes of our son’s illness, we were able to discern that each of these categories of tics belonged to a specific cause.  As an example, jumping and slapping tics were due to Lyme, vocal tics due to worms, etc.  Zane has also suffered from joint and entire body pains that Dr. Yurkovsky felt were due to the Lyme’s disease, overlooked by the PANDAS specialists.  As Zane was detoxed from various parasites, we witnessed parasites (small white worms) being discharged from his nose and in his stool, of which we have multiple photos. They were really coming out by the dozen on a daily basis.  

During this time, Dr. Yurkovsky also discovered mercury vapor within our home which he believed was causing the rather unusual aggravations of the treatment, as well as prolonging its course.  Another reason for the unusual aggravations was Zane’s head trauma that he did sustain between ages 1 and 2 when he fell out of the crib headfirst, and very likely during birth, due to a very difficult delivery.  Surprisingly, Dr. Yurkovsky did not know anything about those events, but he did diagnose residual head trauma through his bio-resonance testing.  Following this, he gave him a special homeopathic remedy to remove the residual effect of head injury and also recommended several cranial treatments.  He also believed that the antibiotics had inadvertently led to the development of mutated and more aggressive Lyme bacteria, for which he had to prepare a special homeopathic remedy.  In July 2013, to combat any potential mold issues within our air filtration system, we installed a UV light in the air ducts.  In February 2016, we removed the UV light because it was emitting low levels of mercury vapor.  In addition, my husband, daughter and I became patients of Dr. Yurkovsky.  Both my husband and daughter tested as strep carriers by Dr. Yurkovsky through the same bio-resonance testing and were treated for this.   Also, both my husband and I removed our amalgam fillings containing mercury and were detoxed from it and other toxic metals with Dr. Yurkovsky’s method.  All of the main treatment consisted only of homeopathic remedies.

By June 17, 2016, Zane’s motor tics, headaches, joint and body pains, and irrational fears were gone, and his cognitive abilities have completely recovered. He is on track for fifth grade and doing extremely well.  As parents, we watched our son almost go insane primarily from Lyme, mercury and heavy metals, parasites and strep but in ten months’ time after detoxing those toxins, he has been healed.   We will always be grateful to Dr. Yurkovsky and his wonderful staff.  


Mr. and Mrs. EZ & MZ

August 15, 2016

Again, big credit is due to the parents for the complete recovery and new life of their son, and for not giving up on the treatment just due to the lack of immediate results.  While, definitely, PANDAS in a child would take much less than 10 months for a recovery with the proper compliance, in this case, as might be in any, there were serious environmental blocks to the treatment that was only possible to identify and address due to continuity of the retesting and treatment process, that allowed to close in on these blocks.  The golden formula in 100% of and particularly difficult cases, is that as long as the bio-resonance testing continues to detect the causes of the condition, the treatment holds high potential to succeed even if, as it was the case here, it may take some time to determine why exactly these causes still persist.  Very often, the source might be the family members, intimate partners, the residence, or a diet.  

The idea of certain destructive forces or regiments negating positive forces acting on the same object or factors is not new to science or our daily lives, and is encountered routinely. Come to think of it, have we ever unpacked any new piece of technology, even just a lawn mower, all of which are very primitive devices in comparison to our bodies, without finding a long list of warnings concerning how these can be harmed by our improper actions. The warnings concerning physical impacts, various parameters and variables such as exposure to moisture, level of humidity or temperature, usage of proper grade of fuel and oil, avoidance of flame, or using an incorrect voltage or electronic settings. Alerts such as ‘caution,’ ‘warning,’ and ‘do not’ are featured prominently. The best built airplanes in the world are never handed to pilots with the idea, “Fly ‘em as you please,” either, but with the instructions to address many potentially negative variables to assure sound and safe flights. These include an equal distribution of the weight of cargo and passengers and avoiding flights when the threat of excessive negative impacts, such as the elements, is high. Why should the issue of maintaining some important parameters or variables be any different for our bodies and health? Is it only because that the feelings of some people can be empathized with since use of the computer or IPhone is a good excuse regarding their social isolation, consuming sweets is a logical relief for their cravings or emotional needs, smoking is the best way to cope with stress, or watching TV is entertaining, mentally distracting or a family event? Also, because changing our or our children’s bad habits requires extra work, too? Unfortunately, all of these good reasons matter little in defeating diseases.

While we can relate to these reasons and excuses, and negotiate just about anything between ourselves, the real problem is not in whether we have a reason or excuse, but in the fact that nature, which has constructed us in the first place, is neither a therapist, a benevolent organization nor problem mediator. Nature, over its 2 million year history of the human race, has only shown regard for its one and single rule – survival of the fittest – not our excuses. That is why it has let countless people die from infections, harsh elements, starvation, bad eating, smoking, excess of alcohol and weight, or cancers and heart disease due to toxic pollutants. In other words, whenever we are not fit to withstand a certain assault, bad disease and a premature trip to a ‘better world’ will be knocking on our doors. This goes even deeper than medicine, this fundamentally or scientifically represents materials science, a subspecialty of physics that determines which impacts certain materials can and cannot handle. That is why a paper or wood exposed to fire bursts into flames, iron to water corrodes, an electric cord to an excess of electric load burns, and a tree to excessive wind or lightning splits. And no excuses on their victim’s part can do anything about the consequences, where our organs and tissues represent only certain materials. It for this simple principle that we experience discomfort when these materials are subjected to excessive heat, cold, humidity, low atmospheric pressure, or touching an exposed electrical wire. So, from this plain reality we might just direct our excuses to our internal organs – brain, thyroid, pituitary, adrenals, heart, testicles, ovaries or immune organs – to see if it helps them not to be poisoned by EMFs which electrocute and damages them, by sweets which exhaust them and breed infections, or smoking that poisons them, or undertake more stress than they can handle. This means that survival of the fittest for attaining and retaining good health besides the correct treatment must also include the prudent measures by the person where his or her organs have optimal conditions to heal instead of having taxing ones which destroy. But, unlike fixed materials as wood, paper and metals the good news for our organs is that given the aforementioned optimal package, they can become more fit, better function and raise their resilience to harmful impacts, as we become healthier with time. Obviously “convincing” excuses, which only serve to sustain the opposite are completely meaningless for attaining this goal or as the common wisdom goes for all of our excuses, “Are good for the birds.”

Another simple point and pure physics and science, the same forces which act in synergism accomplish the work far quicker or better than either of these acting alone or against each other. The same way that we become sicker much faster through synergy of different negative stressors – toxicological, infectious, dietary, electromagnetic, emotional, harmful treatments and diet – so it is our best chance to expedite recovery, too, through synergy­ of a number of positive factors or their forces. But, the distinctive fact about synergy is that while all eyes are on the treatment, this is a collective or group exerted force for which no treatment or doctor can substitute.

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