
The treachery of complexity in chronic diseases and in recovery

Figure 2

One of the main reasons why chronic diseases are so complex and difficult to treat is because they are enormously complex. Even a body of a primitive organism like an amoeba that is billions of times simpler than a sick body of a human, is far more complex than even an electronic brain.

“The most complex machine man has devised — say, an electronic brain— is child’s play compared with the simplest of living organisms.” – George Wald, PhD, Nobel laureate in medicine

Besides the fact that the human body is so complex even in health, where so many mechanisms still remain unknown, there are a number of major factors which make it even more of a black hole in chronic disease. Since all of the internal organs and tissues are so interconnected with and interdependent on each other, such an interplay cannot be even nearly detected by medical tests but, also, keeps changing because of the many acting internal and external factors which themselves keep changing, also. Such complex and unpredictable systems, as is the case in biology, ecology, economy, and weather patterns where so many unstable factors are at play, are the very reason why complexity has been established as a separate science, in the first place. And because so many factors are involved in complex systems this science focuses on selecting and addressing only the most significant ones in order to minimize failures and optimize success.

In medicine, as successful experience has shown, such a selection must focus on the main players in disease or Star-Bullets* – malfunctioned organs and their causes – and how these can mutually sustain and enhance disease. As an example, the destructive effect of toxicological and infectious agents on the body can be enhanced by EMFs. (“Do extremely low frequency magnetic fields enhance the effects of environmental carcinogens? A meta-analysis of experimental” by Jukka Juutilaninen, Timo Kumlin & Jonne Naarala in Int. J. Radiat. Biol., Vol. 82, No. 1, January 2006, pp. 1-12). Following this, as the number and degree of weakened organs grow, including the immune organs, the existing infections intensify and new ones emerge. Under the circumstances such a weakened person may easily acquire infections from people in close contact who might just be silent or healthy looking carriers, yet blame the treatment for not working. In its turn, the enhanced state of infections may also cause increased brain sensitivity to EMFs, thereby compounding its morbid effect, which also results in decreased excretion of toxic immunosuppressive metals. Altogether, this self-sustained destructive orchestra leads to the proverbial snowballing of disease. Also, even a single causative agent, toxicological or infectious, while creating a seemingly sole or certain visible disease in one organ, may also create many subtle diseases or malfunctions in other organs. As an example, in case of a low thyroid condition the real problems may lie in the brain, adrenal glands, gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys.

As reflected in this illustration below, there are both positive and negative factors which are constantly acting at and keep swinging disease in any direction for better, worse, and unpredictably.
*See Office Brochure: https://www.yurkovsky.com/patients-corner/


Here, complexity or the interplay between negative and positive factors plays the same balancing act as the positive column of incomes against the negative one of debts and expenses in accounting spreads. Likewise, the same consideration to the balance of these acting positive and negative factors or forces must be given to a safe flying of an airplane no matter how well it was constructed. A confirmation of the acting negative positive forces on any system, in the case of airplanes, the flight time of the same airplane with e same engine and power differs by an hour between the East and West coast and vice versa, due to a wind factor.

The number and severity of negative factors play a major role in the speed of recovery and with some being not doctor-dependent or treatment-dependent but patient-dependent. Among the most significant of these is the number of malfunctioned organs and their degree of damage. This can be compared to the corresponding degree of damage and expected timing of the recovery in a patient with 2 fractured bones versus a dozen. Also, among other negative factors are length and severity of disease, the nature and number of its causes, and, if the organs’ damage is severe enough these become too weak to respond to a treatment promptly. It is because, as the case with weak constitutions, that such malfunctioning organs are able to excrete, detoxify or combat toxicological or infectious agents only gradually and in small fractions at a time. I have seen countless side effects produced by alternative treatments aimed at “killing that bug” or detoxify and chelate something, all aimed at a speedy recovery.

Sometime, around 2005, I treated a middle-aged man for Lyme disease, fatigue, and prostate problems. He, as most of the public, was unaware of signs of compromised health prior to becoming very ill, and assumed that he was healthy only because he was on a healthy diet, vigorous exercise regimen, had high energy level and absence of the formal disease.  However, his ‘good health’ lasted only up to the moment when he was bitten by a Lyme tick following which he completely fell apart and became a walking invalid. Years of conventional treatment first, and then years of AIM, produced no relief.

Following my FCT treatment for less than a year, while doing it even half-way due to heavy computer use for hobby purposes than work, and finally acquiring house Memon by the end of the treatment, he reported no signs of Lyme or fatigue. Only a couple of other problems persisted, which required time and, certainly, better compliance. However, none of these was in his plans since he deemed FCT’s reasonable restrictions of computer use as unreasonable and inconvenient for his lifestyle, since being well off he no longer had to work and preferred filling his time with screens.

So, he made a decision to continue his care elsewhere because no other AIM practitioners would ‘burden’ him with the EMF restrictions, he returned his house Memon and disappeared.

However, close to a decade later ‘the prodigal son’ has requested to resume his FCT care and shared with me all of the ‘benefits’ of ‘convenience’ of pursuing all types of AIM Lyme treatments. Whether he was re-bitten with a Lyme tick or just due to overuse of computer and living in a Memon less house but he fell ill again from Lyme disease, sometime after discontinuing FCT.  Following this and for ensuing eight years, he visited any and tried all the ‘best’ AIM practitioners/‘Lyme specialists’ and clinics in the United States, coast to coast: MDs, NDs, chiropractors, ‘energy healers’, etc.  Every available treatment, approach including computerized bio-resonance testing (EAV), homeopathics, substances to swallow or inject, ‘balancing’ and electrocuting machines were used. Some bio-resonance testing ‘experts’ through our cultural god, computer or computerized bio-resonance testing, have found the ‘explanation’ for his persistent Lyme and neurological symptoms as allegedly due to a narrowed blood vessel in the brain. Following this, he underwent a completely unnecessary, senseless and potentially very dangerous procedure of dilating that “narrow” blood vessel in the neck or brain, without seeing a trace of progress, afterwards. Overall, not only following all of the long years and spending in six-digit figures on these treatments did he see no progress, but his condition, unfortunately, significantly deteriorated and to the point where he spent two years in bed due to extreme fatigue.  Fortunately, some classical homeopath gave him a single pellet that diminished the severity of fatigue but the rest of his numerous medical problems the homeopathic practitioner told him candidly were over his head to help him with. Following this he resumed his AIM rounds again, but all in vain, and contacted me.

Here is the copy of his emailed report of his current daily regiment, costing thousands of dollars a month, which just allow him to get through each day. For the record, before he discontinued his FCT care he was taking only a single medication, methadone, which he had started prior and we were gradually reducing, due to its addictive and dependent pharmacological properties, as he was making progress on FCT. He was also barely taking supplements at the time.

Date: Wednesday, January 6, 2016 at 11:11 PM

To: info@yurkovsky.com

Subject: Supplements

Hi Doc, Here’s the rundown on my daily supplement consumption.  I will include the contents of each one to help you evaluate them more thoroughly.

Before Breakfast: 1) I tsp. Natural Tranquility-Magnesium 350 mg mixed with 1 tsp. C-Salts-Vit. C (as l-Ascorbate) 4000 mg; Calcium (as Ascorbate) 145 mg; Magnesium (as Ascorbate) 55 mg; Zinc (as Ascorbate) 2 mg; Potassium (as Ascorbate) 365 mg in 4 oz.’s of water.  2) KidneyChi- 350 mg of a Proprietary Herbal Extract Blend of Centella asiatica,Lygodium japonicum, Rosaclaevigata, Smilax china taken mixed with .02 mg Biosil- Silicon 5 mg (as Choline stabilized Orthosilicic Acid (ch-OSA); Cholin-100 mg (as ch-OSA) mixed in 3 oz’s of water.

With Breakfast:  1) Grape Seed Extract- 250 mg Amia Extract (Fruit)-60 mg; Rutin Powder (flower bud)- 50 mg with 2) Vit. E-400 IU (as unesterfied d-alpha Tocopherols plus Mixed Tocopherols d-beta, d-delta and d-gamma Tocopherols) (non GMO) with 3) Kidney Care-  200 mg Org. Cranberry ext. (30% ext. VitaCran); 100 mg Astragalus (70%/ 4:1 ext.); 50 mg Birch Leaves (herb powder); 50 mg Buchu Leaves (herb powder); 50 mg Goldenrod (herb powder); 50 mg Horsetail (herb powder); 50 mg Juniper Berries (herb powder); 50 mg Gravel Root (herb powder); 50 mg Uva Ursi (herb powder); 25 mg Nettle Leaf (herb powder); 5 mg Java Tea (0.1% ext.); 25 mg Proprietory Blend of High Orac Complex of Cinnammon Powder, Ginger Root Powder, Tumeric Powder, Green Tea Leaf Powder, Rosemary Powder, Grape Seed Ext., Wild Blueberry Powder, Cranberry Powder, Red Raspberry Powder and Strawberry Powder. with 4) Milk Thistle Seed- 300 mg 30:1 Ext. (80% total flavonoids) with 5) ProDHA 1000- 580 mg total Omega- 3s made as 90 mg EPA( Eicosapentaenoic Acid), 450 mg DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid), Other Omega- 3s with 6) Cranberry Concentrate-8400 mg, 20 mg Vit. C (as Ascorbic Acid), 3 IU Vit. E with 7) Glucosamine/Chondroitin/MSM- 42 mg Chloride (from Glucosamine sulfate 2KCL), 14mg Sodium (from chondroitin sulfate sodium, 45.5 mg Potassium (f),, rom glucosamine sulfate 2KCL, 375 mg Glucosamine sulfate 2KCL, 300 mg Chondroitin Sulfate (from chondroitin sulfate sodium), 250 mg Methylsulfonylmethane with 8) Dandelion Root 525 mg with 9) Thyrocare- 200 mg Iodine, 200 mg Selenium 500 mg Bladderwrack Thallus,330 mg Blue Flag Root, 120 mg Guggul Myrrha, 100 mg Nettle herb, 100 mg Ashwagandha root, 80 mg Tripahla, 20 mg Ginger root, 400 mcg Diiodotyrosine with 10) Leg Veins- 30 mg Vit. C, 300 mg Horse Chestnut ext. (seed), 20% Aescin, 150 mg Butcher’s Broom (root), 150 mg Cayenne Pepper (fruit) 150 mg Dandelion (leaf), 50 mg Prickly Ash (bark), 37 mg Tru-OPCs Grape Seed ext. (seed) with 11) 1 tsp. Sol water (saturated Himilayan salt solution).  All taken with 8 0z’s of water

Before Lunch: 1) Kidney Chi with water

At Lunch; 1) Glucosamine/ Chondrotin/MSM; Grapeseed extract; 2) Leg Veins; 3) ProDHA 1000; 4) Kidney Care; 5) Milk Thistle; 6) Cranberry; 7) 1 tsp. Sol water; 8) 1/4 tsp. Inositol Powder (730 mg).  All taken in 8 oz’s of water. 

I’m tired!  I will send the dinner, bedtime, and early morning list of supplements tomorrow.    

God bless


Date: Thursday, January 7, 2016 at 10:34 AM

To: info@yurkovsky.com

Subject: Fwd: Supplements

Hi, I’m back.  To continue….

At Dinner:  1) Glucosamine/Chondroitin/MSM; 2) Grape Seed extract; 3) Leg Veins; 4) ProDHA 1000; 5) Kidney Care; 6) Milk Thistle; 7)Cranberry-420mg; 8) Super Beta Prostate- 400 IU Vit.D; 80 mg Calcium (as oyster shell powder); 15 mg Zinc (as zinc oxide); 70 mcg Selenium (as amino acid chelate); 2 mg Copper (as cupric oxide); 2 mg Manganese (as amino acid chelate); 12 mcg Chromium (as nicotinate glycinate chelate); 75 mcg Molybdenum (as amino acid chelate); 600 mg Mixed Phytosterols (from plant sterols); 250 mg Beta Silosterol; 60 mg Boron Amino Acid Chelate; 20 mg Silica; 9) Vit. E; 10) one of two Probiotic’s, 2 each, alternating days- Dr. Mercola’s Complete Probiotics (research on you own for bacterial content); Ayush Herbs- Probiotic100B (research for bacterial content); 11) 1 tsp. Sol Water; 12) Throcare.   All taken with 8 oz’s of water.

At Bedtime:  1) Glucosamine/Chondroitin/NSM; 2) Grape Seed extract; 3) Leg Veins; 4) ProDHA 1000; 5) Kidney Care; 6) Milk Thistle; 7) Vit. E; 8) 500 mg L-Tryptophan (as Ajinomoto L-Tryptophan; 9) 5 mg Melatonin; 10) Amantilla- (0,75 ml’s Valarian root extract); 11) Male Plus- 60 drops (Rain Forest herb mix to boost testosterone levels); 12) 5 mg Methadone (in 16 days I will drop to 4mm); 13) 2 mg Clonazepam (my body at this time will not let me drop on this as long as my condition remains the same); 14) 1 tsp. Natural Tranquility mixed with 1 tsp. C-Salts in 4 oz’s of water. All of the others are taken with varying amounts of water separately.  Pills together, Amantilla alone and Male Plus alone.

Early Morning (4:00-5:00 AM): 1) 2 pills of Dr. Ohhira’s probiotics.  They need to be taken on an empty stomach…..it is safe to say my stomach is empty when I take them!  (It is an interesting probiotic. It’s made by fermenting many substances to create live bacterial cultures.  If interested, you can research it on your own.) 

[My comment: As anything in the AIM market, where anything is up for grabs, Dr. Ohhira’s ‘special’ probiotics belong to the same fairy tales of unscrupulous merchants where they markup ordinary formulas, by tripling price into the range that makes it ‘very special’, in order to fool lay people and AIM practitioners.  Then, they attach some ‘unique’ properties to the formula to have it made.]  

2) 5 mgs Methadone (again, in 16 days I will drop to 4 mgs to make 8 mgs in total per day.  As I mentioned in our phone call, I use A.K. to determine when and how much to drop in order to prevent withdrawal symptoms.); 3) .83 mgs Clonazepam (in 6 months I will be able to drop .16 mgs from the current dose.  You can see that my body is resisting me in dropping this while I am in the condition we spoke about.)

OK!  That’s a rap.  I hope this will aid you in helping me become completely recovered from the effects of Lyme Disease. My hunch is that if your remedies eliminate problems associated with my Autoimmune system dysfunction I will no longer need the vast majority of the supplements I am now on.  My prayers to God are for Him to restore me to a healthier state so that I may do better at answering His calling for me.  I praise and thank God for my life, I praise and thank Jesus for my Salvation and I praise and thank The Holy Spirit for being in my heart.  After 15 years of suffering, without Them I would be dead (by my own hand!) 

Thanks for all of your help!  My God bless you


The real tragedy of this case is that in alternative-integrative medicine (exception, acupuncture and classical homeopathy which do not practice kitchen sink ‘healing’) such cases are not the exception but the rule where abundant and completely unnecessary and expensive tests and treatments prevail.  This case, again, attests to the fact that chronic diseases are not as simple as they are portrayed to be by the AIM industry, which one cannot just attack ‘naturally’, as well as that with the factor of convenience, there is no free lunch for any of us, either.

Since virtually all diseases, in spite of their great variety, boil down to only two major factors – malfunctioned organs and their causes – we have used the same general diagnostic and therapeutic system toward all diseases, as we focus primarily on these organs and causes.

Speaking of treatment and role of complexity in it, besides the already mentioned factors in the way to a speedy recovery, most people do not consider other important blocks, either. Among these, their inadequate compliance whether concerning sweets in the diet, excessive EMF exposure, lack of effective protective technology against EMFs, such as Memon, or consuming some ‘natural’ treatments ‘to help’ the recovery, without being aware of their side effects. Likewise, it will hardly cross their mind that they might have been among those who were born with very weak genetics or constitutions rendering their health reserves so limited that they need to maintain a practically perfect healthy lifestyle, compared to other more robust constitutions. While robust constitutions may afford some imperfections in their regimen and still recover on the right treatment fairly promptly, the weaker is the person’s constitution, or the more widespread or multi-systemic damage is the stricter that person’s all around lifestyle must be, and the longer the treatment will take to succeed against the same generic disease.

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