
How best to determine the stuck layers of causes of disease?

These can be determined only through skillful bio-resonance testing, which overcomes the major inability of other tests to apprehend the causes of illness where it counts the most – inside the internal organs, themselves. Through consistent testing the trapped layers, practically since birth, of disease causes can be diagnosed. Extensive clinical experience has proven, including many documented reversals of chronic diseases, that when a therapeutic process is allowed to drain these layers for as long as it is necessary an optimal recovery and a greater quality of life can be achieved.

Certainly, depending on the individual circumstances, while the causes of disease are being addressed homeopathically some significant abnormalities, like hormonal deficiencies, may be addressed concurrently through hormone replacement, if necessary. When the process of consistent identification and proper treatment of causative layers of disease is circumvented and their manifestations as symptoms or abnormal lab tests are being simply suppressed, any type of health disasters and at any age are waiting to explode. While it is impossible to predict its exact nature or the timing, when significant causes detected by bio-resonance testing are ignored long enough, it might be already too late to save one’s life when an explosion takes place. This was the case in this tragic example.

  • Mrs. M. was only in her early fifties and being on a very healthy, organic diet plus many vitamins ‘as an insurance’, she did not think much of her sleep problems. After I told her to take it more seriously because my bio-resonance testing indicated excessive electromagnetic stress in her brain from the area around her bed as the very likely source of the insomnia. While EMFs are deemed as a carcinogen, she ignored this. Instead, as a nutritionist with a PhD she resorted to melatonin and other supplements which did improve her insomnia, deeming such treatment successful. Unfortunately, some two years after I was advised by her relatives that ‘strangely’ enough an electrician did find excessive electromagnetic fields in her bedroom while working on a different electrical problem. Shortly after, she was diagnosed with a terminal lung cancer, never being a smoker, and died.

Again, this is one of many lessons of when improved symptoms of the ignored real disease turns into just another tragic victory. Bio-resonance testing is also indispensable and unique in determining individual need for certain supplementation as well as which particular supplements are most effective and compatible with one’s state of health, at the time.

While the ‘natural’ industry has been outdoing and outlying one another in offering some of the ‘best’ probiotics or vitamins for children, women and men, and likewise, ‘best’ formulas to kill Lyme, parasites, candida or anything else, such ‘best’ formulas cannot even exist. It is up to an individual person’s body to decide which supplement, why and for how long is the best to take. Read this email, “Dear Dr. Yurkovsky, I should add that the probiotic you gave me has worked better than any other probiotic I have ever used.” While it is true that bio-resonance testing allows me to select a better quality of products from ‘God only knows what’ in this completely chaotic ‘natural’ industry, the real message here is not that I have the best probiotics, but that my bio-resonance testing has determined, out of many tested, the best one for this person’s individual needs, at the time. Think of the ‘best probiotic’ nonsense or any product as the ‘best antibiotic’ claim. Even while many people are paying an arm and a leg for some exoteric ‘best probiotics’ or vitamins because some ‘big scientist-inventor,’ or ‘high quality’ manufacturer is using some ‘special’ preparation process, but the single main benefit of an antibiotic for a given infection is not determined by its scientists, manufacturers, or ‘the more the better’ doses, but only if that infection is sensitive to that antibiotic. So, apply this simple working formula to all other claims of the ‘best’ from ‘best’ vitamin D or calcium to bio-identical hormones.

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