
Examples from alternative, integrative medicine

Case #1
A middle aged alternative medical practitioner has undergone treatments with intravenous chelations, vitamin C and other ‘immuno-enhancing’ nutrients, oral ‘natural’ supplements and antioxidants. All of which succeeded in addressing low energy but which were followed by the emergence of cancer.

Case #2
Mrs. D, a middle aged woman, was treated for years by a world renowned classical homeopath for minor complaints and for preventative purposes. Yet, 10 years into the treatment she was diagnosed with cancer with widespread metastases. These responded very poorly to conventional and alternative cancer treatments and at the time when I saw her, she appeared to be in a terminal stage.

Case #3
Mr. B., a middle aged and very athletic man, became very ill from Lyme disease for which he treated himself with numerous supplements and electrocutions, by so called ‘Rife machine*’. When I saw Mr. B. at my office some years later, he did report much improvement in his original Lyme symptoms, yet was still dependent on and unable to discontinue these treatments. In addition, while on the treatment, he developed mysterious heart pains even on mild exertion, which forced him to cease all of his regular exercise activities. My bio-resonance testing indicated several morbid factors, including toxic metals, EMFs, and other, which were affecting his immune organs that would lead to susceptibility to Lyme or any infection. Also, bio-resonance testing suggested that Lyme bacteria was present in his cardiac arteries and cardiac muscle itself, as the likely result of being shifted there by these treatments. Following only two FCT treatments and acquisition of Memon EMF protective technology, he has reported a dramatic improvement. This concerned not only his chest pains, but overall increased energy and vitality levels. Notably, his entire ‘natural’ Lyme regimen was discontinued, right from the start, in order to avoid an appearance of a mere fake recovery.

Case #4
In FCT Webinar #12, we have presented a case of a woman who, following the failure of conventional doctors to help her condition, has pursued ‘all the best alternative treatments’ in the US and Europe. As each of these treatments was rushing to improve her disease and health, both were deteriorating progressively as the result of these treatments, and while she was getting sicker and sicker and acquiring more diseases, to the point of considering suicide. Certainly, each of these treatments aimed in good faith to produce a speedy progress in her disease. Even though this patient has referred to FCT as ‘an ingenious treatment’ only after first two treatments, it took a year and dozens of treatments to turn her health and life around.
See this http://meet43636227.adobeconnect.com/p670e23214p/ for further details.

Case #5
A woman in her forties, after being treated for over a year, spent tens of thousands of dollars on the ‘best’ integrative medical treatments for Lyme disease, administered by Lyme ‘progressive’ doctors in ‘progressive’ clinics, emailed me the following,

Dear Dr. Yurkovsky,
I watched your DVD series on Lyme, and at this time I am leaning very much toward following your program. I’ve done oral antibiotics/antimalarials /antifungals in rotation for over a year. I’ve considered Rife machine + medicines (intramuscular injections plus orals plus supportive treatments) and your approach, and I’m still confused as to where to place my confidence, but my strongest feeling is right now to commit to your approach. I am honestly quite overwhelmed, and frightened, as I feel I am continuing to get worse.

 Her fright and despair are not surprising as she remains being a homebound and unemployed invalid.

*Strictly speaking, these machines do not have anything to do with Dr. Rife and what, even, his machine did. In reality, it might be just one of many interesting fairy tales in alternative medicine.

Case #6
This is a very typical case that was shared with me by one of my most dedicated patients at this time, but who used to say, “I feel discouraged doctor because this treatment takes too long to work.”
Her friend, only in her fifties, had always enjoyed good health, was well fit, and adhered to regular exercise, an impeccable organic diet, and ‘natural supplements to strengthen her immune system and general health’. Her periodic doctor’s checkups kept reporting the usual, ‘everything is normal, you are healthy.’ However, after she suddenly started feeling weak, the medical tests revealed an inoperable brain tumor that killed her weeks after.
A patient of mine stated that she was in shock, since such a thing happened so quickly to a woman who appeared to be so healthy.

Case #7
Another case of ‘good health’ was seven year old Kathie, a normal child whose parents kept her on a reasonably healthy diet and children’s vitamins, ‘as a precaution’. Yet one day, and only several weeks after Kathie passed her pediatrician’s regular checkup as ‘healthy’, she was diagnosed with kidney cancer.

Case #8 and #9
Both a young man and a young woman were treated with dozens of alternative and conventional treatments combined in a ‘wellness center’ for Lyme disease. Even while practically every therapeutic item prescribed was based on some formally correct treatment, A against  B or abnormal finding in disease, both of them became much sicker and having spent six digit figures out of pocket within only months.

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