Complexity and Blocks to Treatment

Just to illustrate how complexity and its arising negative variables can thwart a very positive and effective therapeutic process, just examine this email.

Dear Dr. Yurkovsky,
 I took my last protocol soon after receiving the remedies but there has been a problem with a new gas-fired boiler installed mid-April. 
It does not contain an RF/wireless transmitter according to an EMF surveyor but it does need shielding as it gives off high EMFs at the centre of the house downstairs. 
I am in the process of ordering a Memon-heating device for it. 
Head: pressure in head or on different parts of the head/variety of other head symptoms – Head has felt very heavy and ‘leaden’ at times with pressure on the crown. 
Headaches – these have been more pronounced if the boiler is aggravating my ES (electromagnetic sensitivity)
‘Metallic sensation in my head and occasionally mouth – much worse since the boiler was installed. Head feels like it’s stuffed with metals
Dizziness, spaciness, giddiness – worse since the boiler; I feel out of kilter and off balance at times
Peripheral nerves feel irritated – this has worsened considerably. Also I get a discharge of static from my feet which usually starts after the boiler has been switched off
Sleep disturbance – no change
Clumsiness, legs sometimes go weak – worsened
Jitteriness alternated with exhaustion – no change
Lymph nodes in neck congested – worse at times, also a heaviness around my throat/thyroid
Flu like symptoms, muscle aches – worse when boiler is on, feel ‘flu-like’ muscle aches
Anxiety, depression, feelings of dread, mood swings – external events are very stressful at the moment which exacerbates my depression
Fatigue – this got worse due to external events, then the boiler made me feel very drained.

This was even more upsetting because right before this new boiler’s electromagnetic ambush Ms. J. had started making good progress following just two FCT treatments, which were preceded by 20 years of unproductive conventional and alternative treatments. So, what we see here is only one but a very powerful variable or Star-Bullet – EMFs. Speaking of EMFs, many people assume that just because they use the computer or watch TV less than they used to, these exposures somehow become equal to vitamin C, or being harmless. However, if in reality one’s individual level of health still cannot handle these reduced exposures, as welcomed as these are, this will still slow down or block the recovery.

Good compliance = in the eyes of the beholder.

For some, I’ve done something unusual and demanding of my customary lifestyle, e.g., ‘sacrifice.’ Yet, very few wish to dwell on this matter if this compliance lasted sufficiently long or of even necessary quality.

  • Look at the next email below, from a fairly new patient with severe heart disease and fatigue who started experiencing good progress in his energy level on FCT. Then, he happened to develop a dental infection and felt fatigued again. Even though he assumed that the culprit was the infection, my assessment indicated that it was more its treatment, the side effects of antibiotics, which was at fault.
    Dear Dr. Yurkovsky,
    I took your advice and administered the Antibiotics 300X remedy. The result was that my health improved to a remarkable degree. I recovered my lost energy and found it much easier to complete my exercise program.
    Best regards
  • Another email from a patient who was making progress on the treatment before these negative variables hit her.Hi Dr. Yurkovsky,Within the first week that I was back in the States, I ate meat that my husband bought. I didn’t know at the time it wasn’t organic. About 20 minutes after the meal, I had a severe intestinal reaction: exaggerated distension, heartburn, indigestion, brain fog, inflammation, pain, rash. He called the company and learned that the meat which had been labeled natural from Australia actually had antibiotics and GMO’s in it. A few days later, I reacted to non-organic zucchini with similar symptoms. I gained 7 pounds from edema, swelling in my legs and around my waist and stomach. I researched and discovered that zucchini is now GMO. I recently began a strict organic diet again. Within four days, all the bloating is gone – that’s 7 pounds of water weight gone from no longer eating conventional vegetables or non-organic meat. I am my normal weight again. When I consumed non-organic “hormone-free” cheddar cheese, I gained 2 pounds of bloat overnight and felt more fatigued and had slight pain the next day. I’m convinced it is from the antibiotics present.

Keep in mind that many of you can consume antibiotics from food and suffer, unknowingly, from their side effects and discontinue this treatment, as the result of assuming that it is not working or taking too long.

From a few other patients, I have heard over the years that the treatment either stopped working or was taking too long. But as these turned out, based on their subsequent recoveries, it was not that a treatment was ‘taking too long’, but that they had continued breeding infections by consuming sweets, refined carbohydrates, alcohol, or antibiotics’ infested animal products for too long.

Other common sources of reinfection with parasites are – infected sex partners, or food handlers and, sometimes, restaurants and traveling.

“Natural’ self-treatments aren’t as benign as their recipes look.

Among other common factors feeding into the negative column of illustration #1 and are adding to the issue of discouragement. The ‘logical’ reasons behind these self-treatments often include ‘missing nutrients,’ or ‘good bacteria,’ to be replenished by some ‘best’ vitamins, probiotics or something else. Other products involve immune boosters, mercury, heavy metals and similar ‘detoxes’, ‘anti-candida’, ‘anti-parasites’ and other regimens.

However, many people do not realize that these substances have real side effects because:

a) They can be incompatible with one’s individual state of health, contaminated by toxic chemicals, poorly standardized, have low biological activity, have wrong or mislabeled dosage, etc. As concrete examples the most popular fad these days, Vitamin D, has been found to be sold in much higher doses than indicated by the manufacturer’s label and, even, resulted in hospitalizations for kidney problems.

b) As the case with medications, these create chemical dependency.

The latter factor necessitates their gradual discontinuation, even while side effects may continue and interfere with the treatment.

The problems why most people and alternative practitioners are not even aware of these side effects are several fold.

Among these is that the industry does not normally disclose these honestly, and, also, like drug companies, is genuinely unable to even know a full range of side effects of these substances especially when administered long term. What this ‘long term’ even is remains a mystery, too, as for some people it might be a few months, weeks or, even, days. The long term safety studies on humans with supplements virtually do not exist. Because the long term side effects remain often unknown or undetected this is often disguised as, “There are no known side effects,” which many falsely perceive as, “none exist.” The same holds true for some ‘healing’ machines and devices. Don’t take my word for it, just do some research into the obscure science of hormesis, which I have covered in my book, “The Power of Digital Medicine” . According to this inconvenient yet valid science, a poison may act as a cure, yet when administered as a ‘cure’ for something it may quickly turn into a poison, yet with current laboratory methods, quoting the Bible, “The time and day of this is unknown.” It is only through bio-resonance testing that one may detect such tendency or transformation.

c) Some people have been so convinced by the reasons for use of these supplements that they have developed a real placebo effect and are afraid to discontinue these.

d) Even when it was not related to a placebo effect and some supplements did help someone’s digestion, aches or energy level, it is far more important to discontinue these, on the right treatment, and have the real problem resurface in order to address its underlying causes. It is even necessary, in some circumstances, when these were administered based on some abnormal tests. It is because these abnormal tests do not usually identify their causes thus such abnormal tests virtually only represent more added symptoms to the existing pile. These tests might be nutritional deficiencies, food or other allergies, high cholesterol, or popular these days, MTRF gene function. In the great majority of these tests, their prescribed treatments are unable to solve the underlying problem and especially with many gene tests, like MTRF, people are misled in believing that they are “genetically programmed” to certain diseases unless they continue receiving some “correcting” pills or shots, for life. The only consistent ‘benefit’ that I have observed from such ‘corrective’ treatments is their side effects.

Overall, since all of these supplements are presented only in a positive and very superficial light by the industry or quoting one disenchanted integrative MD, “As the best thing since sliced bread,” consuming any of these ‘makes much sense.’

And aside from the fact that even if such ‘best’ products or safe treatments have ever existed, not a soul in the world knows our bodies’ individual needs, or most of the side effects of these interventions. Here again the real examples speak for themselves.

  • Shortly after Ms. B. initiated a prevention against yeast infections and constipation, as she was prone to both, by ‘the best’ probiotic she developed just that – constipation and severe yeast infection plus fatigue. Bio-resonance testing determined the presence of mercury in her gut that in all likelihood was released due to the probiotics killing yeasts, which are able to bind and then release mercury. The latter kills gut flora, which is instrumental in moving bowels and controlling the overgrowth of yeasts.
  • This patient is a chemist by profession, which paradoxically even raises his risk of becoming a victim of the advertised benefits of a formula because of its ‘make sense’ positive biochemical ‘benefits.’ However, neither our chemist nor, even less, the company want to think of a far more complex internal processing of the formula by the body. As the result, in spite of the superficial chemical mechanism claiming to detoxify the body from mercury and other toxic metals, the actual results exceeded his expectations. “Since I started taking this substance, I developed the following health problems: diarrhea, uncontrolled episodes of screaming, similar to Tourette’s syndrome, weight loss, in addition to my low weight, fatigue, and hernias. This went on for 10 months until I discontinued this detox.” Often, the problem is that many supplements can produce side effects on a subclinical or below the actual recognition level, or the side effects creep up gradually so that neither patients nor their alternative practitioners can put ‘two and two’ together.

The reality is that many severe side effects were observed from ‘the best’ fish oils, antioxidants and practically, all ‘natural’ supplements.

While on the surface these supplements all make sense because they might be addressing some bad element, B, present in disease through an action, A, this alone does not make it a good science because most deceits make sense on the surface, too. That is why science is more interested in the underlying conflicts or problems between A + B than their superficial match or ‘good idea.’ Conventional medical scientists have already criticized these A to B approaches to very complex states as chronic diseases, as antibiotic or insulin mindset, which were inspired by antibiotic A killing bug B, or insulin preventing death from excessive blood sugar.

The real problem with this mindset in chronic diseases is that while it points to a surface

problem, or cog B, to be fixed by treatment A it is incapable of being compatible with many cogs from other cogwheels inside the body.


In this illustration, below, we can see a nonstop dynamic and often unpredictable interactions between numerous cogs and cogwheels or all of the body organs. There are many cogs which are broken, others are still healthy, with various internal and external factors – positive and negative – all shifting the functioning of both individual cogs and their wheels. And that is exactly where the real problems or causalities begin because the science of complexity requires that A to B actions must be compatible and safe with the rest of that system. In our case, it is the rest of the cogs or internal organs which did not like a seemingly logical A to B treatment, even if it was based on some abnormal blood or other test, and found it neither useful nor safe.

It is because once a bad cog B with the attached treatment A comes in contact with the rest of the moving cogs and wheels or multiorgan complexity of the body the latter may often react to this as an internal mismatch. As the result, other cogs and wheels become harmed and injured by such ‘logical’ treatments on their surface. That is why complex systems as human bodies suffer when the applicable laws of science from complexity or others are ignored which is often the case in medicine. This is particularly common in alternative medicine where multitudes of specialties and approaches pick and perpetually generate more and ‘better’ A to B products and treatments. Here are a few vivid examples:

  • Antidepressant drugs make scientific sense that they would benefit depression through A to B corrective neurotransmitter treatment. Yet, medical literature has linked some of the most popular antidepressants to suicides, which the drugs were obviously inducing at the level of internal processing. Not to mention that their common side effect is obesity.
  • Viagra, like other ED pills, have been scientifically formulated for a beneficial A to B action at the surface of vascular receptors. Yet, when the cogs and wheels processed this benefit internally it produced strokes, heart attacks, blindness and death in many men.
  • While hormone replacement therapy in postmenopausal women was supposed to decrease their incidence of heart disease, osteoporosis and menopausal symptoms according to A to B formal science, the actual internal processing of these treatments have yielded a 20,000 increase in breast cancer, annually. Many womenare still being fooled into thinking that bio-identical hormones, unlike synthetic ones, are ‘natural’ and safe.
  • Antioxidants – vitamin-mineral-trace element pills – couldn’t fare any better in theory and in animal research studies, which don’t account for real people because of their expected beneficial A to B effect in suppressing free radicals. The latter were incriminated in heart disease, cancer, and premature death. Yet, when this alleged A to B solution was subjected to real research on people in the real world, its actual ‘benefits’ turned out to be just the opposite or real harm. It is because the body’s internal cogs got ripped out by antioxidants that most of these people ended up with more cancers, heart and other diseases, and also died earlier compared to the control or the antioxidants-free group.
  • As much as women are being brainwashed about calcium, vitamin D and some ‘women’s vitamin formulas’ doing A to B good for their bones and other organs, the real clinical studies on women showed zero benefits from these.

There are hardly better reasons for a woman to administer some ‘hormone balancing formula,’ A, for her imbalanced female hormones, B, because:

a) The blood test has confirmed the imbalance.
b) Such an imbalance was associated with cancer.
c) The test was ordered and treatment administered by no less than a ‘specialist in woman’s hormones or health.’
d) Integrative doctors like this provide the best of both medical worlds, conventional and alternative.
e) The dispensed formula was ‘natural’ e.g., safe.
f) It consisted of the ingredients possessing some useful properties all combined in a bottle that is supposed to deliver their synergistic beneficial effects.

However, the following are the more realistic facts concerning the ‘hormone specialist,’ and the ‘natural balancing formula.’

a) The blood tests drawn on very sick people, like this patient, may show hundreds of imbalances. None of these can be truly resolved until their causes are identified and properly addressed.

b) While hormonal imbalance can be associated with cancer, no formula can ‘balance’ these until the true causes are removed.

c)Women’s health or hormone specialists represent one of the top 10 greatest medical idiocies. Scientifically speaking such specialists, except for marketing gimmicks to fool the uninformed, do not even exist. It is because women’s heath extends beyond just a few reproductive organs, alone, and is always the function of the total body or multisystemic health.

d) While integrative medicine reflects in principle good intentions, however its current practice often combines not the best, but the worst from both medical worlds. The worst from conventional medicine, in this case, is that the detected imbalance between estrogen fractions constitute big answers to the problem and that for any detected biochemical abnormality there is a pharmaceutical to fix it. The worst of alternative medicine comes from a naïve assumption that ‘natural’ products are the ones that can fix, balance or treat it necessarily better than drugs.

e) Natural products do not even exist because other than some mud baths or special mineral spring water (which can’t cure any disease, anyway) all of these products or treatments are man-made.

f) Without actual legitimate studies on humans or other documented evidence confirming that the individually beneficial ingredients have resulted in an effective and safe formula, such assumption virtually constitutes an irresponsible speculation. Based on the science of pharmacology, the ingredients may neutralize one another, or even potentiate one another’s side effects and thus promote cancer.

The patient experienced severe side effects on the ‘natural balancing formula’ and not surprisingly, when I questioned the ‘female hormone specialist’ about the formula this is what came out:

  1. No evidence that this formula was ever tested by anybody to prove its efficacy.
  2. No safety studies, whatsoever, including the possible increase in female cancer rates, since we are dealing with a product that claims hormonal effects.
  3. The formula was based purely on the assumption of its individual ingredients having some alleged positive effects on female hormones.
  4. The specialist has advised that besides this (completely untested formula) she has the whole line of other ‘promising’ and just as untested women formulas that, as often is the case in alternative medicine, she will be commercially streamlining.

Also, an internet search through medical literature has yielded these and quite a few side effects for each single ingredient of the formula.

Vitex: upset stomach, nausea, itching, rash, headache, acne, trouble sleeping, weight gain, change of menstrual flow, can interfere with hormones, Parkinson’s disease and its therapies, schizophrenia/psychotic disorders – dopamine levels.

Indole-3-Carbinol: skin rash, increase of liver enzymes, balance problems, tremor, nausea.

Green Tea Extract EGCG (most symptoms worse due to level of caffeine content): Stomach upset, constipation, liver problems, headache, nervousness, sleep problems, vomiting, diarrhea, irritability, irregular heartbeat, tremor, heartburn, dizziness, ringing in ears, convulsions, confusion, reduces absorption of iron from food, increases risk of miscarriage, anemia, anxiety, bleeding disorders, heart conditions, diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, glaucoma, high blood pressure, liver disease, weak bones.

 Rosemary: vomiting, uterine bleeding, kidney irritation, sun sensitivity, skin redness, allergic reactions, stimulates menstruation which can lead to miscarriage, aspirin allergy, bleeding disorders, seizure disorders.

Turmeric: upset stomach, nausea, dizziness, diarrhea, stimulates uterus, gallbladder problems, bleeding problems, diabetes, GERD, hormone sensitive conditions*, infertility, iron deficiency, slow blood clotting.

DIM: lowers sodium levels, hormone sensitive conditions*.

*Hormone-sensitive conditions such as breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, endometriosis, or uterine fibroids: Diindolylmethane might act like estrogen, so there is some concern that it might make hormone-sensitive conditions worse. These conditions include breast, uterine, and ovarian cancer; endometriosis; and uterine fibroids. However, developing research also suggests that diindolylmethane might work against estrogen and could possibly be protective against hormone-dependent cancers. But stay on the safe side. Until more is known, don’t use diindolylmethane if you have a hormone-sensitive condition.

Certainly, most women are not even aware of these sobering facts and would not even think of asking the opinion of such a ‘closed-minded’ doctor as myself on the issue or if these hormone balancing brews were to be first tested with bio-resonance testing for compatibility with their bodies, before use.

  • A very recent case of a boy, who was treated by both conventional and alternative medicine for his PANDAS* manifested by intense facial tics, serves as a poster child case for dangers of medical practices when these are just based on ‘logical,’ on their surface, A to B treatments. The table below reflects his years’ long taxing medical ordeal as the result.

* Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections

Figure 4
  • While prescribing more and longer antibiotic treatments for chronic Lyme disease makes all of the A to B sense on the surface, the internal processing of these treatments by these patients has indicated tremendous harm, as both clinical studies and experience have confirmed.

The bottom line is that these surface A to B formulas for chronic diseases is not what medicine even wants to administer, but in the absence of skillful and medically sound bio-resonance testing of internal cogwheels it is something that it has quietly settled for. However, as it is spelled out in the quotes below, this is not anything that medical practitioners are eager to announce to the public. These quotes alert to the fact that unlike the public’s prevailing perception things in medical science are not as pure or clear as one might expect.

“The problem begins with the public’s rising expectations of science. Being human scientists are tempted to show that they know more than they do. Emphasis is often given to single studies instead of the big picture.”

“The ability to prove something false continues to be a hallmark of science. It would help, too, if scientists stated up front the limitations of their data or inherent flaws in their study designs. It is fully acceptable for patients and physicians to follow a treatment based on information that has, say, only a 1 percent chance of being correct. But we must be realistic about the odds. This is an embarrassment.” John Ioannidis, MD, Professor of Medicine and Director of the Stanford Prevention Research Center at Stanford University School of Medicine.

But, what really brings the odds down to only 1% of being correct is an enormous complexity of the human body.

I reflected on this subject years ago in my article, “The Law of Unintended Consequences” referring to this well-established law in science of complexity, presenting a real case of a young woman who started out with a minor local ailment and one ‘logical’ treatment for it, yet she ended up becoming a full blown invalid with systemic diseases, following medical care of some 30 different medical practitioners (

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