
Discouraged Reasons

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“Doctor, I am getting discouraged, because it’s taking so long for my disease to go.”

Key Points: · What your disease is. · Dangers of quick fixes, conventional or alternative. · How to better assess the results of treatments. · True treatment as a health restorative process with superior long-term quality of health and life expectancy.
·Your ‘disease’ is not what you think it is.
This page is not created to justify inept treatments which last forever because they are incapable, but to introduce a better understanding of what chronic disease really is, in the first place, and based on this how to judge the efficacy of FCT or any treatment.
While it is common sense for us to question any subject, it is understood that we judge the answer against some established general point of reference or known standard of the subject in our minds.
That is why when we deem a car or computer as too slow it is because our reference point is based on some standard speed of average cars and computers. When we fly to China or Hawaii from New York City, we do not complain that it takes much longer than flying to Boston nor do we complain that a deep bone fracture of a large bone does not heal in a week. Yet, when it comes to treatments and their expectations in chronic diseases most of the people and, even, doctors will be surprised to know that a sound standard of what chronic disease even is, virtually does not even exist. Fortunately and to their credit, this was finally admitted by prestigious scientists from Harvard Medical School, namely that the standard model or framework of chronic diseases is grossly outdated. As the result, when we state that we are unsatisfied or, even, pleased with the response of our chronic disease to a given treatment, such statements, most of the time, can be anywhere between being 100% correct to 100% wrong.
While in this practice we, fortunately, do not encounter this question often, there are two compelling reasons why it must be addressed. One, is that it is natural for anyone to want to know if and when they can become free from the chains of disease and their imposed limitations in life. And the second reason is that over the years we have been increasingly seeing very sick people who have been ‘through the ringer’ for decades even and particularly in alternative medicine. To some of these patients when things take time to sufficiently improve it seems like just another continuation of the all familiar ‘been there, seen that’ that prompts them to consider quitting and finding something ‘better’. And since alternative medicine represents a virtual bottomless pit of different interventions, which in the absence of sound understanding of chronic disease, all ‘make sense’ the quitters end up, again and again, in no-man’s land and get nowhere.
Let us begin by examining the two most common points of reference, which both patients and medical practitioners have been using as a standard to judge the effectiveness of a treatment or if a disease is ‘improving or not’ One of these criterion is patient’s complaints or subjective sensations while undergoing a treatment, with the other being some objective indicators such as laboratory, imaging or other conventional medical tests. However, as reasonable as this logic sounds, it has obviously missed something in understanding of disease, since both criteria have often displayed unfortunate and, even, tragic conflicts in both conventional and alternative medicine. Scientifically speaking, whenever and the more conflicts a given approach in science encounters, the more scientifically handicapped it deems to be.

The experience and conflicts in conventional medicine

Complaints of many people concerning numerous medical problems such as low energy, pains, inflammation, infections, allergies, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, gynecological, or neurological and other diseases were often improved through pharmaceuticals such as prednisone, antibiotics, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, anti-pain, anti-histamines, anti-depressants, anti-insomnia, anti-hypertensive, anti-cholesterol and many other ‘anti’ agents. Likewise, some pathological processes were reduced, as indicated by conventional tests and some growths were removed through the same anti-type approach of procedures or surgeries. However, in the great majority of these patients the original ailments have returned, and just as often, they suffered even worse diseases or states of health following treatments than the initial ones. Worse refers to cancer, leukemia, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Lou Gehrig’s, Alzheimer’s, stroke, and severe colitis, auto-immune diseases such as lupus, all of which may also kill or just relegate an invalid type of existence. At the same time, the corresponding treatments of these worse diseases and conditions require powerful pharmaceuticals and/or radical procedures, surgeries, or other measures which, often, further compromise an already poor quality of life.

The experience and conflicts in alternative medicine

The truth is that the majority of alternative medicine has produced very similar experiences where it has failed to resolve milder diseases and prevent major ones, but only using different interventions. These are: so-called ‘natural’ supplements, oral or injectable chelators, ‘detoxifiers’, ‘binders’, ‘cleansers’, ‘balancers’, vitamins, oxygenators; also, acupuncture, homeopathy, some machines which allege to detoxify, or electrocute bad germs, or deliver some ‘healing-balancing’ energies. The promised benefits of all alternative treatments can be defined as anything under the sun, but often center around: removing mercury and other heavy metals, killing bad infections such as Lyme and co-infections, candida, or parasites, treating leaky gut and food allergies, restoring energetic, metabolic or nutritional balance through some favored treatments or, usually, a haphazard combination thereof. While it is true that these aforementioned toxic or infectious agents do deserve effective medical treatments, alternative medicine has failed to find these and because virtually treating blindly and recklessly has produced many serious side effects. Obviously, if something has worked well in alternative or integrative medicine these would not have needed as many as 100 or ‘under the sun’ treatments, only formally registered with the NIH.
The bottom line is that according to the Office of Technology Assessment, under the U.S. Congress the actual efficacy and safety rates of all medical interventions are only in a meager 10-15% range. The Director of the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine under the NIH, Josephine Briggs, MD, has affirmed this by stating, in November, 2014 to the Boston Globe, that both conventional and alternative medicine do not have solutions to chronic diseases. Speaking of the failures, below are just a few out of many accounts of these presented by many patients over the years.

Examples from conventional medicine

Case #1
Mrs. B’s chronic sinus infection has much improved in the short run following the treatment with powerful antibiotics. However, shortly after she became a chronic invalid due to the following health problems. Below is her own report concerning these.
“My current symptom list – since taking Cipro and Macrobid

Figure 1
Case #2
Mrs. A was successfully treated for environmental allergies with anti-histamines and steroid hormones. Just as successfully, she was treated for periodic skin rashes with cortisone cream. However, following these successful treatments, she developed a life threatening disease – lupus – even in her brain that required a prolonged hospitalization and treatment with powerful drugs.
Case #3
Ms. F. has been successfully treated for years for his pemphigus by a medical doctor, a specialist in this disease. But, at the time this page was being written, Mr. F was lying in a hospital in a critical condition due to the side effects of this ‘successful’ treatment.
Case #4
Mrs. C’s bladder infection kept reoccurring in spite of several of my treatments, which was rather unusual. Further bio-resonance testing suggested mercury and possible obstructive lesion in her urinary bladder. She was advised to continue FCT and be tested by an urologist. However, since the bouts of antibiotics, prescribed by another doctor, have calmed her infection she just left it at that. Two years later, she was diagnosed as having cancer of the urinary bladder, which necessitated surgery and chemotherapy, following which she died.

Examples from alternative, integrative medicine

Case #1
A middle aged alternative medical practitioner has undergone treatments with intravenous chelations, vitamin C and other ‘immuno-enhancing’ nutrients, oral ‘natural’ supplements and antioxidants. All of which succeeded in addressing low energy but which were followed by the emergence of cancer.

Case #2
Mrs. D, a middle aged woman, was treated for years by a world renowned classical homeopath for minor complaints and for preventative purposes. Yet, 10 years into the treatment she was diagnosed with cancer with widespread metastases. These responded very poorly to conventional and alternative cancer treatments and at the time when I saw her, she appeared to be in a terminal stage.

Case #3
Mr. B., a middle aged and very athletic man, became very ill from Lyme disease for which he treated himself with numerous supplements and electrocutions, by so called ‘Rife machine*’. When I saw Mr. B. at my office some years later, he did report much improvement in his original Lyme symptoms, yet was still dependent on and unable to discontinue these treatments. In addition, while on the treatment, he developed mysterious heart pains even on mild exertion, which forced him to cease all of his regular exercise activities. My bio-resonance testing indicated several morbid factors, including toxic metals, EMFs, and other, which were affecting his immune organs that would lead to susceptibility to Lyme or any infection. Also, bio-resonance testing suggested that Lyme bacteria was present in his cardiac arteries and cardiac muscle itself, as the likely result of being shifted there by these treatments. Following only two FCT treatments and acquisition of Memon EMF protective technology, he has reported a dramatic improvement. This concerned not only his chest pains, but overall increased energy and vitality levels. Notably, his entire ‘natural’ Lyme regimen was discontinued, right from the start, in order to avoid an appearance of a mere fake recovery.

Case #4
In FCT Webinar #12, we have presented a case of a woman who, following the failure of conventional doctors to help her condition, has pursued ‘all the best alternative treatments’ in the US and Europe. As each of these treatments was rushing to improve her disease and health, both were deteriorating progressively as the result of these treatments, and while she was getting sicker and sicker and acquiring more diseases, to the point of considering suicide. Certainly, each of these treatments aimed in good faith to produce a speedy progress in her disease. Even though this patient has referred to FCT as ‘an ingenious treatment’ only after first two treatments, it took a year and dozens of treatments to turn her health and life around.
See this http://meet43636227.adobeconnect.com/p670e23214p/ for further details.

Case #5
A woman in her forties, after being treated for over a year, spent tens of thousands of dollars on the ‘best’ integrative medical treatments for Lyme disease, administered by Lyme ‘progressive’ doctors in ‘progressive’ clinics, emailed me the following,

Dear Dr. Yurkovsky,
I watched your DVD series on Lyme, and at this time I am leaning very much toward following your program. I’ve done oral antibiotics/antimalarials /antifungals in rotation for over a year. I’ve considered Rife machine + medicines (intramuscular injections plus orals plus supportive treatments) and your approach, and I’m still confused as to where to place my confidence, but my strongest feeling is right now to commit to your approach. I am honestly quite overwhelmed, and frightened, as I feel I am continuing to get worse.

 Her fright and despair are not surprising as she remains being a homebound and unemployed invalid.

*Strictly speaking, these machines do not have anything to do with Dr. Rife and what, even, his machine did. In reality, it might be just one of many interesting fairy tales in alternative medicine.

Case #6
This is a very typical case that was shared with me by one of my most dedicated patients at this time, but who used to say, “I feel discouraged doctor because this treatment takes too long to work.”
Her friend, only in her fifties, had always enjoyed good health, was well fit, and adhered to regular exercise, an impeccable organic diet, and ‘natural supplements to strengthen her immune system and general health’. Her periodic doctor’s checkups kept reporting the usual, ‘everything is normal, you are healthy.’ However, after she suddenly started feeling weak, the medical tests revealed an inoperable brain tumor that killed her weeks after.
A patient of mine stated that she was in shock, since such a thing happened so quickly to a woman who appeared to be so healthy.

Case #7
Another case of ‘good health’ was seven year old Kathie, a normal child whose parents kept her on a reasonably healthy diet and children’s vitamins, ‘as a precaution’. Yet one day, and only several weeks after Kathie passed her pediatrician’s regular checkup as ‘healthy’, she was diagnosed with kidney cancer.

Case #8 and #9
Both a young man and a young woman were treated with dozens of alternative and conventional treatments combined in a ‘wellness center’ for Lyme disease. Even while practically every therapeutic item prescribed was based on some formally correct treatment, A against  B or abnormal finding in disease, both of them became much sicker and having spent six digit figures out of pocket within only months.

What is the underlying basic problem behind the majority of such conventional and alternative medical approaches?

It has to be either that chronic disease really is of a much deeper nature than is taught in conventional or alternative medicine, or that it has been treated with ineffective therapeutic means, or both. From my observations, both is the case. As mentioned above conventional medical scientists have already admitted that the current view of chronic diseases, as proposed by Sir William Osler, MD in the 19th century, remains grossly outdated. (http://meet43636227.adobeconnect.com/p84ukx24zd3/) This by and of itself is an insurmountable obstacle to solving their current epidemics.

Other important handicaps concerning chronic diseases brought up in scientific medical literature are: the failure to determine their true causes, the inability to offer individualized treatments and properly address disease as a complex multisystemic pathological network, (referred to as system biology) versus just fragmented symptoms and laboratory abnormalities based approaches.

In relation to the problem concerning causes of disease, as correctly stated by the former editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), Lester King, MD, in his book, Medical Thinking, conventional medical diagnosis is unable to determine these and, thus, successfully treat and prevent most of the chronic diseases. He also pointed out correctly, and as confirmed by my bio-resonance testing and years of clinical experience, that these causes are present in a multilayered and mutually sustained fashion. As this multisystemic pathological network generates thousands of abnormal findings, determining and deciding how best to diagnose, choose among and treat these matters the most.

Concerning an absence of individualized treatments, conventional medicine refers to an absence of gene therapies or approaches to address individual genetic malfunctions, which are the case with all of us, in different degrees.

Unfortunately, neither alternative nor integrative medicine even acknowledge these and many other deficiencies in their practices and just sustain the hype of ‘natural’, ‘new’ and ‘better’ treatments. Speaking of genes, the new science of epigenetics has established that our genes may malfunction even without any structural breakdown inside of them, but due to various morbid agents which can confuse genes’ function by acting from cells’ peripheries or outside of the actual genes. So, individualized medical approaches can also be those which can properly determine and address these toxins. This can be carried out through skillful bio-resonance testing, causative homeopathy* and proper lifestyle guidance.

* The Power of Digital Medicine by Savely Yurkovsky, MD: https://www.yurkovsky.com/
Are these abnormal findings the ones which have actually caused disease or just the shadows of the real causes?But in the meantime, what chronic disease even is, by the strict criteria of science, remains a virtual mystery. It is because that in spite of numerous diagnostic tests, or research detecting a high number of different abnormal findings in disease, such findings usually do not answer questions which are crucial to solving problems in science. Among these questions:

  • Are there other important, or more important undetected abnormal findings because doctors did not order the right tests, or laboratory tests cannot even detect these?
  • This leaves the only way to determine what has actually caused disease only if the treatment of the detected morbid agents has resulted in its successful and long term resolution or substantial progress, versus short term suppression of symptoms, which would not be expected otherwise. This is the same as confirming that the poliovirus was the real cause of poliomyelitis versus just some associated abnormal lab finding, only by successfully preventing poliomyelitis through the polio vaccine. Likewise, only documented reversals of chronic diseases, e.g., confirmed by objective medical tests, as well as consistent substantial progress in the reduction of reported symptoms of disease can validate that the identified morbid agents and findings were very likely the actual causes of disease.

So what is chronic disease?

Based on my positive experience in such reversals and progress, chronic diseases are deemed to be the following. They are a combination of toxicological and infectious agents acquired by the body over a lifetime, since and, even, before birth. Depending on the nature of these agents they can invade, impair, or destroy the function of any organ and, often, many organs. And their destructive effects are greatly enhanced by another potent destroyer, by and of itself, EMFs continually acting in our daily environment.

As children grow so do the concentrations and variety of these harmful agents in their bodies, also adding antibiotics, possible side effects of vaccines, harmful foods, habits and mercury fillings. All of these deepen our genetic weaknesses, whether inherited or acquired, and ultimately result in our depleted regulatory health reserves or the very deterrents of disease.

The importance of residual health reserve whether in the speed or possibility of recovery from disease, even on the best of treatment, can be underscored by the fact that people don’t just die from cancer, Ebola virus, AIDS, or old age, but ultimately from inadequate health reserves to withstand these or other morbid assaults. Likewise, the degree of residual health reserves is crucial for speed of recovery from disease on the proper treatment.

The role of causes or entities without which your disease would not even exist.


Theophrastus Paracelsus, MD

Switzerland (1493-1541)

“The physician should look for the force and nature of illness at its source. He is not to look to that which can be seen, for we are not called upon to extinguish smoke but the fire itself.

 The fundamental role of causes in diseases has been emphasized since as early as the 16th century by the great Swiss physician, Theophrastus Paracelsus, MD, through his famous statement to address disease at its very source or the fire itself, not just smoke or symptoms. His other theory that it is the dose which determines cure from poison is still being accepted as the fundamental principle in toxicology and pharmacology. This holds true for medications and ‘natural’ supplements, which can easily trespass that thin and undefined line between being useful one day and becoming poisons thereafter. This is one of the reasons why most self-treatments are dangerous and medications need to be periodically re-evaluated.


Professor Colin J. Alexander, MD

“Medicine has failed in the care of chronic diseases. None of the types of research or clinical trials have made a difference because we have not identified a cause.

One hundred years after, in 2011, Professor Colin Alexander, MD stated the obvious in his book Complexity and Medicine: The Elephant in the Waiting Room that, as in any field, problems or chronic disease in medicine’s case cannot be solved as long as their causes remain unknown.

The curse of suppressive treatments


Samuel Hahnemann, MD. (1755 – 1843)

Founder of Homeopathy.

The concept of suppression, or just extinguishing the smoke in disease, was further developed by the founder of classical homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann, MD, in the 18th century. By suppression, he wisely referred to any treatment, conventional, or alternative including wrong applications of homeopathy, which in the short run have led to reduction in the signs of disease, yet later, to worse diseases and premature death. So, it was only logical, considering that an average human life spans for many decades, not for a few months or years, that Dr. Hahnemann had distinguished treatments where patients’ long term well-being, along with quality of life and its longevity were sacrificed for the sake of short term improvement of symptoms. Such treatments he named suppressive. Practically 100% of bio-chemical treatments, drugs or ‘natural’, are suppressive and those ‘natural’ that attempt to chelate, detoxify, or bind are unsafe.

While classical homeopathy can be invaluable, under certain circumstances, it is no longer able to fulfill Hahnemann’s hope to successfully treat chronic diseases in severely poisoned modern populations, still his concept of suppressive treatments and their fooling nature remains fully valid. Its importance must be taught to every MD, and especially to alternative practitioners who have deluded themselves that ‘natural treatments’ can do no harm while countless observations have indicated that these cause even more harm than conventional drugs.* Besides and scientifically speaking, ‘natural treatments’ do not even exist because anything that is man-made can no longer be natural and even if it was, poisonous mushrooms and plants or snake venoms are natural, too, and so are tsunamis.

*Many real cases of this, along with the explanations of why alternative medicine has become more hazardous than conventional medicine have been presented in Dr. Yurkovsky’s Webinars: https://www.yurkovsky.com/webinar-001/

Are the suppressions real, and what is Hering’s law and its role in breeding and recovering from diseases?


Constantine Hering, MD. (1800 – 1880)

Medical researcher, homeopath.

There are at least two firmly established facts which make both suppressions and their harm credible and logical. One is well-known in homeopathic practice, Hering’s law encompassing over 200 years of observations which have consistently demonstrated the link between suppressions of milder diseases leading to the emergence of more severe ones in millions of patients. Consistent observations have always been the well accepted and valid tools in science. The peculiar observations of Hering’s law can be equated with setting a person’s disease to travel back in time where troubling symptoms and never fully resolved medical conditions, stockpiled over the lifetime, keep returning following correct homeopathic treatment. This travel back in time into unresolved layers of diseases which have been stuck in the body like the layers of facial tissues in a box, is a process that is vital to true recovery and cannot be produced by any other treatment but only certain types of homeopathy. Beware, that most homeopathic approaches cannot produce Hering’s law and can be outright dangerous. The essence of Hering’s law is that while treatments, in the past, were suppressing or making milder diseases disappear from the surface and more severe ones emerge, the proper homeopathic treatment has produced just the opposite. As more severe diseases and conditions were resolved on the proper homeopathic treatment the milder, suppressed ones returned in succession, going back to childhood. As an example, as seizures, bronchial asthma, or tumors were regressing, these were succeeded by eczema, sinus or intestinal discharges, allergies and others, which had been suppressed by unphysiologic superficial treatments, in their time.

The other fact is related to medical physiology where metabolic wastes are pushed out by our cells, not held or suppressed inside, in order to maintain health. These are equivalent to pathological discharges in diseases whether from any orifice or surface. Just think of how healthy it would be for us if we took some ‘good’ medicines to suppress normal bowel movements or urination.

Also, while neither conventional nor alternative bio-medical (alternative pharmaceuticals) medicines neglect Hering’s law and its unique phenomenon of disease travel back in time a very recent remarkable discovery by MIT scientists set it on a firm scientific foundation.  They have just established a new technology – DNA stress counter or meter – where they obtain a read out of the past major stressful events which have been recorded like notches on DNA strands.  These stressful marks can be inscribed by noxious environmental pollutants, toxic drugs, strong infectious agents, emotional and physical traumas.  This is similar to CD and DVD disc recordings via magnetic inscriptions where our atoms, including ones of DNA, possess magnetic elements called magnetic monopoles, and it has been well-established that our brains and other organs contain magnetic substance – magnetite.  This recording of accumulated stressful events from the past, raises two issues.  One can certainly deduce that an accumulation of such stressful or pathological recordings, similar to scratched CDs, must impair the function of DNA, as the main transmitter of healthy regulatory information for our cells.  And it follows that the restoration of DNA healthy transmitting information must be preceded by removal of these stressful marks or layers, but where, in the process of this removal, those stressful events from the past will resurface and replay themselves like a video from the past, as they are leaving the body.  These marks must be removed through causative homeopathy and, may require constitutional or classical homeopathic prescribing for specific emotional trauma, or the entire physical-psychological being of a person, as practiced by FCT.

Each of these interventions – causative and classical homeopathy – have their own role, power and proper sequence and timing for administration in order to derive optimal therapeutic benefits from the both.

FCT not only consistently produces Hering’s law but does not prescribe treatments that simply rush to suppress discharges or symptoms of disease in order to avoid their artificial reduction or mask the underlying causes, even if the symptoms or disease take longer to resolve. To avoid this masking FCT also uses only short term treatments and, then, have patients stop these over progressively longer periods of time before the next reevaluation. This stoppage allows one to test the signs of real recovery and restoration of health, as evidenced by progressively longer periods without signs of disease versus a superficial improvement when symptoms of disease are buried under continuous treatments. Likewise, medications may need to be reduced or discontinued, as necessary.

The opposite litmus test, in this regard, is if one is to discontinue suppressive treatments, all of the underlying symptoms of disease immediately return or intensify thereby proving that their causes have never been resolved and no actual progress in disease has been made. Ill understanding of this crucial principle of temporary suppressions leads to an illusion of medical progress for which many people have paid a dear price. As one of many examples, certain alternative doctors’ YouTube videos may display actual happy patients stating their positive response to some ‘progressive’ Lyme or other treatment, yet they are still being propped up by pills and IVs. Such ‘encouraging’ displays fool many people who then flock to these ‘progressive’ places. But, as later or actual experience indicates once the treatment was discontinued or even if continued longer, all of the problems return with a vengeance. Other alternative doctors equally mislead by stating that they have cured hundreds of patients from Lyme disease only because their symptoms may have decreased while they continued with treatment. Such ‘healers’ are either ignorant in science because a cure cannot be declared while a treatment continues or dishonest, or both.

This email attests to the real picture behind these ‘successful’ treatments.

Dear Dr. Yurkovsky,
 I won’t go into too much detail but a short bit of my story.  I have been sick here and there with different issues for as long as I remember.  I am 32 years old, but around 4 years ago things started going wrong.  Electricity type jolts to hands and feet and body.  Went to many doctors with no real information.  Things got worse and I lost the ability to drive, and walk when out.  I constantly felt like passing out.  I went to a dr. that diagnosed me with Lyme.  I didn’t do anything for about 8 months because I didn’t know what to do.  I finally went to a Lyme clinic here in fl. which helped me a lot, I got out of my wheelchair and I was able to do most things except I would have a seizure or convulsions when I went into any public building that had mold. [This is one of many side effects of antibiotic treatments.] I slowly declined back down and it’s been almost 2 years now with the treatment.  I am looking for help but I know you are located in NY.  I am not able to travel as I am too sick.  I was hoping maybe you could give me some tips or information, or we could talk via Skype?
Thank you,

Even while she was still continuing this merely symptom suppressive treatment it already started failing and she is back to square one with the addition of new seizures and mold allergies. Yet, in the meantime some ‘progressive’ clinic or doctor could have used her as living ‘proof’ of their ‘successful’ treatments.

Certainly, when people are not familiar with Hering’s law they mistakenly interpret the return of old and, usually, forgotten problems as getting sicker. As the result they doubt the treatment and ask “Why does it take so long for me to recover?” without realizing that this is the necessary and very sign of the recovery process.

It is because FCT pursues the causes of diseases of diseases and induces Hering’s law that the rate of our patients, even in the elderly, developing serious chronic degenerative diseases is extremely low while their vitality for their age is uncommonly high.

How best to determine the stuck layers of causes of disease?

These can be determined only through skillful bio-resonance testing, which overcomes the major inability of other tests to apprehend the causes of illness where it counts the most – inside the internal organs, themselves. Through consistent testing the trapped layers, practically since birth, of disease causes can be diagnosed. Extensive clinical experience has proven, including many documented reversals of chronic diseases, that when a therapeutic process is allowed to drain these layers for as long as it is necessary an optimal recovery and a greater quality of life can be achieved.

Certainly, depending on the individual circumstances, while the causes of disease are being addressed homeopathically some significant abnormalities, like hormonal deficiencies, may be addressed concurrently through hormone replacement, if necessary. When the process of consistent identification and proper treatment of causative layers of disease is circumvented and their manifestations as symptoms or abnormal lab tests are being simply suppressed, any type of health disasters and at any age are waiting to explode. While it is impossible to predict its exact nature or the timing, when significant causes detected by bio-resonance testing are ignored long enough, it might be already too late to save one’s life when an explosion takes place. This was the case in this tragic example.

  • Mrs. M. was only in her early fifties and being on a very healthy, organic diet plus many vitamins ‘as an insurance’, she did not think much of her sleep problems. After I told her to take it more seriously because my bio-resonance testing indicated excessive electromagnetic stress in her brain from the area around her bed as the very likely source of the insomnia. While EMFs are deemed as a carcinogen, she ignored this. Instead, as a nutritionist with a PhD she resorted to melatonin and other supplements which did improve her insomnia, deeming such treatment successful. Unfortunately, some two years after I was advised by her relatives that ‘strangely’ enough an electrician did find excessive electromagnetic fields in her bedroom while working on a different electrical problem. Shortly after, she was diagnosed with a terminal lung cancer, never being a smoker, and died.

Again, this is one of many lessons of when improved symptoms of the ignored real disease turns into just another tragic victory. Bio-resonance testing is also indispensable and unique in determining individual need for certain supplementation as well as which particular supplements are most effective and compatible with one’s state of health, at the time.

While the ‘natural’ industry has been outdoing and outlying one another in offering some of the ‘best’ probiotics or vitamins for children, women and men, and likewise, ‘best’ formulas to kill Lyme, parasites, candida or anything else, such ‘best’ formulas cannot even exist. It is up to an individual person’s body to decide which supplement, why and for how long is the best to take. Read this email, “Dear Dr. Yurkovsky, I should add that the probiotic you gave me has worked better than any other probiotic I have ever used.” While it is true that bio-resonance testing allows me to select a better quality of products from ‘God only knows what’ in this completely chaotic ‘natural’ industry, the real message here is not that I have the best probiotics, but that my bio-resonance testing has determined, out of many tested, the best one for this person’s individual needs, at the time. Think of the ‘best probiotic’ nonsense or any product as the ‘best antibiotic’ claim. Even while many people are paying an arm and a leg for some exoteric ‘best probiotics’ or vitamins because some ‘big scientist-inventor,’ or ‘high quality’ manufacturer is using some ‘special’ preparation process, but the single main benefit of an antibiotic for a given infection is not determined by its scientists, manufacturers, or ‘the more the better’ doses, but only if that infection is sensitive to that antibiotic. So, apply this simple working formula to all other claims of the ‘best’ from ‘best’ vitamin D or calcium to bio-identical hormones.

The treachery of complexity in chronic diseases and in recovery

Figure 2

One of the main reasons why chronic diseases are so complex and difficult to treat is because they are enormously complex. Even a body of a primitive organism like an amoeba that is billions of times simpler than a sick body of a human, is far more complex than even an electronic brain.

“The most complex machine man has devised — say, an electronic brain— is child’s play compared with the simplest of living organisms.” – George Wald, PhD, Nobel laureate in medicine

Besides the fact that the human body is so complex even in health, where so many mechanisms still remain unknown, there are a number of major factors which make it even more of a black hole in chronic disease. Since all of the internal organs and tissues are so interconnected with and interdependent on each other, such an interplay cannot be even nearly detected by medical tests but, also, keeps changing because of the many acting internal and external factors which themselves keep changing, also. Such complex and unpredictable systems, as is the case in biology, ecology, economy, and weather patterns where so many unstable factors are at play, are the very reason why complexity has been established as a separate science, in the first place. And because so many factors are involved in complex systems this science focuses on selecting and addressing only the most significant ones in order to minimize failures and optimize success.

In medicine, as successful experience has shown, such a selection must focus on the main players in disease or Star-Bullets* – malfunctioned organs and their causes – and how these can mutually sustain and enhance disease. As an example, the destructive effect of toxicological and infectious agents on the body can be enhanced by EMFs. (“Do extremely low frequency magnetic fields enhance the effects of environmental carcinogens? A meta-analysis of experimental” by Jukka Juutilaninen, Timo Kumlin & Jonne Naarala in Int. J. Radiat. Biol., Vol. 82, No. 1, January 2006, pp. 1-12). Following this, as the number and degree of weakened organs grow, including the immune organs, the existing infections intensify and new ones emerge. Under the circumstances such a weakened person may easily acquire infections from people in close contact who might just be silent or healthy looking carriers, yet blame the treatment for not working. In its turn, the enhanced state of infections may also cause increased brain sensitivity to EMFs, thereby compounding its morbid effect, which also results in decreased excretion of toxic immunosuppressive metals. Altogether, this self-sustained destructive orchestra leads to the proverbial snowballing of disease. Also, even a single causative agent, toxicological or infectious, while creating a seemingly sole or certain visible disease in one organ, may also create many subtle diseases or malfunctions in other organs. As an example, in case of a low thyroid condition the real problems may lie in the brain, adrenal glands, gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys.

As reflected in this illustration below, there are both positive and negative factors which are constantly acting at and keep swinging disease in any direction for better, worse, and unpredictably.
*See Office Brochure: https://www.yurkovsky.com/patients-corner/



Here, complexity or the interplay between negative and positive factors plays the same balancing act as the positive column of incomes against the negative one of debts and expenses in accounting spreads. Likewise, the same consideration to the balance of these acting positive and negative factors or forces must be given to a safe flying of an airplane no matter how well it was constructed. A confirmation of the acting negative positive forces on any system, in the case of airplanes, the flight time of the same airplane with e same engine and power differs by an hour between the East and West coast and vice versa, due to a wind factor.

The number and severity of negative factors play a major role in the speed of recovery and with some being not doctor-dependent or treatment-dependent but patient-dependent. Among the most significant of these is the number of malfunctioned organs and their degree of damage. This can be compared to the corresponding degree of damage and expected timing of the recovery in a patient with 2 fractured bones versus a dozen. Also, among other negative factors are length and severity of disease, the nature and number of its causes, and, if the organs’ damage is severe enough these become too weak to respond to a treatment promptly. It is because, as the case with weak constitutions, that such malfunctioning organs are able to excrete, detoxify or combat toxicological or infectious agents only gradually and in small fractions at a time. I have seen countless side effects produced by alternative treatments aimed at “killing that bug” or detoxify and chelate something, all aimed at a speedy recovery.

Sometime, around 2005, I treated a middle-aged man for Lyme disease, fatigue, and prostate problems. He, as most of the public, was unaware of signs of compromised health prior to becoming very ill, and assumed that he was healthy only because he was on a healthy diet, vigorous exercise regimen, had high energy level and absence of the formal disease.  However, his ‘good health’ lasted only up to the moment when he was bitten by a Lyme tick following which he completely fell apart and became a walking invalid. Years of conventional treatment first, and then years of AIM, produced no relief.

Following my FCT treatment for less than a year, while doing it even half-way due to heavy computer use for hobby purposes than work, and finally acquiring house Memon by the end of the treatment, he reported no signs of Lyme or fatigue. Only a couple of other problems persisted, which required time and, certainly, better compliance. However, none of these was in his plans since he deemed FCT’s reasonable restrictions of computer use as unreasonable and inconvenient for his lifestyle, since being well off he no longer had to work and preferred filling his time with screens.

So, he made a decision to continue his care elsewhere because no other AIM practitioners would ‘burden’ him with the EMF restrictions, he returned his house Memon and disappeared.

However, close to a decade later ‘the prodigal son’ has requested to resume his FCT care and shared with me all of the ‘benefits’ of ‘convenience’ of pursuing all types of AIM Lyme treatments. Whether he was re-bitten with a Lyme tick or just due to overuse of computer and living in a Memon less house but he fell ill again from Lyme disease, sometime after discontinuing FCT.  Following this and for ensuing eight years, he visited any and tried all the ‘best’ AIM practitioners/‘Lyme specialists’ and clinics in the United States, coast to coast: MDs, NDs, chiropractors, ‘energy healers’, etc.  Every available treatment, approach including computerized bio-resonance testing (EAV), homeopathics, substances to swallow or inject, ‘balancing’ and electrocuting machines were used. Some bio-resonance testing ‘experts’ through our cultural god, computer or computerized bio-resonance testing, have found the ‘explanation’ for his persistent Lyme and neurological symptoms as allegedly due to a narrowed blood vessel in the brain. Following this, he underwent a completely unnecessary, senseless and potentially very dangerous procedure of dilating that “narrow” blood vessel in the neck or brain, without seeing a trace of progress, afterwards. Overall, not only following all of the long years and spending in six-digit figures on these treatments did he see no progress, but his condition, unfortunately, significantly deteriorated and to the point where he spent two years in bed due to extreme fatigue.  Fortunately, some classical homeopath gave him a single pellet that diminished the severity of fatigue but the rest of his numerous medical problems the homeopathic practitioner told him candidly were over his head to help him with. Following this he resumed his AIM rounds again, but all in vain, and contacted me.

Here is the copy of his emailed report of his current daily regiment, costing thousands of dollars a month, which just allow him to get through each day. For the record, before he discontinued his FCT care he was taking only a single medication, methadone, which he had started prior and we were gradually reducing, due to its addictive and dependent pharmacological properties, as he was making progress on FCT. He was also barely taking supplements at the time.

Date: Wednesday, January 6, 2016 at 11:11 PM

To: info@yurkovsky.com

Subject: Supplements

Hi Doc, Here’s the rundown on my daily supplement consumption.  I will include the contents of each one to help you evaluate them more thoroughly.

Before Breakfast: 1) I tsp. Natural Tranquility-Magnesium 350 mg mixed with 1 tsp. C-Salts-Vit. C (as l-Ascorbate) 4000 mg; Calcium (as Ascorbate) 145 mg; Magnesium (as Ascorbate) 55 mg; Zinc (as Ascorbate) 2 mg; Potassium (as Ascorbate) 365 mg in 4 oz.’s of water.  2) KidneyChi- 350 mg of a Proprietary Herbal Extract Blend of Centella asiatica,Lygodium japonicum, Rosaclaevigata, Smilax china taken mixed with .02 mg Biosil- Silicon 5 mg (as Choline stabilized Orthosilicic Acid (ch-OSA); Cholin-100 mg (as ch-OSA) mixed in 3 oz’s of water.

With Breakfast:  1) Grape Seed Extract- 250 mg Amia Extract (Fruit)-60 mg; Rutin Powder (flower bud)- 50 mg with 2) Vit. E-400 IU (as unesterfied d-alpha Tocopherols plus Mixed Tocopherols d-beta, d-delta and d-gamma Tocopherols) (non GMO) with 3) Kidney Care-  200 mg Org. Cranberry ext. (30% ext. VitaCran); 100 mg Astragalus (70%/ 4:1 ext.); 50 mg Birch Leaves (herb powder); 50 mg Buchu Leaves (herb powder); 50 mg Goldenrod (herb powder); 50 mg Horsetail (herb powder); 50 mg Juniper Berries (herb powder); 50 mg Gravel Root (herb powder); 50 mg Uva Ursi (herb powder); 25 mg Nettle Leaf (herb powder); 5 mg Java Tea (0.1% ext.); 25 mg Proprietory Blend of High Orac Complex of Cinnammon Powder, Ginger Root Powder, Tumeric Powder, Green Tea Leaf Powder, Rosemary Powder, Grape Seed Ext., Wild Blueberry Powder, Cranberry Powder, Red Raspberry Powder and Strawberry Powder. with 4) Milk Thistle Seed- 300 mg 30:1 Ext. (80% total flavonoids) with 5) ProDHA 1000- 580 mg total Omega- 3s made as 90 mg EPA( Eicosapentaenoic Acid), 450 mg DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid), Other Omega- 3s with 6) Cranberry Concentrate-8400 mg, 20 mg Vit. C (as Ascorbic Acid), 3 IU Vit. E with 7) Glucosamine/Chondroitin/MSM- 42 mg Chloride (from Glucosamine sulfate 2KCL), 14mg Sodium (from chondroitin sulfate sodium, 45.5 mg Potassium (f),, rom glucosamine sulfate 2KCL, 375 mg Glucosamine sulfate 2KCL, 300 mg Chondroitin Sulfate (from chondroitin sulfate sodium), 250 mg Methylsulfonylmethane with 8) Dandelion Root 525 mg with 9) Thyrocare- 200 mg Iodine, 200 mg Selenium 500 mg Bladderwrack Thallus,330 mg Blue Flag Root, 120 mg Guggul Myrrha, 100 mg Nettle herb, 100 mg Ashwagandha root, 80 mg Tripahla, 20 mg Ginger root, 400 mcg Diiodotyrosine with 10) Leg Veins- 30 mg Vit. C, 300 mg Horse Chestnut ext. (seed), 20% Aescin, 150 mg Butcher’s Broom (root), 150 mg Cayenne Pepper (fruit) 150 mg Dandelion (leaf), 50 mg Prickly Ash (bark), 37 mg Tru-OPCs Grape Seed ext. (seed) with 11) 1 tsp. Sol water (saturated Himilayan salt solution).  All taken with 8 0z’s of water

Before Lunch: 1) Kidney Chi with water

At Lunch; 1) Glucosamine/ Chondrotin/MSM; Grapeseed extract; 2) Leg Veins; 3) ProDHA 1000; 4) Kidney Care; 5) Milk Thistle; 6) Cranberry; 7) 1 tsp. Sol water; 8) 1/4 tsp. Inositol Powder (730 mg).  All taken in 8 oz’s of water. 

I’m tired!  I will send the dinner, bedtime, and early morning list of supplements tomorrow.    

God bless


Date: Thursday, January 7, 2016 at 10:34 AM

To: info@yurkovsky.com

Subject: Fwd: Supplements

Hi, I’m back.  To continue….

At Dinner:  1) Glucosamine/Chondroitin/MSM; 2) Grape Seed extract; 3) Leg Veins; 4) ProDHA 1000; 5) Kidney Care; 6) Milk Thistle; 7)Cranberry-420mg; 8) Super Beta Prostate- 400 IU Vit.D; 80 mg Calcium (as oyster shell powder); 15 mg Zinc (as zinc oxide); 70 mcg Selenium (as amino acid chelate); 2 mg Copper (as cupric oxide); 2 mg Manganese (as amino acid chelate); 12 mcg Chromium (as nicotinate glycinate chelate); 75 mcg Molybdenum (as amino acid chelate); 600 mg Mixed Phytosterols (from plant sterols); 250 mg Beta Silosterol; 60 mg Boron Amino Acid Chelate; 20 mg Silica; 9) Vit. E; 10) one of two Probiotic’s, 2 each, alternating days- Dr. Mercola’s Complete Probiotics (research on you own for bacterial content); Ayush Herbs- Probiotic100B (research for bacterial content); 11) 1 tsp. Sol Water; 12) Throcare.   All taken with 8 oz’s of water.

At Bedtime:  1) Glucosamine/Chondroitin/NSM; 2) Grape Seed extract; 3) Leg Veins; 4) ProDHA 1000; 5) Kidney Care; 6) Milk Thistle; 7) Vit. E; 8) 500 mg L-Tryptophan (as Ajinomoto L-Tryptophan; 9) 5 mg Melatonin; 10) Amantilla- (0,75 ml’s Valarian root extract); 11) Male Plus- 60 drops (Rain Forest herb mix to boost testosterone levels); 12) 5 mg Methadone (in 16 days I will drop to 4mm); 13) 2 mg Clonazepam (my body at this time will not let me drop on this as long as my condition remains the same); 14) 1 tsp. Natural Tranquility mixed with 1 tsp. C-Salts in 4 oz’s of water. All of the others are taken with varying amounts of water separately.  Pills together, Amantilla alone and Male Plus alone.

Early Morning (4:00-5:00 AM): 1) 2 pills of Dr. Ohhira’s probiotics.  They need to be taken on an empty stomach…..it is safe to say my stomach is empty when I take them!  (It is an interesting probiotic. It’s made by fermenting many substances to create live bacterial cultures.  If interested, you can research it on your own.) 

[My comment: As anything in the AIM market, where anything is up for grabs, Dr. Ohhira’s ‘special’ probiotics belong to the same fairy tales of unscrupulous merchants where they markup ordinary formulas, by tripling price into the range that makes it ‘very special’, in order to fool lay people and AIM practitioners.  Then, they attach some ‘unique’ properties to the formula to have it made.]  

2) 5 mgs Methadone (again, in 16 days I will drop to 4 mgs to make 8 mgs in total per day.  As I mentioned in our phone call, I use A.K. to determine when and how much to drop in order to prevent withdrawal symptoms.); 3) .83 mgs Clonazepam (in 6 months I will be able to drop .16 mgs from the current dose.  You can see that my body is resisting me in dropping this while I am in the condition we spoke about.)

OK!  That’s a rap.  I hope this will aid you in helping me become completely recovered from the effects of Lyme Disease. My hunch is that if your remedies eliminate problems associated with my Autoimmune system dysfunction I will no longer need the vast majority of the supplements I am now on.  My prayers to God are for Him to restore me to a healthier state so that I may do better at answering His calling for me.  I praise and thank God for my life, I praise and thank Jesus for my Salvation and I praise and thank The Holy Spirit for being in my heart.  After 15 years of suffering, without Them I would be dead (by my own hand!) 

Thanks for all of your help!  My God bless you


The real tragedy of this case is that in alternative-integrative medicine (exception, acupuncture and classical homeopathy which do not practice kitchen sink ‘healing’) such cases are not the exception but the rule where abundant and completely unnecessary and expensive tests and treatments prevail.  This case, again, attests to the fact that chronic diseases are not as simple as they are portrayed to be by the AIM industry, which one cannot just attack ‘naturally’, as well as that with the factor of convenience, there is no free lunch for any of us, either.

Since virtually all diseases, in spite of their great variety, boil down to only two major factors – malfunctioned organs and their causes – we have used the same general diagnostic and therapeutic system toward all diseases, as we focus primarily on these organs and causes.

Speaking of treatment and role of complexity in it, besides the already mentioned factors in the way to a speedy recovery, most people do not consider other important blocks, either. Among these, their inadequate compliance whether concerning sweets in the diet, excessive EMF exposure, lack of effective protective technology against EMFs, such as Memon, or consuming some ‘natural’ treatments ‘to help’ the recovery, without being aware of their side effects. Likewise, it will hardly cross their mind that they might have been among those who were born with very weak genetics or constitutions rendering their health reserves so limited that they need to maintain a practically perfect healthy lifestyle, compared to other more robust constitutions. While robust constitutions may afford some imperfections in their regimen and still recover on the right treatment fairly promptly, the weaker is the person’s constitution, or the more widespread or multi-systemic damage is the stricter that person’s all around lifestyle must be, and the longer the treatment will take to succeed against the same generic disease.

Complexity and Blocks to Treatment

Just to illustrate how complexity and its arising negative variables can thwart a very positive and effective therapeutic process, just examine this email.

Dear Dr. Yurkovsky,
 I took my last protocol soon after receiving the remedies but there has been a problem with a new gas-fired boiler installed mid-April. 
It does not contain an RF/wireless transmitter according to an EMF surveyor but it does need shielding as it gives off high EMFs at the centre of the house downstairs. 
I am in the process of ordering a Memon-heating device for it. 
Head: pressure in head or on different parts of the head/variety of other head symptoms – Head has felt very heavy and ‘leaden’ at times with pressure on the crown. 
Headaches – these have been more pronounced if the boiler is aggravating my ES (electromagnetic sensitivity)
‘Metallic sensation in my head and occasionally mouth – much worse since the boiler was installed. Head feels like it’s stuffed with metals
Dizziness, spaciness, giddiness – worse since the boiler; I feel out of kilter and off balance at times
Peripheral nerves feel irritated – this has worsened considerably. Also I get a discharge of static from my feet which usually starts after the boiler has been switched off
Sleep disturbance – no change
Clumsiness, legs sometimes go weak – worsened
Jitteriness alternated with exhaustion – no change
Lymph nodes in neck congested – worse at times, also a heaviness around my throat/thyroid
Flu like symptoms, muscle aches – worse when boiler is on, feel ‘flu-like’ muscle aches
Anxiety, depression, feelings of dread, mood swings – external events are very stressful at the moment which exacerbates my depression
Fatigue – this got worse due to external events, then the boiler made me feel very drained.

This was even more upsetting because right before this new boiler’s electromagnetic ambush Ms. J. had started making good progress following just two FCT treatments, which were preceded by 20 years of unproductive conventional and alternative treatments. So, what we see here is only one but a very powerful variable or Star-Bullet – EMFs. Speaking of EMFs, many people assume that just because they use the computer or watch TV less than they used to, these exposures somehow become equal to vitamin C, or being harmless. However, if in reality one’s individual level of health still cannot handle these reduced exposures, as welcomed as these are, this will still slow down or block the recovery.

Good compliance = in the eyes of the beholder.

For some, I’ve done something unusual and demanding of my customary lifestyle, e.g., ‘sacrifice.’ Yet, very few wish to dwell on this matter if this compliance lasted sufficiently long or of even necessary quality.

  • Look at the next email below, from a fairly new patient with severe heart disease and fatigue who started experiencing good progress in his energy level on FCT. Then, he happened to develop a dental infection and felt fatigued again. Even though he assumed that the culprit was the infection, my assessment indicated that it was more its treatment, the side effects of antibiotics, which was at fault.
    Dear Dr. Yurkovsky,
    I took your advice and administered the Antibiotics 300X remedy. The result was that my health improved to a remarkable degree. I recovered my lost energy and found it much easier to complete my exercise program.
    Best regards
  • Another email from a patient who was making progress on the treatment before these negative variables hit her.Hi Dr. Yurkovsky,Within the first week that I was back in the States, I ate meat that my husband bought. I didn’t know at the time it wasn’t organic. About 20 minutes after the meal, I had a severe intestinal reaction: exaggerated distension, heartburn, indigestion, brain fog, inflammation, pain, rash. He called the company and learned that the meat which had been labeled natural from Australia actually had antibiotics and GMO’s in it. A few days later, I reacted to non-organic zucchini with similar symptoms. I gained 7 pounds from edema, swelling in my legs and around my waist and stomach. I researched and discovered that zucchini is now GMO. I recently began a strict organic diet again. Within four days, all the bloating is gone – that’s 7 pounds of water weight gone from no longer eating conventional vegetables or non-organic meat. I am my normal weight again. When I consumed non-organic “hormone-free” cheddar cheese, I gained 2 pounds of bloat overnight and felt more fatigued and had slight pain the next day. I’m convinced it is from the antibiotics present.

Keep in mind that many of you can consume antibiotics from food and suffer, unknowingly, from their side effects and discontinue this treatment, as the result of assuming that it is not working or taking too long.

From a few other patients, I have heard over the years that the treatment either stopped working or was taking too long. But as these turned out, based on their subsequent recoveries, it was not that a treatment was ‘taking too long’, but that they had continued breeding infections by consuming sweets, refined carbohydrates, alcohol, or antibiotics’ infested animal products for too long.

Other common sources of reinfection with parasites are – infected sex partners, or food handlers and, sometimes, restaurants and traveling.

“Natural’ self-treatments aren’t as benign as their recipes look.

Among other common factors feeding into the negative column of illustration #1 and are adding to the issue of discouragement. The ‘logical’ reasons behind these self-treatments often include ‘missing nutrients,’ or ‘good bacteria,’ to be replenished by some ‘best’ vitamins, probiotics or something else. Other products involve immune boosters, mercury, heavy metals and similar ‘detoxes’, ‘anti-candida’, ‘anti-parasites’ and other regimens.

However, many people do not realize that these substances have real side effects because:

a) They can be incompatible with one’s individual state of health, contaminated by toxic chemicals, poorly standardized, have low biological activity, have wrong or mislabeled dosage, etc. As concrete examples the most popular fad these days, Vitamin D, has been found to be sold in much higher doses than indicated by the manufacturer’s label and, even, resulted in hospitalizations for kidney problems.

b) As the case with medications, these create chemical dependency.

The latter factor necessitates their gradual discontinuation, even while side effects may continue and interfere with the treatment.

The problems why most people and alternative practitioners are not even aware of these side effects are several fold.

Among these is that the industry does not normally disclose these honestly, and, also, like drug companies, is genuinely unable to even know a full range of side effects of these substances especially when administered long term. What this ‘long term’ even is remains a mystery, too, as for some people it might be a few months, weeks or, even, days. The long term safety studies on humans with supplements virtually do not exist. Because the long term side effects remain often unknown or undetected this is often disguised as, “There are no known side effects,” which many falsely perceive as, “none exist.” The same holds true for some ‘healing’ machines and devices. Don’t take my word for it, just do some research into the obscure science of hormesis, which I have covered in my book, “The Power of Digital Medicine” https://www.yurkovsky.com/books-and-media/books/ . According to this inconvenient yet valid science, a poison may act as a cure, yet when administered as a ‘cure’ for something it may quickly turn into a poison, yet with current laboratory methods, quoting the Bible, “The time and day of this is unknown.” It is only through bio-resonance testing that one may detect such tendency or transformation.

c) Some people have been so convinced by the reasons for use of these supplements that they have developed a real placebo effect and are afraid to discontinue these.

d) Even when it was not related to a placebo effect and some supplements did help someone’s digestion, aches or energy level, it is far more important to discontinue these, on the right treatment, and have the real problem resurface in order to address its underlying causes. It is even necessary, in some circumstances, when these were administered based on some abnormal tests. It is because these abnormal tests do not usually identify their causes thus such abnormal tests virtually only represent more added symptoms to the existing pile. These tests might be nutritional deficiencies, food or other allergies, high cholesterol, or popular these days, MTRF gene function. In the great majority of these tests, their prescribed treatments are unable to solve the underlying problem and especially with many gene tests, like MTRF, people are misled in believing that they are “genetically programmed” to certain diseases unless they continue receiving some “correcting” pills or shots, for life. The only consistent ‘benefit’ that I have observed from such ‘corrective’ treatments is their side effects.

Overall, since all of these supplements are presented only in a positive and very superficial light by the industry or quoting one disenchanted integrative MD, “As the best thing since sliced bread,” consuming any of these ‘makes much sense.’

And aside from the fact that even if such ‘best’ products or safe treatments have ever existed, not a soul in the world knows our bodies’ individual needs, or most of the side effects of these interventions. Here again the real examples speak for themselves.

  • Shortly after Ms. B. initiated a prevention against yeast infections and constipation, as she was prone to both, by ‘the best’ probiotic she developed just that – constipation and severe yeast infection plus fatigue. Bio-resonance testing determined the presence of mercury in her gut that in all likelihood was released due to the probiotics killing yeasts, which are able to bind and then release mercury. The latter kills gut flora, which is instrumental in moving bowels and controlling the overgrowth of yeasts.
  • This patient is a chemist by profession, which paradoxically even raises his risk of becoming a victim of the advertised benefits of a formula because of its ‘make sense’ positive biochemical ‘benefits.’ However, neither our chemist nor, even less, the company want to think of a far more complex internal processing of the formula by the body. As the result, in spite of the superficial chemical mechanism claiming to detoxify the body from mercury and other toxic metals, the actual results exceeded his expectations. “Since I started taking this substance, I developed the following health problems: diarrhea, uncontrolled episodes of screaming, similar to Tourette’s syndrome, weight loss, in addition to my low weight, fatigue, and hernias. This went on for 10 months until I discontinued this detox.” Often, the problem is that many supplements can produce side effects on a subclinical or below the actual recognition level, or the side effects creep up gradually so that neither patients nor their alternative practitioners can put ‘two and two’ together.

The reality is that many severe side effects were observed from ‘the best’ fish oils, antioxidants and practically, all ‘natural’ supplements.

While on the surface these supplements all make sense because they might be addressing some bad element, B, present in disease through an action, A, this alone does not make it a good science because most deceits make sense on the surface, too. That is why science is more interested in the underlying conflicts or problems between A + B than their superficial match or ‘good idea.’ Conventional medical scientists have already criticized these A to B approaches to very complex states as chronic diseases, as antibiotic or insulin mindset, which were inspired by antibiotic A killing bug B, or insulin preventing death from excessive blood sugar.

The real problem with this mindset in chronic diseases is that while it points to a surface

problem, or cog B, to be fixed by treatment A it is incapable of being compatible with many cogs from other cogwheels inside the body.

In this illustration, below, we can see a nonstop dynamic and often unpredictable interactions between numerous cogs and cogwheels or all of the body organs. There are cogwheelsmany cogs which are broken, others are still healthy, with various internal and external factors – positive and negative – all shifting the functioning of both individual cogs and their wheels. And that is exactly where the real problems or causalities begin because the science of complexity requires that A to B actions must be compatible and safe with the rest of that system. In our case, it is the rest of the cogs or internal organs which did not like a seemingly logical A to B treatment, even if it was based on some abnormal blood or other test, and found it neither useful nor safe.

It is because once a bad cog B with the attached treatment A comes in contact with the rest of the moving cogs and wheels or multiorgan complexity of the body the latter may often react to this as an internal mismatch. As the result, other cogs and wheels become harmed and injured by such ‘logical’ treatments on their surface. That is why complex systems as human bodies suffer when the applicable laws of science from complexity or others are ignored which is often the case in medicine. This is particularly common in alternative medicine where multitudes of specialties and approaches pick and perpetually generate more and ‘better’ A to B products and treatments. Here are a few vivid examples:

  • Antidepressant drugs make scientific sense that they would benefit depression through A to B corrective neurotransmitter treatment. Yet, medical literature has linked some of the most popular antidepressants to suicides, which the drugs were obviously inducing at the level of internal processing. Not to mention that their common side effect is obesity.
  • Viagra, like other ED pills, have been scientifically formulated for a beneficial A to B action at the surface of vascular receptors. Yet, when the cogs and wheels processed this benefit internally it produced strokes, heart attacks, blindness and death in many men.
  • While hormone replacement therapy in postmenopausal women was supposed to decrease their incidence of heart disease, osteoporosis and menopausal symptoms according to A to B formal science, the actual internal processing of these treatments have yielded a 20,000 increase in breast cancer, annually. Many womenare still being fooled into thinking that bio-identical hormones, unlike synthetic ones, are ‘natural’ and safe.
  • Antioxidants – vitamin-mineral-trace element pills – couldn’t fare any better in theory and in animal research studies, which don’t account for real people because of their expected beneficial A to B effect in suppressing free radicals. The latter were incriminated in heart disease, cancer, and premature death. Yet, when this alleged A to B solution was subjected to real research on people in the real world, its actual ‘benefits’ turned out to be just the opposite or real harm. It is because the body’s internal cogs got ripped out by antioxidants that most of these people ended up with more cancers, heart and other diseases, and also died earlier compared to the control or the antioxidants-free group.
  • As much as women are being brainwashed about calcium, vitamin D and some ‘women’s vitamin formulas’ doing A to B good for their bones and other organs, the real clinical studies on women showed zero benefits from these.

There are hardly better reasons for a woman to administer some ‘hormone balancing formula,’ A, for her imbalanced female hormones, B, because:

a) The blood test has confirmed the imbalance.
b) Such an imbalance was associated with cancer.
c) The test was ordered and treatment administered by no less than a ‘specialist in woman’s hormones or health.’
d) Integrative doctors like this provide the best of both medical worlds, conventional and alternative.
e) The dispensed formula was ‘natural’ e.g., safe.
f) It consisted of the ingredients possessing some useful properties all combined in a bottle that is supposed to deliver their synergistic beneficial effects.

However, the following are the more realistic facts concerning the ‘hormone specialist,’ and the ‘natural balancing formula.’

a) The blood tests drawn on very sick people, like this patient, may show hundreds of imbalances. None of these can be truly resolved until their causes are identified and properly addressed.

b) While hormonal imbalance can be associated with cancer, no formula can ‘balance’ these until the true causes are removed.

c)Women’s health or hormone specialists represent one of the top 10 greatest medical idiocies. Scientifically speaking such specialists, except for marketing gimmicks to fool the uninformed, do not even exist. It is because women’s heath extends beyond just a few reproductive organs, alone, and is always the function of the total body or multisystemic health.

d) While integrative medicine reflects in principle good intentions, however its current practice often combines not the best, but the worst from both medical worlds. The worst from conventional medicine, in this case, is that the detected imbalance between estrogen fractions constitute big answers to the problem and that for any detected biochemical abnormality there is a pharmaceutical to fix it. The worst of alternative medicine comes from a naïve assumption that ‘natural’ products are the ones that can fix, balance or treat it necessarily better than drugs.

e) Natural products do not even exist because other than some mud baths or special mineral spring water (which can’t cure any disease, anyway) all of these products or treatments are man-made.

f) Without actual legitimate studies on humans or other documented evidence confirming that the individually beneficial ingredients have resulted in an effective and safe formula, such assumption virtually constitutes an irresponsible speculation. Based on the science of pharmacology, the ingredients may neutralize one another, or even potentiate one another’s side effects and thus promote cancer.

The patient experienced severe side effects on the ‘natural balancing formula’ and not surprisingly, when I questioned the ‘female hormone specialist’ about the formula this is what came out:

  1. No evidence that this formula was ever tested by anybody to prove its efficacy.
  2. No safety studies, whatsoever, including the possible increase in female cancer rates, since we are dealing with a product that claims hormonal effects.
  3. The formula was based purely on the assumption of its individual ingredients having some alleged positive effects on female hormones.
  4. The specialist has advised that besides this (completely untested formula) she has the whole line of other ‘promising’ and just as untested women formulas that, as often is the case in alternative medicine, she will be commercially streamlining.

Also, an internet search through medical literature has yielded these and quite a few side effects for each single ingredient of the formula.

Vitex: upset stomach, nausea, itching, rash, headache, acne, trouble sleeping, weight gain, change of menstrual flow, can interfere with hormones, Parkinson’s disease and its therapies, schizophrenia/psychotic disorders – dopamine levels.

Indole-3-Carbinol: skin rash, increase of liver enzymes, balance problems, tremor, nausea.

Green Tea Extract EGCG (most symptoms worse due to level of caffeine content): Stomach upset, constipation, liver problems, headache, nervousness, sleep problems, vomiting, diarrhea, irritability, irregular heartbeat, tremor, heartburn, dizziness, ringing in ears, convulsions, confusion, reduces absorption of iron from food, increases risk of miscarriage, anemia, anxiety, bleeding disorders, heart conditions, diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, glaucoma, high blood pressure, liver disease, weak bones.

 Rosemary: vomiting, uterine bleeding, kidney irritation, sun sensitivity, skin redness, allergic reactions, stimulates menstruation which can lead to miscarriage, aspirin allergy, bleeding disorders, seizure disorders.

Turmeric: upset stomach, nausea, dizziness, diarrhea, stimulates uterus, gallbladder problems, bleeding problems, diabetes, GERD, hormone sensitive conditions*, infertility, iron deficiency, slow blood clotting.

DIM: lowers sodium levels, hormone sensitive conditions*.

*Hormone-sensitive conditions such as breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, endometriosis, or uterine fibroids: Diindolylmethane might act like estrogen, so there is some concern that it might make hormone-sensitive conditions worse. These conditions include breast, uterine, and ovarian cancer; endometriosis; and uterine fibroids. However, developing research also suggests that diindolylmethane might work against estrogen and could possibly be protective against hormone-dependent cancers. But stay on the safe side. Until more is known, don’t use diindolylmethane if you have a hormone-sensitive condition.

Certainly, most women are not even aware of these sobering facts and would not even think of asking the opinion of such a ‘closed-minded’ doctor as myself on the issue or if these hormone balancing brews were to be first tested with bio-resonance testing for compatibility with their bodies, before use.

  • A very recent case of a boy, who was treated by both conventional and alternative medicine for his PANDAS* manifested by intense facial tics, serves as a poster child case for dangers of medical practices when these are just based on ‘logical,’ on their surface, A to B treatments. The table below reflects his years’ long taxing medical ordeal as the result.

* Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections

Figure 4

  • While prescribing more and longer antibiotic treatments for chronic Lyme disease makes all of the A to B sense on the surface, the internal processing of these treatments by these patients has indicated tremendous harm, as both clinical studies and experience have confirmed.

The bottom line is that these surface A to B formulas for chronic diseases is not what medicine even wants to administer, but in the absence of skillful and medically sound bio-resonance testing of internal cogwheels it is something that it has quietly settled for. However, as it is spelled out in the quotes below, this is not anything that medical practitioners are eager to announce to the public. These quotes alert to the fact that unlike the public’s prevailing perception things in medical science are not as pure or clear as one might expect.

“The problem begins with the public’s rising expectations of science. Being human scientists are tempted to show that they know more than they do. Emphasis is often given to single studies instead of the big picture.”

“The ability to prove something false continues to be a hallmark of science. It would help, too, if scientists stated up front the limitations of their data or inherent flaws in their study designs. It is fully acceptable for patients and physicians to follow a treatment based on information that has, say, only a 1 percent chance of being correct. But we must be realistic about the odds. This is an embarrassment.” John Ioannidis, MD, Professor of Medicine and Director of the Stanford Prevention Research Center at Stanford University School of Medicine.

But, what really brings the odds down to only 1% of being correct is an enormous complexity of the human body.

I reflected on this subject years ago in my article, “The Law of Unintended Consequences” referring to this well-established law in science of complexity, presenting a real case of a young woman who started out with a minor local ailment and one ‘logical’ treatment for it, yet she ended up becoming a full blown invalid with systemic diseases, following medical care of some 30 different medical practitioners (https://www.yurkovsky.com/books-and-media/articles/#consequences).

We need to know the time table, Doctor

  • Displayed below is an email from a mother, an MD herself, of a boy who has actually become severely autistic following years of interventions by integrative MDs of the DAN movement, who also use many ‘natural’ treatments based on the A to B mindset. Following their inflicted damage, naturopaths and some ‘homotoxicologist’ added more damage. The tragedy of this was that the boy was not even autistic, but quite bright before these treatments.

Another lesson here is that such a severely ill child could not be cured in just a few treatments yet, understandably, the parents assumed following these that they were on just another “ride to nowhere” and felt discouraged. During the office visit, before this email was sent, the mother expressed utter doubts and made it clear that it was their last visit, unless they see the recovery or I give them a concrete time table for one. I explained to her that time tables in chronic diseases constitute a scientific impossibility. However, that visit and treatment just happened to be enough to capitalize on the prior FCT therapeutic process.

Dear Dr. Yurkovsky,
After we completed last round Martin started showing HUGE progress! It feels like his brain fog is being lifted. He is engaging in short conversations, his awareness is improved, he even started asking some questions. His memory is awakening. It’s a miracle! I want to thank you very much and apologize for my doubts and impatience. He still remains a bit hyper and impulsive. But we are heading in right direction.

But what if he needed just another or a few more visits with his future life being, essentially at stake?

  • An almost identical story concerning the treatment ‘deadline’ took place with another autistic and ADHD child where the parents declared their discouragement, too, due to his erratic progress and uncertainty of the time table for the V day. Therefore, that visit was about to be his last one. Yet again, his bio-resonance testing indicated TV rays in his brain, which were blocking the remedies’ attempt to help his brain to release causes of his disease. It was just fortunate that after the failure of my previous pleas to the parents to eliminate exposure to this neural toxin, I was able to come up with a logistical demonstration of their counterproductive actions. That seemed to finally sink in. I acted as a treatment while physically opening a door in the office and asked his daddy, the biggest doubter of FCT and my TV theory, to block the door from the opposite side. We expectedly produced the expected end result – the door failed to open. My blunt verdict to him and mom was, “That is what you are doing to your child by electrocuting his brain through TV and that the treatment’s attempts to heal him are simply being blocked or outpaced by this regular EMF re-poisoning.” Lo and behold, the message sunk in, the TV venom was banned in the household and the boy started making progress by leaps and bounds. Soon after, a pediatric neurologist has declared him cured of autism. Today he is in normal school and displaying signs of a gifted child. Again, what if the parents still refused to properly address that destructive negative variable on his end?
  • Likewise, Mr. C felt discouraged because after the years of failed alternative treatments for Lyme, his progress on FCT, following just a few treatments, did not feel complete. One year of hiatus in trying something else, brought him back to FCT, where only two more additional treatments to complete the process have resulted in his utter joy and satisfaction.
  • Another example, a young and very ill woman who was not helped by many alternative treatments, over the years. Several initial FCT treatments have not produced “fireworks”, either. Since the lack of any progress was rather unusual, even at this stage, I suspected blocks to the treatment. Surely, outside of her treatment days and in spite of my warning she was regularly watching TV because it was a thing to do together with her husband, which is a fair excuse, and frequented the internet. Yet, once she had finally ended the excuses, and discontinued her electrocuting sessions and replacing these with healthier choices she optimized her chances for recovery, as an immediate positive response to FCT followed. As per her written report, out of some 30 troubling symptoms, almost half have improved and she felt, overall, much less ill.

In this example concerning the aforementioned boy with PANDAS, the boy was completely cured and not only due to FCT but in the same degree due to patience, intelligence and complete cooperation of the parents who:

a) were willing to do whatever it took to remove blocks to his treatment

b) exercised sufficient patience to determine and solve all of the blocks which were negating the treatment

c) kept the pace of follow up appointments strictly, as recommended, in spite of not seeing much of a progress, for a long time

d) trusting the testing and treatment.

Below is their testimonial:

Our son, Zane was adopted at six weeks old.  His birth mother worked at a convenience store located at a gas station in Oklahoma during the entire pregnancy, exposing Zane to hazardous chemicals in utero.  At nine years old, after being treated with a ten-day course of Amoxicillin for a strep infection, Zane’s school nurse called to say he was exhibiting an eye blink/head roll combination tic.   At first, it occurred 50 times per day but after a week, the tics increased to about 200 times per day.  Zane was examined by a neurologist and leading PANDAS* expert and diagnosed with PANDAS in March 2014.

From March 2014 through August 2015, Zane’s condition continued to deteriorate.  He exhibited myoclonus like tics (which looked like epileptic seizures).  He was evaluated by an immunologist and leading PANDAS expert as well as three neurologists.  Zane’s MRI and 24 hr EEG test results were normal and the EEG while capturing the myoclonic tics, indicated that they were not seizures.  In addition, Zane’s IGeneX Lyme test was negative.  During this time period, Zane was treated with prednisone, Amoxicillin, Augmentin, Bactrim and a few other antibiotics, and multiple courses of antibiotics were received.   We also tried alternative treatments (i.e., essential oils and other supplements), but without success.  

Due to the full body tics and corresponding diminished cognitive ability, Zane could no longer attend school.  Once an “A” student with a charming personality and liked by everyone, he could no longer read or write without having painful tics and violent headaches.   At the time, the only thing that helped Zane was playing Minecraft or another exciting game on the iPad.   He spent 16 hours a day playing on the iPad to avoid having painful tics and headaches and was lost in his own world.  At night, he would have irrational fears and it was difficult for him to fall asleep.  

In August 2015, we started seeing Dr. Yurkovsky and being treated through his FCT approach consisting of periodic bio-resonance testing and homeopathic remedies.   After spending three hours with Zane, Dr. Yurkovsky diagnosed Zane with Lyme, mercury, heavy metals, candidiasis, strep, parasites and significant electromagnetic radiation, with all of these affecting his brain.  Some of these, Dr. Yurkovsky has stated were also detrimental to his immune system, and that is why it could not resist Lyme, strep and other infections, and accounted for failure of multiple antibiotic treatments.  Over the next ten months, Dr. Yurkovsky prescribed remedies to detox Zane.   He also advocated no electric magnetic frequencies (iPad, t.v., video games, etc.), removal of all fluorescent lights in our home and a special candida diet, essentially eliminating white flour, yeast and all sugar.  We also have installed Memon in our house and car, in order to minimize electromagnetic stress on our son’s brain and immune system. We complied with all of his advice.  
The detoxes for Zane were very difficult.  While he was detoxing a particular toxin, his tics often increased and were combined with violent headaches.  The range of his tics included jumping tics, slapping tics, vocal tics, blinking tics, head jerking tics, body shaking tics, and he experienced violent headaches, body aches and irrational fears.  It was interesting that, as it was correlated with the treatment based on the causes of our son’s illness, we were able to discern that each of these categories of tics belonged to a specific cause.  As an example, jumping and slapping tics were due to Lyme, vocal tics due to worms, etc.  Zane has also suffered from joint and entire body pains that Dr. Yurkovsky felt were due to the Lyme’s disease, overlooked by the PANDAS specialists.  As Zane was detoxed from various parasites, we witnessed parasites (small white worms) being discharged from his nose and in his stool, of which we have multiple photos. They were really coming out by the dozen on a daily basis.  

During this time, Dr. Yurkovsky also discovered mercury vapor within our home which he believed was causing the rather unusual aggravations of the treatment, as well as prolonging its course.  Another reason for the unusual aggravations was Zane’s head trauma that he did sustain between ages 1 and 2 when he fell out of the crib headfirst, and very likely during birth, due to a very difficult delivery.  Surprisingly, Dr. Yurkovsky did not know anything about those events, but he did diagnose residual head trauma through his bio-resonance testing.  Following this, he gave him a special homeopathic remedy to remove the residual effect of head injury and also recommended several cranial treatments.  He also believed that the antibiotics had inadvertently led to the development of mutated and more aggressive Lyme bacteria, for which he had to prepare a special homeopathic remedy.  In July 2013, to combat any potential mold issues within our air filtration system, we installed a UV light in the air ducts.  In February 2016, we removed the UV light because it was emitting low levels of mercury vapor.  In addition, my husband, daughter and I became patients of Dr. Yurkovsky.  Both my husband and daughter tested as strep carriers by Dr. Yurkovsky through the same bio-resonance testing and were treated for this.   Also, both my husband and I removed our amalgam fillings containing mercury and were detoxed from it and other toxic metals with Dr. Yurkovsky’s method.  All of the main treatment consisted only of homeopathic remedies.


By June 17, 2016, Zane’s motor tics, headaches, joint and body pains, and irrational fears were gone, and his cognitive abilities have completely recovered. He is on track for fifth grade and doing extremely well.  As parents, we watched our son almost go insane primarily from Lyme, mercury and heavy metals, parasites and strep but in ten months’ time after detoxing those toxins, he has been healed.   We will always be grateful to Dr. Yurkovsky and his wonderful staff.  



Mr. and Mrs. EZ & MZ

August 15, 2016

Again, big credit is due to the parents for the complete recovery and new life of their son, and for not giving up on the treatment just due to the lack of immediate results.  While, definitely, PANDAS in a child would take much less than 10 months for a recovery with the proper compliance, in this case, as might be in any, there were serious environmental blocks to the treatment that was only possible to identify and address due to continuity of the retesting and treatment process, that allowed to close in on these blocks.  The golden formula in 100% of and particularly difficult cases, is that as long as the bio-resonance testing continues to detect the causes of the condition, the treatment holds high potential to succeed even if, as it was the case here, it may take some time to determine why exactly these causes still persist.  Very often, the source might be the family members, intimate partners, the residence, or a diet.  

The idea of certain destructive forces or regiments negating positive forces acting on the same object or factors is not new to science or our daily lives, and is encountered routinely. Come to think of it, have we ever unpacked any new piece of technology, even just a lawn mower, all of which are very primitive devices in comparison to our bodies, without finding a long list of warnings concerning how these can be harmed by our improper actions. The warnings concerning physical impacts, various parameters and variables such as exposure to moisture, level of humidity or temperature, usage of proper grade of fuel and oil, avoidance of flame, or using an incorrect voltage or electronic settings. Alerts such as ‘caution,’ ‘warning,’ and ‘do not’ are featured prominently. The best built airplanes in the world are never handed to pilots with the idea, “Fly ‘em as you please,” either, but with the instructions to address many potentially negative variables to assure sound and safe flights. These include an equal distribution of the weight of cargo and passengers and avoiding flights when the threat of excessive negative impacts, such as the elements, is high. Why should the issue of maintaining some important parameters or variables be any different for our bodies and health? Is it only because that the feelings of some people can be empathized with since use of the computer or IPhone is a good excuse regarding their social isolation, consuming sweets is a logical relief for their cravings or emotional needs, smoking is the best way to cope with stress, or watching TV is entertaining, mentally distracting or a family event? Also, because changing our or our children’s bad habits requires extra work, too? Unfortunately, all of these good reasons matter little in defeating diseases.

While we can relate to these reasons and excuses, and negotiate just about anything between ourselves, the real problem is not in whether we have a reason or excuse, but in the fact that nature, which has constructed us in the first place, is neither a therapist, a benevolent organization nor problem mediator. Nature, over its 2 million year history of the human race, has only shown regard for its one and single rule – survival of the fittest – not our excuses. That is why it has let countless people die from infections, harsh elements, starvation, bad eating, smoking, excess of alcohol and weight, or cancers and heart disease due to toxic pollutants. In other words, whenever we are not fit to withstand a certain assault, bad disease and a premature trip to a ‘better world’ will be knocking on our doors. This goes even deeper than medicine, this fundamentally or scientifically represents materials science, a subspecialty of physics that determines which impacts certain materials can and cannot handle. That is why a paper or wood exposed to fire bursts into flames, iron to water corrodes, an electric cord to an excess of electric load burns, and a tree to excessive wind or lightning splits. And no excuses on their victim’s part can do anything about the consequences, where our organs and tissues represent only certain materials. It for this simple principle that we experience discomfort when these materials are subjected to excessive heat, cold, humidity, low atmospheric pressure, or touching an exposed electrical wire. So, from this plain reality we might just direct our excuses to our internal organs – brain, thyroid, pituitary, adrenals, heart, testicles, ovaries or immune organs – to see if it helps them not to be poisoned by EMFs which electrocute and damages them, by sweets which exhaust them and breed infections, or smoking that poisons them, or undertake more stress than they can handle. This means that survival of the fittest for attaining and retaining good health besides the correct treatment must also include the prudent measures by the person where his or her organs have optimal conditions to heal instead of having taxing ones which destroy. But, unlike fixed materials as wood, paper and metals the good news for our organs is that given the aforementioned optimal package, they can become more fit, better function and raise their resilience to harmful impacts, as we become healthier with time. Obviously “convincing” excuses, which only serve to sustain the opposite are completely meaningless for attaining this goal or as the common wisdom goes for all of our excuses, “Are good for the birds.”

Another simple point and pure physics and science, the same forces which act in synergism accomplish the work far quicker or better than either of these acting alone or against each other. The same way that we become sicker much faster through synergy of different negative stressors – toxicological, infectious, dietary, electromagnetic, emotional, harmful treatments and diet – so it is our best chance to expedite recovery, too, through synergy­ of a number of positive factors or their forces. But, the distinctive fact about synergy is that while all eyes are on the treatment, this is a collective or group exerted force for which no treatment or doctor can substitute.

Another false and misleading entity in medicine – a generic disease for which people are looking for concrete time tables.

Is there even such a thing as generic Lyme disease, chronic fatigue, allergies, PMS or 1000 other chronic diseases for which the sick seek treatments and expect to know the day of victory? The answer is that while there are generic names to describe disease entity the actual disease is never generic, but strictly individual. It is so because the types, combinations and the gravity of Star-Bullets inside of our bodies, underneath of visible generic disease, always differ from person to person. From this simple perspective patients with the same disease label always have their own individual disease and it must be individually addressed with the right treatment to achieve optimal recovery. Or strictly speaking, 1 million people with Lyme, autism or any disease represent, correspondingly, 1 million different Lyme, autism or other diseases, which will take 1 million different time periods to properly address, ranging from very fast to very slow.

That is why in reality, ‘my disease’ is far deeper and widespread than its name usually indicates, even if it is just some nail fungus, skin rash, backache, food or seasonal allergies.

Why it is a scientific impossibility to predict the unpredictable

In science, whenever one deals with the situations where too many different factors unpredicatably act on a system, which is also highly changeable itself like the human body, no definite predictions can be issued concerning timetables for the completion of work, or recovery in our case. As an example, to answer the question as to whether American girls’ premature puberty is due to toxic chemicals in their bodies, bad diet, excessive weight or all of these, a conventional medical scientist correctly states that a concrete answer is impossible to issue.

“People always want to know the reason, but I don’t think people will ever be able to sort out the reason or the fix. It’s a lot of things interacting together and they have different effects on different individuals.”

This holds true for all chronic diseases where the list of uncertainties is long.

  1. There is no test to measure, even approximately, the total amounts of causative agents in the body, or their exact combined interactions.
  2. It is just as impossible to measure those fractions of toxicological agents, and, sometimes antibiotics, which are commonly sequestered by gut microbes, such as Candida species, worms and some bacteria. All of these may release toxicological agents and antibiotics internally and unpredictably. Such unpredictable releases can also take place following intakes of sugar, fruit, alcohol or hot spices, self-supplementations with probiotics, herbs and other agents, or as the result of this or other treatment that can enhance strength and capacity of the immune system to kill these infections on its own.
  3. There is no 100% reliable test to assure that all possible toxicological and infectious agents have been identified and addressed.
  4. There is no test to predict an individual’s ability to release the disease causing agents fast, slow or with difficulty nor is there a test to predict the intensity of interactions of these agents with environmental EMF.

However, what we do know that certain scientific studies did indicate such interactions and one of these studies has demonstrated a far higher release of toxic metals in the EMF free environment versus an environment where EMFs were present.

  1. Likewise, even while bio-resonance testing can detect this blocking effect of or level of sensitivity to EMFs, at this time there is no test to predict the level and susceptibility of a person to such interactions, which may significantly vary from person to person, with or without a treatment. My clinical and bio-resonance testing experience in this regard is fully corroborated by the internationally known researcher of EMFs, from Columbia University, Martin Blank, PhD.

Equally evident from the increasing mass of scientific evidence of the health effects of exposure to low frequency, non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation is that individuals respond differently to different doses of exposure and to different frequencies of EMF. For instance, low levels of ELF [fields emitted by power lines, ordinary electricity] exposure may cause melatonin suppression in some individuals, but not in others. In others, the same level of ELF exposure may be linked to the occurrence of leukemia. We do not know or understand enough at the present time to predict outcomes. We can only demonstrate that these negative health effects are strongly linked…to various types of EMF exposures widely considered to be safe.

            It is clear that the health risks from man-made EMF are real, with a wide-ranging impact on people. This is the consensus of a growing number of responsible scientists and professional health-care workers.

With melatonin being the hormone that is necessary for sleep and immunity, he is stating that any unpredictable health problem is possible due to EMFs, from insomnia to cancer.

  1. There is no way to predict a person’s compliance factor concerning the avoidance or substantial reduction in use of electronics, including phones, adherence to recommended diet and follow-up treatment schedule, or abstaining from self-treatments. Even when some patients tend to believe that their compliance was 100% this is rarely true because they either maintained it only initially for a short time or assumed that just because they have altered their lifestyle to some drastic for them degree this already qualifies as sufficient for following everything ‘to the letter’ and the recovery better be around the corner because of how much we have already ‘sacrificed.’ ‘Sacrificed’ for whose sake? Meanwhile, most of the ‘sacrifice’ constitutes a mere reduction in self-destruction, whether through the favorite habit of consuming sweets or using electronics. Certainly, because of either work or family commitments 100% compliance may not be possible. However, and not to pass the ‘final judgement’ on anyone, but to simply state the well-known to science fact that when in a scientific study all of the important variables or factors cannot be controlled, but unpredictably fluctuate or change no scientist in the world can tell exactly when and how such a study will end.
  2. Even a length of the disease and age of the patient are not always the most reliable negative or positive factors, as the general rule the longer the disease course or older the person is the longer the treatment takes. Just from recent memory, a woman in her mid-seventies with a chronic disease for more than half of her life, a 40 year duration, has completely recovered from it through this approach, in only six months. Along with it her physical energy and stamina, as well as mental function were completely restored. As the result, she was able to start keeping a 12-hour-a-day work schedule, even without noticing it. On the other hand, a much younger person chronologically can have a body of a much older one, biologically or physiologically.

Likewise, most people presume that their disease is just low thyroid, adrenal or some mitochondrial dysfunction, leaky gut, food allergies, fluoroquinolone toxicity, MTRF gene disorder and hundreds of others, which all need some kind of a corresponding ‘specific’ good regiment and its timing to fix it. However, these names represent only some superficial labels or the tip of the iceberg or a tree top where underneath, there lies a far bigger or total disease. And this total disease is not determined only by some detected findings, but by the totality of the underlying deeper causes.

While in some cases these detected findings may be very important, in others they represent only a fraction or just a cosmetic defect. In my experience, it is only through bio-resonance testing that one can fairly well determine both the true causes and roots of disease behind the surface’s abnormalities, and the true importance and safety of their treatments. Otherwise, hoping that treatments which aims to undo these abnormalities will succeed constitutes an impossible dream.

As one of countless unfortunate examples to this notion, Mrs. J has quit this approach because after only a few treatments she has not seen much difference in her disease and the readings of bio-resonance testing concerning the causes of here illness seemed uncertain, not black and white like lab or x-ray reports. She proceeded with the best of both worlds – conventional and, mainly, alternative treatments – which were based on concrete black and white lab reports. This actual photo below reflects the volume of these concrete test reports.  

The treatments were even many more and continuous over some 15 years, by the time she returned. Yet, not only these treatments have failed to solve a single medical problem of hers, but she has acquired over this time many more serious diseases, including even potentially terminal lung cancer.

So, due to all of the aforementioned reasons science cannot speak of its predictions in exact numbers and dates concerning their very complex states, but only in terms of probabilities, likelihoods or optimizations of outcomes. That is why no one can predict exactly the course of the stock market or its individual stocks, or forecast the weather beyond a few days even using the most advanced computers and satellites. For the same reasons, no treatment can predict any “sure” results or the exact timing of significant progress. It can only predict a greater tendency toward optimization of positive or negative outcomes, depending on the circumstances. Certainly, incapable treatments are doomed to fail, anyway, no matter how long of a time, perfect diet and environment or compliance might be the case. Below is a table that offers a brief summary concerning the main factors, which influence the tendency toward complete or incomplete recoveries or, in some instances, failure in the process of receiving a sound treatment.

Table #1. Optimizations and their tendencies in chronic diseases

Table 1Table 2

Table #2. Typical trends in Responses to this Treatment under Proper Compliance, and their Suggested Underlying Mechanisms and Effects

Table 1a Table 1b Additional comments below targeting only Stage 2 and Stage 4. Table 2a Table 2b

Unfortunately and naturally, due the very complex and unpredictable interaction of the aforementioned interplay of so many different factors involved in both disease and the treatment process, one cannot exactly predict the length of the presented stages. While there is a natural expectation on our part to be given some rough estimates for the completion of our body’s repair process, as we expect with a broken car, the latter is governed by completely different conditions of repair. A car remains still or immobile by sitting on a lift in a garage where a mechanic works on its broken parts until day x, y or z when he fixes it, such a work luxury is inapplicable to human bodies for many reasons. Among these, our broken parts are interconnected with and interdependent on many other parts in the body which can also be broken, semi-broken or, still healthy, all depending on an individual person. Also unlike a broken car remaining in a fixed or controlled setting in a garage that spares it from further use or abuse, human bodies are on the “road” 24/7, even in a hospital bed. This is because as we breath, eat, think, e.g., worry, are exposed to environmental pollutants, EMFs, germs, treatments, and depletion of repair mechanisms by the aging, with all of these at play, leading to unpredictable effects. Some of these factors might be of a positive nature, too such as diet, cleaner environment, positive emotions, or proper compliance. For each person the combination of some of these positive and negative influences is always unique, that includes an individual sensitivity to these, accordingly. As an example, a statement that sounds as impressive to that person: “Doctor, I have reduced my computer, TV or phone use from three hours to one,” or “cookies from 5 to 2”, may not mean anything to one’s broken parts, because these simply still remain very sensitive to reduced negative impacts. Here is the quote from a patient who has already significantly reduced her exposure to electronics: “When I am using the computer I feel pressure and fullness in my thyroid gland and my neck glands become swollen.” Another patient: “Shortly after I eat sweets I feel drained.” They report feeling the harm and can relate to it. Yet, others may not feel it right away and, still, continue damaging their broken parts.The bottom line is that while on the treatment things are far from being a car being fixed in a mechanic shop.

When did your disease actually begin and what to expect and not expect from the right treatment?

While many people logistically clock the onset of their disease to the day when signs of that disease caused a noticeable change in their wellbeing, whether after a Lyme carrying tick, fluoroquinolone antibiotic or without any visible reason, commonly these events were just “the last straw.” The preceeding straws have been piling up in the body since birth. This is because that practically all babies are born already having been poisoned with toxic agents, and, often, infected, too. From that day on, our bodies, in the absence of correct treatments, only continue to accumulate more poisons, infections and other morbid assaults. Therefore, a correct treatment cannot be some magic rod that instantly makes one feel better by just touching us, but a gradual and consistent process that properly addresses all of the main morbid disease feeding layers, which have accrued over a life time. The treatment must also consider making the toxic release stages as tolerable or comfortable as possible, and to adjust it to the individual person’s health, level of tolerance, weakness and lifestyle. That is why the goal is not rushing to produce some special effects or speedy dramatic results, but, to produce a safe, gentle, steady and effective healing process. A good old rule for sound and safe driving – “Keep one foot on the gas and the other on the brake” – applies here fully. The example, below, illustrates the causalities of breaking the rule of the brake pedal and rushing to speed up the recovery.

Hi Dr. Yurkovsky, 

It has been several months since we last spoke and since I was on the FCT therapy. In the meantime, I did obtain an FCT remedy from my local ND for parasites and the response I had was very significant. I had vaginal/vulva swelling, rectal and vaginal itching so much that I was up all night with it, some mental/emotional issues i.e. a lot of depression, irritability and anxiety, my inflammation all over was really bad for days, I had insomnia and sharp, throbbing, shooting pain in my gut….the list of reactive symptoms goes on.  What was most compelling and concerning was that my hands broke out in what I believe were small warts….30 or more all over my fingers. They would come and go each day.

 I wonder if we could arrange to have a discussion about moving forward together?

She was given the same parasite remedy before but in much lower potencies in order to avoid the kind of drastic toxic release as she described in this email. Unfortunately, she preferred a faster course.

The illustrations below reflect the strictly individual nature of even the seemingly identical chronic disease, as presented by their different underlying roots.

Disease 1
Disease 2

It is the combined constructive efforts of the sound treatment and the patient which are directed not at a disease surface but cutting off the very roots of disease that matter in the defeat of disease. Based on this model of the essence of disease, its optimal treatment does not constitute some ‘natural’ or other medical recipes for the sick leaves and branches on the surface, but a capable saw that can saw off its roots through a gradual and consistent process. The depth and extension of the roots plus the aforementioned factors, including compliance, will determine the total timing of the cutting process.

When uncertainty leads to certainty.

Understandably, one who is unfamiliar in dealing with complex problems using the scientific process may find so many uncertainties as something that is too vague to accomplish the work. However, it is just the opposite because science deems knowing and accounting for uncertainties as the prerequisites for success. This is similar to one crossing a minefield knowing where the mines might be hidden but without knowing their exact number, versus walking through this minefield with confidence but without being aware of the mines even being present. That is why science deems that when ‘one begins in (informed) uncertainty he will end up in certainty but starting with (alleged) certainty (that lacks the necessary facts and being only a false certainty) ends one in uncertainty,’ e.g., empty handed.

This is also similar to fixing a failed economy, while one cannot know the exact date of its recovery due to many variables or factors involved, yet if the correct measures continue addressing the reasons for or causes of failure the recovery will take place. Here is a concrete case of a patient where I was certain that due to some strong factors working against his medical problem that the recovery would not even be possible, yet it occurred simply because the treatment kept addressing the detected causes of his compromised health.

Even though Mr. H was making progress in his other medical problems, from the age of 64, his sex life came to a halt. The problems with desire, achieving and maintaining an erection or experiencing orgasm continued and all became complete for several years. I thought this was all due to the known age-related reduction of testosterone in men. However, an easy way out – administration of testosterone or its precursors, such as DHEA or aphrodisiacs – were not an option because these might aggravate his prostate cancer. While homeopathic treatment for detected toxicological and infectious agents in his testicles and prostate did not seem to produce any immediate sexual boosts, I continued treating his body for other abnormalities, as detected by bio-resonance testing. Lo and behold, Mr. H and Mrs. H advised me that following his most recent treatment he experienced a sexual awakening with renewed ability to have quality sex at least twice a week and consistently for months with all of the lost functions being fully recovered. When I examined his last treatment it did not contain either homeopathics or any supplements that had anything to do directly with the reproductive system. Yet, his recovery was obviously due to the treachery of complexity – interconnectedness and interdependence between all organs and systems – where removing causes of seemingly unrelated problems creates a rippling effect throughout the entire system, thus benefiting the compromised function directly or indirectly. As the result, it explains the seemingly irrational end result of this case where a 67 year old man, who is supposed to have even less testosterone and related sex function than when he was three years younger, completely recovered his sex life. There is no question that the previous and seemingly unproductive, at the time, treatments have all contributed to this as being a part of the consistent and global roots cutting process of his global disease.

  • In medicine, as in no other area of life, our innate desire to avoid effort costing decisions plays a perfect example of “penny wise, pound foolish”, that we downplay with a comforting excuse, that something is “too complicated and simpler things are just as good”.  The followers of the AIM industry choose to consume dozens of pills a day since it is based on a simple idea not requiring ‘complicated’ efforts, without ever bothering to check if the idea has even ever worked well.  Those who follow the conventional medical method prefer ‘simple’ treatments ‒ medications for cholesterol, blood pressure, or whatever ‒ as long as extra efforts in changing diet, lack of exercise or excess of electronics use are avoided. In the meantime, as all of these simple medical consumptions continue, so does the erosion of health with acquisition of more diseases. Either way, we tend to prefer ‘simple’ options, at the expense of denying new important evidence.  In the recent book, “Denying to the Grave: Why We Ignore the Facts that Will Save Us” by Sara E. Gorman, PhD, MPH and Jack M. Gorman, MD, “the authors argue that the health sciences are especially vulnerable to our innate resistance to integrating new concepts with pre-existing beliefs.”  The reason is that, as the authors state, “…our habits prefer simple things and the avoidance of complexity because dealing with complexity requires considerable mental energy,” that for some means just a little sacrifice in a chosen hobby.  In health sciences or medicine, the trap for seemingly getting away with preferring simple things is particularly deep.  It is because that the punishment, such as a serious and even terminal disease, does not happen immediately, but later. In the meantime, the subconscious lullaby keeps playing the comforting tune, “nothing bad happened to me yesterday, nothing bad happened to me today, so, why worry about tomorrow?”  There are only a few concrete examples from this medical practice of many victims of such tunes.
  • Professor A was treated by me years ago and advised continue to address no the still remaining toxic pollutants in his body, while his elevated blood pressure was decreasing along with his blood pressure drug.  However, he deemed that avoiding computer activity for only a few weekends a quarter was ‘too complicated’ for him, plus according to the prevailing wishful medical thinking, he had only elevated blood pressure but was ‘healthy’, otherwise. For these reasons, he discontinued FCT in favor of a ‘simple’ AIM recipe with ‘natural’ supplements for his high blood pressure, and continued on just as ‘simple’ medication approach.  Lo and behold, nothing bad happened to him shortly after.  However, a few years later, he returned because the remaining and newly added environmental pollutants in his body had made his life far more complicated than just a few computer-free weekends. He no longer came in just by himself but was accompanied by his adult daughter, in order to correctly present all of his accrued medical problems because his mental function could no longer be trusted.  In addition, he developed neurological disease, one of potential fatality as Parkinson’s, erectile dysfunction, low thyroid requiring a drug, increase in blood pressure requiring more drugs, their side effects, and a decrease in energy level.  Fortunately, this all was resolved after only three FCT treatments, with his Parkinson’s symptoms vanishing and his sex-life exploding. However, the positive response might have taken longer or been limited depending on how much irreversible damage to his organs have already occurred, by then.  It is to note that his wife, who had been sick for many years prior to starting FCT at the same time as he did, has gained excellent health over the same time period, as he was getting sicker.  
  • A practically identical story with another couple in their 60s, where quite a sick wife, while continuing FCT has regained good health, yet a seemingly healthy husband dropped his treatment following only one visit, even while he was advised that bio-resonance testing suggested that his coronary arteries were energetically compromised.  He ignored it because an ‘inconvenience’ of minimizing electronics made a ‘simple’ deal of healthy diet, exercise and supplements good enough.  However, a few years later, his wife notified me that he was rushed by an ambulance to the hospital with a heart attack which, luckily, did not kill him.  Yet, the rest of his life, in all likelihood, will be shortened because of him having to live with a damaged heart.     
  • Other examples to illustrate that while examining and addressing all of the aforementioned factors may look “too complicated”, following this process properly is the only approach that works, unless one prefers doing “simple” things forever because of lack of true healing, and at a much higher expense.  As stated by a recent new patient who has gotten nowhere, as usual, by doing simple things: “After just a few treatments with FCT, I have made much more progress than in 10 years on alternative and integrative medicine on which I have spent, at least, $100,000 out of pocket.”  
  • On the other hand, a young man’s progress didn’t seem to hold, on this treatment for about a good year, yet he stuck with it and it paid off.  The reason for him not abandoning it was, likely, due to the fact that for the first time in 12 years, he started feeling normal, and discontinued all of his psychotropic medications, as the result.  Yet, even while feeling much better on the whole, he kept regressing due to persistent mercury poisoning, as suggested by bio-resonance testing.  In the absence of him having mercury fillings, I suspected a block to the treatment, due to a re-exposure from some source.  Since the second most common source of mercury is seafood, I had him bring all seafood that he was consuming.  The bio-resonance testing suggested that the culprit was sardines, and it so happened that he was consuming them almost daily, out of convenience.  After he had completely stopped eating them, not only did he completely recovered, but also stated that the sharp, burning pains in his stomach, which he often experienced, have never returned.  
  • Middle aged Mrs. B had the following conditions before she started my treatment years ago: Hashimoto thyroiditis and general autoimmune condition, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, migraines, panic attacks, depression, heart palpitations, diabetes type 2, hypertension, brain fog, poor short term memory, gastrointestinal bloating, hypoglycemia, esophageal reflux, and intolerance of carbohydrates to a degree of becoming, practically, comatose.  She saw, over the years, endocrinologists, rheumatologists, gastroenterologist, cardiologist, psychiatrist, internist and neurologist.  She was recommended to go on many medications on a chronic basis:  thyroid hormone, prednisone, anti-inflammatory, painkillers, anti-diabetes, anti-arrhythmic, anti-anxiety, anti-depression, anti-migraine, anti-acids.  She tried some alternative approaches but without success.  Yet, today, while continuing only quarterly FCT health maintenance she does not need to take any of those medications, since she has none of those conditions and enjoys a normal life, even while consuming sweets, at times, which she would be completely crashing from, before. Certainly, not all of her problems were solved after a few visits, but gradually over the years, due to age, severity and depth of her toxicities and infections, as well as very negative and draining emotional family environment, which she was compensating for by eating sweets, which drained her further.  Logistically, because of this lengthy process she could have quit at any time, but she did not and it paid off.  

To conclude simply, all sound approaches toward any serious problem focus primarily on their fundamentals with the choice of correct means to address these.  

In medicine, these fundamentals are:

  1. The main causes of disease
  2. The effective diagnostic and therapeutic means to address these.  

The great majority of medical practitioners and patients do not appreciate the value of these two as the only capable package, against disease.  Having just one without the other, does not amount to just 50% success, but to total failure plus harm.

On the whole, avoiding fundamentals equals avoiding solutions to problems.  As a well-known example, this is the reason why the most successful market investor, Warren Buffet, has outperformed, in the long run, those institutions and ‘savvy’ investors who sought quick riches.  His answer for the ‘secret formula’ has always remained the same, over decades, “I only pay attention to the fundamentals.”  And this is the main reason that after decades of analyzing all of the approaches in AIM, I use only this medical system for my family and my own health as the only one that works.  

When should I start getting worried about the state of the disease and call it quits?

When we still have a disease but bio-resonance testing does not detect sufficient causes to explain it. Fortunately, I have never encountered this only very rarely.

The following general patterns of recovery process were observed when the patient’s compliance level corresponded to the extent of the roots or severity of their disease.

The title of this page is an exact quote of a patient who felt discouraged for the first two years of her treatment, yet to only subsequently become one of its most grateful vocal supporters. Certainly, the period of discouragement might have been substantially shortened had she taken heed to my advice to drastically reduce her computer exposure, and stop falling off the bandwagon by eating sweets.  She shared in person her initially discouraging experience with the two separate groups of medical practitioners, at my office, on April 23 and May 13, 2015. Furthermore, her successful story was also fully supported by conventional lab tests. The latter demonstrated that her chronically low platelet count, which puzzled her hematologist, had completely normalized, her chronic and severe hypothyroidism was cured and her abnormal cholesterol and triglyceride levels became normal, too. As importantly, her quality of life was completely restored. While her hypothyroidism was being treated she was gradually taken off her thyroid hormone, and nutritional supplements for ‘thyroid support’, which prompted her prescribing integrative physician to abandon her care, as a hopeless case, due to my irrational management. Yet this ‘irrational management’ was simply eliminating suppressive treatments, which only hides deeper unresolved problems, while addressing the real underlying causes of her total disease. It should be kept in mind that as much as a replacement with thyroid, adrenals or sex hormones can certainly add to better functioning, it is still our own hormones as well as other innate components of our body chemistry, not administered supplements or hormones, that the receptors of our cells recognize as the most biologically compatible and respond to with the optimal physiological response and well-being.


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