
So-called Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndromes

Non-Disease Treatment of Diseases

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

Fibromyalgia Article


In this article, the author challenges and exposes the serious conceptual shortcomings on the part of the famous specialist and his many followers in their approach toward, endemic these days, Chronic Fatigue (CFIDS) and Fibromyalgia (FMS) syndromes.

Through impartial and thorough medical analysis, he demonstrates a superficial and potentially iatrogenic nature of these “natural” approaches and equates them with the expensive short-term band-aids which, in the long run, amount to proverbial shortsighted victories of the battles only to be followed by lost wars.

The author explains the deceptive nature behind the seemingly plausible logistics and even positive studies that are meant to justify these, in essence, allopathic suppressions of true causes behind these conditions and demonstrates how in the long run, worse and more destructive degenerative states along with a lifetime pharmaceutical dependency are bound to set in.

The article edifies the reader of the true culprits behind these states and how to dispose of them through the new paradigm-breaking system — Guided Digital Medicine — which leads to true healing along with real progress in overall health and at a fraction of time and cost involved.

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