
FCT® Documented Case of Curing a Very Low Sperm Count, Impaired Sperm Motility, and Impotence in a Young Man

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

FCT® Documented Case of Curing a Very Low Sperm Count, Impaired Sperm Motility, and Impotence in a Young Man


This is one of the few documented cases, in alternative or conventional medicine, where a severe chronic disease has been completely reversed, as verified by conventional medical tests. Furthermore, this case was neither managed on nor maintained by any natural supplements or drugs, which usually only feign true recovery.

It was managed exclusively through homeopathic treatment, as guided by bio-resonance testing in focusing on, and addressing the exact causes of disease which this article presents. Furthermore, as in practically 100% of all chronic diseases, the pathology was not confined to the testicles or an apparent sick organ, but was, as always, of a multisystemic nature affecting an overall quality of life besides just testicular function. Questions ought to be raised concerning the true sophistication of fertility clinics, their specialists, the cost efficacy, necessity, comfort level, and very safety of their diagnostic and therapeutic interventions for men and women.

This is an especially prudent question to ask in the face of this, FCT, approach providing safe and effective treatment while the number of infertile couples and men with low sperm count is skyrocketing throughout the world. This patient was offered surgery there, besides toxic drug. He had also tried some alternative treatments, prior to FCT.

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