
FCT® and Successful Treatment of the Great Variety of Brain Disorders

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

FCT® and Successful Treatment of the Great Variety of Brain Disorders


The sad fact of our modern life is that the human brain is rapidly becoming an endangered species. Epidemics of autism and ADHD, Alzheimer’s and multiple sclerosis, depression and anxiety, bi-polar and OCD, insomnia and migraines, drug addictions and suicide, all support this tenet and that something has gone seriously wrong with both the brain and its prevailing treatments. The main reasons for the failure of treatments is that these attempt to correct gone astray brain chemistry, dopamine, serotonin or other, while being incapable to address the main and more important primary sources of these chemical imbalances. These are the corresponding brain zones and their true causes of abnormal functioning. In the process such neurotransmitter or other balancing treatments not only treat virtual shadows of disease, instead of its very root cause, but they also lead to loss of valuable time and allow these causes to continue inflicting deeper brain damage. The end result, as our sad statistics confirm, are these epidemics and also ‘wonder drugs’ causing life time dependency, drug addiction and also even being linked to causing suicides.

The FCT approach presented here is based on a different area of neuroscience that focuses on the primary regulatory structures of the brain and how to enter and collect the necessary information directly from these and other internal organs, via bio-resonance testing. The latter does overcome the major stumbling block in all medicine, in chronic diseases, which is the inability of all laboratory and imaging testing to identify the direct causes of malfunctions of the internal organs.

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