
FCT® and Cure of a Mysterious Disease in a Child

FCT and Cure of a Mysterious Disease in a child who Treated with Toxic Drugs and Recommended Surgeries by Medical ‘Specialists’, All in Vain.

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

FCT® and Cure of a Mysterious Disease in a Child…


Enough though this mysterious syndrome, as all medical conditions, carries a specific fancy label based on which ‘scientific’ treatments are prescribed, as long as we know the exact causes of these conditions and the effective ways to address these causes, most of such treatments become obsolete. And so do their high costs. Below, is the testimonial of the mother of the recovered child on FCT, following just three treatments, which were preceded by countless, ineffective and toxic ones. The road traveled by this boy and his parents is a typical as it is senseless and harmful, where people travel to fancy clinics for real answers to only end up with just more needless tests to only create a ‘better’ disease label.Following this, a medical journey leading to nowhere. Unfortunately, this pattern is just as common in alternative-integrative medicine, too.

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