
Chelators of Mercury, Lead and Other Heavy Metals

Theoretical Benefits, Suboptimal Results and Real Dangers.

The Implications for Autism, Other Brain- and Somatic Diseases

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

Mercury and Other Heavy Metal Chelators


As modern populations are becoming increasingly and inescapably intoxicated with heavy metals through air, water and food, chelating agents, natural and pharmaceutical, are becoming common, too. However, very few, either the manufacturers or the physicians who administer these products, are aware of the many hidden dangers behind the chelating process. The main ones are that chelating, due to a mobilization of dormant heavy metals from the tissues, leads to dumping metals into the bloodstream that often leads to their uncontrollable redistribution to the same and other internal organs. Some of these organs and tissues had already been compromised due to acquired or genetic weakness. An overload and exhaustion of the excretory organs in the process often follows as well. In the long and short run, this mobilization and redistribution of metals may lead to the development of serious chronic and degenerative diseases.

On the whole, none of the other popular these days “detoxifying” regimens is free of this basic flaw – unforeseen and uncontrollable release and redistribution of toxins throughout the body. This is an inherited limitation of all biochemical/biomedical treatments as they lack in capacity to monitor and steer these processes properly. The article also discusses the deceptive nature of “book knowledge” that invariably offers some plausible rationale on the surface of it, for these interventions. This is particularly so, when a product has been invented or endorsed by some famous specialist or even if recommended by a medical textbook itself. The reason for this is that the rationale is commonly perceived in a linear or mechanistic fashion while the inventors, manufacturers and administering physicians do not bother thoroughly cross-examining and testing “the rationale” – the necessary requirement of scientific process. In addition, the grossly outdated and limited diagnostic tests utilized by chelating practitioners, alternative or conventional, preclude them from realizing how unsafe and ineffective the chelation process can be. One of the good illustrations to the safety issue would be the removal of lead paint or asbestos in a residence which does make environmental sense, per se, but where in the absence of proper effective precautionary means all dwellers become poisoned even more.

Besides many clinical cases, the article provides little-known scientific references which substantiate the author’s longstanding clinical experience concerning the untoward effects of chelators. The article also offers the variety of possible mechanisms behind their therapeutic failures in the detoxification of mercury and other heavy metals.

Unfortunately, the great majority of manufacturers and dispensers of these products and treatments neither possess the necessary diagnostic tools nor impartiality to recognize these failures and dangers. The author, a former chelating physician himself, presents a novel bio-energetic diagnostic and therapeutic medical system that avoids these perils and renders far superior results in achieving the goal.

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