
Candidiasis and the Petri Dish Mentality

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

Candidiasis Article


This article sheds some unusual light over an extremely important subject of candidiasis and underscores some salient points which have been ignored even by health professionals specializing in these infections.

Learn from this revealing article, packed with unique information:

  • the uncanny nature of candida species
  • their epidemic nature from babies to elderly in Western societies
  • their destructiveness and invasiveness throughout the entire body
  • relentless ability to regrow and proliferate
  • ability to mutate under and defy prevailing therapeutic bombardments
  • property to sponge in and distribute some deadly toxins throughout the body
  • common and costly errors in prevailing therapeutic approaches
  • worst of all, severe iatrogenic effects of these anti-candida bombardments including even seemingly benign and “good for your health” probiotics
  • a novel therapeutic system that has been practiced successfully and side-effect free on thousands including some of the sickest patients

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