
Autism & ADHD are curable!

          Autism, ADHD and many brain disorders are curable – this is the main message of this presentation and the novel bio-energetic medical system, FCT®, that has made it possible.  This was presented by Savely Yurkovsky, MD, in the course of his seminar for health professionals on October 7-9, 2011 and contained numerous cases of autistic children who have been cured from autism and ADHD.

Some of these cases included the children presented in person along with their videos from the past, when they were afflicted with autism prior to FCT treatment.

Note that FCT is not some exoteric “natural” magic rod, but a medical system that is enrooted in multi-disciplinary sciences, medical and non-medical, whereby it overcomes all of the major limitations of the current conventional and alternative approaches while judiciously using only their useful important knowledge.  This system views any chronic disease as a culmination of a host of key morbid factors – Stars/Bullets – while focusing on particular weaknesses of an individual patient which have made him vulnerable to these factors.  Using the pertinent knowledge from multi-disciplinary sciences, FCT selects and applies the most effective diagnostic and therapeutic means to address these Stars/Bullets that leads to abolishment of the state of chronic disease.  This DVD explains this in detail.  Note, again, that the current failures in preventing or treating autism are all enrooted in the same deficiencies of conventional and alternative approaches toward all chronic diseases.  Think of these in simple terms because all complex issues can be fine grained down to their underlying essences.  These essences are the very DNA of that approach and its scientific theory akin to a foundation of a building.  Any fault in the foundation, sooner or later, ruins the building.  Any fault in DNA, sooner or later, destroys an organ and results in serious disease.  So, if conventional or alternative medical training has laid down the wrong DNA or foundation, their practitioners carry and transport along these flaws to any chronic disease they approach. This is not their choice.  This is inevitable.  This is a logical rule throughout the history of science.

If you invite a carpenter, a plumber or an electrician to your house, he is not going to acquire a new approach and skills while en route to the house from the one before. Every serious scientist knows that this is not how scientists operate and that whatever virtues and deficiencies their training carries, they will be tied up to these, to the letter,in their work.

And every serious scientist also knows that there is nothing that is fixed or always correct in science and that is why one of the most renowned scientists, Nobel laureate in physics, Werner Heisenberg, stated that it is the duty of scientists to periodically reexamine their sets of beliefs.  (A serious scientist means a scientist who cares about the purity and quality of his knowledge, unlike “9 to 5” formal employees in the science sector representing the great majority of scientists and who Einstein called “utilitarians” who want to be “right”).

But unlike exact sciences and technologies, like physics or engineering, where outdated knowledge and outdated scientists will be discovered fast because their based technologies will go out of business and they will become unemployed, demoted, or bypassed in their careers by the more up-to-date scientists, in inexact science, like medicine, such pressure or threat does not exist.  And, that is why, as any knowledgeable scientist who knows the vast difference between exact and inexact sciences and its tremendous potential for failure in the latter, Israeli-born Oxford Professor of Physics, David Deutsch, referred to medicine as something that just operates on a rule of thumb.  This simply means a mere subjective agreement of how we are going to do the business of medical science and medical practice according to the approach that we chose and like.  This is versus examining all of the available and pertinent knowledge from other and non-medical sciences and facing the fact that these other sciences prove your approaches as wrong.Certainly, as this has been the case, one can continue redressing these approaches into something “new” or “just discovered”, but all of which are based on the scientific concepts which have already proven as consistently failing over many decades.  It does not matter whether these are conventional, alternative, holistic, homeopathic or naturopathic.  Science cares less about labels.  Science works only on one single and most fundamental principle – a key-lock one.  A lock is a problem; a key is its solution.  If there is a mismatch, go home and satisfy yourself with any title you carry and want to: holistic, natural, integrative, innovative, professor, or even Nobel laureate.  The bottom line is: do not impress us with showing your shiny keys but impress us only with a sound and conflict-proof explanation, through all science, into the natureof the lock, first.  Then, we’ll start looking for the right key and maybe it does not even have to be that impressive or shiny but just something unpretentious and reliable and one that simply w-o-r-k-s!

If you do not realize these simple truths, you will pay for it by remaining or becoming a victim to serious chronic degenerative diseases, and the same with your family members. And this, in our age, where 100% of the population, including babies, has officially proven to be alreadyborn poisoned with multiple toxic agents from carcinogens to brain destroyers, becoming a victim and an invalid of chronic disease is no longer a choice or an “if”, it is a 100% certainty.  This holds true just as much for me and my family members and where the key issue is what do we do to prevent or address this effectively.

So, returning to our example, do not expect a plumber to become an electrician or just a better plumber on arrival to your house.  Inevitably,he will bring along exactly the same skills of his.  Tragically, doctors, patients, researchers or research foundations or their donors, or government healthcare regulators or its research funding institutions, all do not realize this simple truth.  If the elite of our neurology specialists cannot effectively treat even such a simple (through a better approach) condition as a brain concussion in professional athletes who arebuilt like machines, how can one know how to effectively treat or prevent autism, in generally sick children, a condition that is a thousand times more complex?(See my article “Why do professional athletes suffer needlessly from brain and bodily injuries?”,www.naturalnews.com/032702_athletes_injuries.html).   And this is the inevitable curse of inexact sciences such as medicine, psychology, sociology, or other where there is no exact and sound frame of reference that exists in order to filter out a sound and effective theory and approach from their millions of ineffective attempts.  Because in inexact sciences, one can literally devise thousands of theories a day and which all seem to make sense only because they contain some formally correct scientific findings.  As this concerns the human body in health and disease, as these DVDs (“Curable: Autism, ADHD, Lyme Disease with co-infections, &Morgellon’s Disease”, “Autism & ADHD are curable!”, and some very important elements of proper construction of medical knowledge are also contained in “Curable: Lyme Disease, co-infections, &Morgellon’s”) demonstratewhile the formally correct scientific findings in medicine can number in the hundreds of thousands and tying these together into different theories in the billions, the principles of the proper construction of effective theories are absent.  As the result, neither conventional nor alternative doctors can tell the difference between the theories which are built to succeed from the ones which are built to impress and fail.

Do you know how I know?  Because I was well-trained in and fooled by both conventional and alternative medicine.  And I know the exact mechanisms of the fooling process, even if it is not necessarily intentional and does contain useful knowledge.  But closed-mindedness in both conventional and alternative specialties certainly is intentional because when one confronts them with their scientifically weak and even flimsy theories, they…. run away.

If I am wrong about bad theories in medicine and this is all about science, can anyone explain why, after the endless list of side-effects caused by cholesterol-lowering drugs with recent studies adding diabetes (!) that is by far, the greatest promoter of heart disease, the drug companies have yet to voluntarily discontinue a single cholesterol-lowering drug?  And this all while many studies also showed that the cholesterol level, high or low, correlates poorly with the incidence of heart disease.  Don’t conventional doctors know this?  Instead, children are being lined up next for cholesterol-lowering drugs.

Why is it, as study after study has demonstrated, that vitamins, nutritional supplements, antioxidants and other natural paraphernalia marketed as “preventing” and “curing” chronic diseases, which alleither have failed to deliver and, even worse, promoted cancer, heart disease, and other chronic diseases, has not a single company or “holistic” doctor stopped dispensing these?   Just the opposite, theirwebsites are loaded up more than ever with “natural recipes” and shopping cart buttons.  Are you sure this is all about good science? We explain in these DVDs why this “natural medicine” is just an illusion and is a mockery of science.  This holds true for the entire biochemical-pharmaceutical approaches to chronic diseases where no one in reality knows what that lab test actually means, what deeper level of disease it represents and that just bombarding these test findings cannot either effectively or safely change the course of chronic disease and especially such complex ones as autism or Lyme.  Yet,by their “abnormal findings”, these tests may impress some of the parents whose autistic children were senselessly stuck with needles many times and they were also impressed that the tests showed some abnormal vitamin/nutrient or other levels. Yet, after the (poor) child had to swallow piles ofpills in order to correct these abnormal levels, and blood tests again “impressed” by the levels becoming “corrected”, he has made zero progress and remained just as autistic as he was.  These and similar examples run in the thousands and how one faces these distinguishes a true scientist, doctor, or researcher who must explain or admit that he cannot explain these conflicts and failures from the merry-go-round ones who refuse to face serious scientific deficiencies in their approaches.

In the end, all of these approaches are plagued with two fundamental flaws.  One – using “book” or formally correct scientific knowledge – but which carries little value to the very essence or cause of a given chronic disease or the lock.  Two – even if mentioning, on occasion, formally correct causes of chronic disease, they end up using diagnostic and therapeutic means which are incapable of properly addressing these causes in a practice.  Realization of these two flaws fully explains how treating doctors deceive themselves by “being on the right track” or “very close to” solving something to only mislead their followers – other health practitioners and patients.

Do not forget to recall Richard Nixon assuring the nation that we were very close to defeating the war on cancer.  This was already what? 40 years ago!  Exactly the same approach is at work today toward prevention and treatment of all chronic diseases.  Go now and check out their statistics on cancer and all chronic diseases and our annual healthcare bill, too.  Do you think Nixon was the only statesman, here or abroad, who was fooled?  Think twice, and he was no fool.

The main reason for my reflecting on these issues here and in the DVDs is so that you will more clearly understand  that one does not end up with a worldwide health disaster like autism, overnight and that we are trying to solve these with the same means which have allowed to produce it in the first place.


Among the many other important lessons you will learn from these DVDs are:

  • Autismandallchronic diseases are caused by a handful of the main morbid factors – bullets.  These are the ones that produce hundreds of secondary findings in autism and any chronic disease from leaky gut to immune and neurotransmitter abnormalities, from food allergies to vitamin deficiencies and hormonal imbalance, from abnormal brain tissue to chronic and incurable infections, such as candidiasis, parasitosis, Lyme, viral and other. Unless one makes a clear distinction between the primary disease factors – bullets – and their countless secondary pathological effects and knows how to address these bullets, one will inevitably fail.


  • Likewise, if one is not able to distinguish between the treatments which are capable of removing bullets and the treatments which merelyattempt to patch up countless abnormalities or findings in autism – bandaidapplications – one cannot tell what treatment will succeedor fail, short of erratic successes.  That is why the treatments with bandaids, no matter how “scientific” or formally correct these sound, continue for no end and without true progress.   The truth is that neither conventional nor alternative doctors are trained to distinguish between the actual bullets, on one hand, and the countless secondary pathological changes in the brain and the rest of the body which these bullets produce, on the other.  As the result, both the biomedical research findings and treatments seem to be important yet, as the rule, the bandaidsare powerless in removing bullets and dooming these treatments to fail.  The problem here is also compounded by the fact that neither camp of doctors is trained to distinguish which treatments are even capable ofeffectively removingthe bullets from the body.  This holds true not only for autism but for all chronic diseases.  This is explained in detail in the DVD, “The power of missing knowledge: An explanation for the failures of conventional and alternative medicine in chronic and degenerative diseases.  An introduction to FCT®”. As a result, these treatments do not work while the answer remains the same – more, newer and “just discovered” bandaids. That is why, as demonstrated in this DVD, autistic children may end up with literally dozens of ineffective treatments costing tens- and even hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical expenses.
  • The main reasons why the bullets cannot be differentiated from the bandaids throughthe main diagnostic approach, lab testings, which are based on body chemistry and relied on by conventional and alternative doctors.
  • Why it is impossible for pharmaceutical treatments, conventional and alternative, to remove the bullets.
  • How these main bullets create such an enormous spider web of countless pathological problems which all feed into and sustain one another, that biochemical/pharmaceutical-based diagnostics and therapeutics are doomed to drown in these and fail.  Moreover, these treatmentsare often prone to induce severe side-effects in these children as the virtually blindfolded approach targets one set of visible problems while making the invisible onesworse.

–       Blood, urine and other lab tests

–       DAN

–       Yasko

–       Gluten- and casein-free diet

–       GAPS (Guts And Psychology Syndrome) diet, program

–       Massive nutritional supplementations

–       Chelation therapy

–       Hyperbaric oxygen

–       Anti-yeast and anti-parasitic regiments

–       Leaky gut

–       Homeopathy: classical, complex/homotoxicology, sequential/Heilkunst

  • Hidden and real dangers of most of these treatments while labeled as “natural”.
  • How some vitamins can lead to a production of the most brain toxic poison, while most of the potentially detrimental effects of nutritional supplements is completely unknown.  If these “natural” supplements are so natural, then why can’t we just find these growing in gardens or farms?  If not, then as any man-made product, these, by definition, are mistake prone.  How do you know, then, that you or your children are not consuming someone’s mistake?  And how are these “natural” mistakes in chronic diseases different from drug mistakes for chronic diseases?  Can anyone squeeze out even if one good argument to contradict this?  If yes, we will post it on this website with my comment.
  • An emphasis on one of the crucial bullets in autism, and all chronic diseases, that has been overlooked by autism researchers along with conventional and alternative “autism specialists” – EMFs (electromagnetic fields).
  • Dangers of supplementations and how anti-yeast/candidiasis and anti-parasitic treatments lead to brain and immune toxicity
  • Why a gluten and casein allergy, as any food allergy, is one of the many secondary effects of the bullets.  Why agluten and casein-free diet is not an answer to autism or to any chronic disease but is just one of many bandaids.  Depriving anyone for a lifetime of vital nutrients contained in whole grains and dairy is a poor prescription for health.  FCT has cured a number of these children from what has been labeled as a genetic allergy to gluten and casein.
  • Skillful bioresonance testing as the only diagnostic test that is capable of distinguishing between the bullets and their countless secondary effects.  Its scientific basis being enrooted in physics and its abilityto painlessly and noninvasively tune into the brain and other internal organs in order to identify the bullets.  Recent scientific evidence that even some Nobel laureates in medicine are resorting tobioresonance testing as a far more sensitive and accurate diagnostic tool over conventional lab testing.
  • What are these bullets and which ones play a major role in autism?
  • Dangers of chelation and other “detoxes” for mercury, lead and other toxic agents.  Their high propensity for reintoxication of the body and brain due to uncontrollable stir up of these agents which these treatments induce.
  • Are vaccines the cause of autism or only a part of the bullet group?
  • If a child or adult has suffered side-effects of a vaccine, these side-effects cannot be mitigated by any treatment other than homeopathic.  One must also establish which specific vaccine was the culprit and this can be determined only by skillful bioresonance testing, not by speculations or “studies”.  In many cases, the parents cannot pinpoint the trigger.
  • Novel therapeutic homeopathicsystemic approach that,along with parental teamwork,is capable of addressing thebullets of autism.
  • How common and inescapable these bullets are in modern societies and why chances are that the bullets have affected everyone, yourself included, leading to any illness – heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, cancer, infertility, and any chronic disease and state of lost health.
  • Scientific research documenting the presence of multiple toxic bullets in human breast milk.  No one is spared!
  • EMFs (electromagnetic fields) – a completely ignored bullet in autism and all chronic diseases.  Documented scientific evidence of EMFs’ destruction on the brain

−      The necessity of safety measures and effective EMF protective devices

−      Most of the “EMF protective devices” that you should be protected from

  • How the FCT system, by effectively addressing the bullets, has succeeded in a variety ofbrain-related disorders: ADHD, learning disability, OCD, insomnia, anxiety, depression, Alzheimer’s, bipolar, other.
  • Why sleeping drugs or fads like melatonin and 5-HTP become useless for insomnia once its Stars/Bullets are effectively addressed, including in children.
  • Dangers for the future generation’s mental healthwhose parents userecreational drugs.
  • Preventing autism and other serious brain disorders – addressing the bullets prior to conception.
  • Understanding the resilient nature of some of the bullets and the importance of doctor-parent teamwork in the successful treatment process.
  • Avoiding ineffective and very uncomfortable treatments for your child.
  • Understanding the very complex nature of the hundreds of invisible interactions between the bullets of autism through the presented Autism Model.
  • Understanding the individual nature of autism for every child depending on the unique combination of bullets in the body and brain, their interactions within individual child and his individual sensitivity to.


Overall, and take this home for all chronic diseases, by viewing this presentation you will much deeper understand not only the mechanisms behind autism, ADHD, learning disabilities and other brain-related disorders, but the very complex nature of all chronic diseases.  This will enable you to take a second look at many popular these days “how to”, “holistic” books and “natural” recipes and how their misled authors continue misleading their readers, both laymen and health professionals.  You will also realize what needs to be done to prevent and treat these diseases for yourself and your family.


  • Remember!  The bullets which cause autism are not unique to autistic children, but are common to all children.  The difference is only in the degree of the bullets’ distribution and their interaction.  That is why contemporary children who are not autistic are practically never in good health and are simply malfunctioning and developing other diseases.  This concerns their physical, emotional or cognitive states and functions.  From experience, many such “healthy” children made their unsuspecting parents surprised about the difference in them following FCT treatment.

Most of the parents are sick from these bullets, too.

  • Presentation of recovered children from autism, in person and through their documented medical files.  Details of their treatments.

This presentation consists also of home videos of some of the children who were presented in person at the seminar.

All of these children had undergone years of other treatments for autism with minimal or no progress, prior to FCT.

One of these children had been treated close to 12 years and with as many as 145 supplements taken daily!!  Chelation therapy brought some mild progress, yet its side-effects landed the child in a local ER.  He retained autistic traits and remained mute until he underwent FCT treatment with one of our FCT practitioners.

Today, thanks to this treatment, whose presentation, along with the child and his mother, you may view in this video, at the age of 15, he is well-recovered. Without a doubt, he will be entering college after graduating from high school.

  • Below is a statement of the mother of a recovered child from autism following many years of failures on other approaches.  This child has recovered through the FCT medical system administered by one of Dr. Yurkovsky’s students in Great Britain, Dr. Stuart Wright.  Dr. Wright has opened an in-house autism retreat clinic in the beautiful countryside in Scotland.  The photos and contact information is provided in this presentation.

“I wouldn’t recommend DAN to any parent. My son followed DAN for 7 years, but finally I stopped. I said to myself, ‘I cannot get all these supplements into him… and it doesn’t feel right.’ In the end, the only way to do it was at the clinic where they had to pin him down and force him to take them. The people behind DAN are good people, but they are male so-called experts with theories, and not parents, and they don’t really understand.

“With FCT everything is different. It’s about getting to the level of cause instead of just the effects. And not only is there no problem giving the remedies to my son, in fact he looks forward to them and now he often does it himself. And the test is no problem – he just lies back happily and holds on to the conducting rod now – but not at the beginning. After FCT, this child is a completely different child. Two years ago I was going to put him into residential, because I couldn’t cope any longer on my own. But not now, since FCT he has become so easy, he is so much fun to be with. FCT is a lot more controlled – unlike DAN where they have no control over what is happening. My son is a completely new person, and everyone has noticed. And his life has completely opened up socially at school.”

Linda McGinn,

Stonehaven, Scotland



P.S.. – The Stars/Bullets versus just a narrow given disease approach presented in this DVD is universally effective in all brain and other chronic diseases.


Among the other brain diseases and disorders:





Concentration problem







Learning Disability

Memory impairment (sometimes an early sign of Alzheimer’s)


Multiple Sclerosis



and other


To order this DVD set, please go to www.yurkovsky.com/order-videos-kits.pdf.


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