
Autism, ADHD and other Brain Disorders

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

Autism, ADHD and other Brain Disorders – 2nd Autism Article


As it is usually the case in any complex problem, a few plausible ideas, per se, are far from enough to solve it. The same holds true for autism, ADHD and other brain disorders, let it be anxiety, insomnia, depression or other psychiatric entities. Both the sound encompassing model of the problem and effective means pinpointed in their actions are necessary in order to achieve substantial progress.

The author reveals a complex model of the disease – a self-perpetuating web of diverse external and internal morbid factors – which sets the stage for and sustains brain pathologies. He also presents diagnostic and therapeutic means capable of addressing these and demonstrates why his system, Guided Digital MedicineTM enables the great majority of patients to overcome therapeutic deadlocks which are often and inevitably being encountered by autism/ADHD or other specialized treatments.

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