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It is impossible to write an article on each of 1,000 diseases.

But what is important to know that all diseases are caused by the same general bullets or causes: environmental pollutants, infections, EMF, repeizoings from food, air, water, supplements.
So, by reading just about any of these articles you will get an idea how FCT uses simple and fast noninvasive energetic diagnosis and energetic extraction of these bullets to successfully address all diseases. And it accomplishes this far better than conventional and alternative “disease specialists,” for the simple reason that any disease cannot exist without its bullets-causes.

Table of Contents

1. Infectious Diseases

2. The Spleen Epidemic

3. The Thyroid Gland

4. Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

5. Autism, ADD, ADHD, LD

6. Autism, ADHD and other Brain Disorders

7. The Law of Unintended Consequences Part I

8. The Law of Unintended Consequences Part II

9. Going for the Bull’s Eye of Heart Disease

10. So-called Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndromes

11. Addictive States

12. Lyme Disease and the Petri Dish Mentality

13. Candidiasis and the Petri Dish Mentality

14. The Solution to Migraine and Chronic Headaches

15. Chelators of Mercury, Lead and Other Heavy Metals
Theoretical Benefits, Suboptimal Results and Real Dangers.
The Implications for Autism, Other Brain- and Somatic Diseases

16. FCT® Documented Case of Curing a Very Low Sperm Count, Impaired Sperm Motility, and Impotence in a Young Man

17. FCT® documented case of curing autism, thanks to cause-based approach to chronic diseases.

18. FCT®’s cured case of severe multiple chemical sensitivities

19. FCT® documented case of an apparently reversed heart disease in a junk food addict with obesity diabetes thanks to cause-based approach to chronic diseases

20. FCT® Apparent Documented Reversal of Crohn’s Disease and Prompt Cure of a Longstanding Irritable Bowel Syndrome

21. 100% Antibiotics Free, Very Effective FCT® Approach to Lyme Disease and Co-infections

22. FCT® and Successful Treatment of the Great Variety of Brain Disorders

23. Diagnosing and Addressing Causes of Chronic Diseases through Bio-Resonance Testing and FCT®

24. FCT® and Documented Reversals of Type 2 and, even, Type 1 Diabetes!

25. FCT® and Lyme – Isn’t it about time to reconsider just killing Lyme?

26. FCT® ‘Placebo-Water’ and Against All Odds Medical Ordeal

27. FCT®, brain health and its formidable challenges

28. FCT® and Premature Aging, The Simple Approach

29. FCT® and Cure of a Mysterious Disease in a Child…

30. FCT®, Detoxes, Retoxes, Benefits and Harm.

31. Can FCT®, Field Control Therapy, Save Homeopathy? Part I.

32. FCT® and How Lyme ‘Specialists’ Keep Hammering at the Wrong Biofilm.

33. FCT, cancer, and Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Oncologist: “You Better Continue This Alternative Treatment.”

34. FCT® in the Coronary Care Unit of a University Hospital and Heart Matters.

35. FCT® and Brain: “Doctor, my brain feels rewired!”

36. FCT® Fibromyalgia & the Unsuspected Suspect – Drinking Water

37. FCT® and Dermatology: Are Skin Disorders Just the Tip of the Iceberg for Underlying Chronic Diseases?

38. “How FCT® has cured me from devastating Lyme disease, without a single antibiotic”

39. FCT®, BRAIN, Patients, Researchers and Doctors

40. FCT® and Weight, its Loss, Gain and Eternal Struggles

41. FCT®, Functional medicine and related issues

42. Is Functional Medicine Dysfunctional?

43. FCT® and Cancer

44. FCT® Treating Lyme and All Infections the Simple Way

45. FCT® and The Brain

46. How FCT® Gets Under the Skin of Sick Skin

47. FCT® and The Corona Virus Pandemic – Who is Responsible for the Needless Bloodletting

48. FCT ED and Hormonal Upheavals in Men

Full Set

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Infectious Diseases:

What Are We Treating?

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

Infectious Diseases Article


The idea of a microbe as a primary cause of disease

is the greatest scientific silliness of the age.

Pierre Antoine Bechamp

Microbiologist (1816-1908)

In our modern times, chronic infections, let it be herpes, Ebstein-Barr, cytomegalovirus, candidiasis, parasitosis, Lyme, or sexually transmitted diseases and others, tenaciously plague millions of people. Their lengthy, diverse, and expensive treatments help little to break the chronicity and burden of these epidemics as a recurrence, often, is the rule.

This article raises the issue of a futility of such approaches. It presents the author’s own failed experience in the past with attempting to eradicate the “bugs” with the alternative or conventional modern, yet outdated methods.

It shares with the reader the true reasons behind the failures, and insight into very important and common but overlooked latent toxicological factors which undermine the immune system’s ability to fight these infections.

In addition, the same culprits also lead, with time, to severe and crippling chronic diseases. The successful approach is presented, based on Guided Digital Medicine.

The Spleen Epidemic

and Non-Disease Treatment of Diseases

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

Spleen Epidemic Article


Almost five thousand years ago, the Chinese Medicine classics described numerous medical conditions related to the common but often overlooked dysfunction of this very important organ. These conditions include metabolic and hormonal dysregulations, recurrent infections and poor energy, anemia and other blood disorders.

The author shares with the reader, based on his experience with Bio-resonance testing, the numerous detrimental factors, including medical treatments, that damage the spleen from an early childhood on.

The Thyroid Gland, Wilson’s Syndrome

Cures, Fallacies and Fixes

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

Thyroid Gland Article


The evidence that two features similar in appearance, are

based on the same principle, is always precarious as long

as the principle itself is unknown.

Prof. E. Schrödinger

Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics

This article raises a very important issue — a diagnosis and treatment of diseases based on their accepted generic diagnostic entity. The numerous and expensive therapeutic approaches, conventional and alternative, then follow “to treat the condition” instead of its roots.

Some isolated parameters pertained to malfunctioning of a given organ become selected as the basis for a “new and better” treatment. As a result of merely treating these parameters, the people encounter never-ending problems, medical dependency, side-effects, lifetime expenses and missed opportunities on attaining freedom from illness.

Undoubtedly thyroid gland, whether recognized or not, is one of the organs frequently affected. Its commonly unrecognized malfunction, in spite of the conventional “normal blood thyroid tests,” can lead to the numerous and most disturbing symptoms literally crippling one’s quality of life.

To name just a few of these: fatigue, poor stamina, depression, hair loss, dry skin, weight gain, water retention, PMS, debilitating and irregular menstrual periods, anemia, sleep disorders, chronic infections, low sex drive, and many others.

Some alternative approaches have been offered as the solution. Among them, so called “Wilson’s Syndrome.” The article edifies the reader with the dangers and fallacies behind “Wilson’s Syndrome” and other “solutions” alike. It presents the new insights concerning the true causes of thyroid dysfunction and far more efficacious approach based on Guided Digital Medicine.

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

From Treatments to Cure

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Article


Multiple chemical sensitivities represent one of the newest and fast growing epidemics in the National disease care theatre today. The true roots of this crippling disease, particularly in modern societies exposing persons to tens of thousands of chemicals from birth on, are underscored.

No effective treatments even exist for multiple chemical sensitivity in conventional medicine and the ones that are offered in alternative medicine are ineffective. More and more people acquire this disability, rather insidiously, as they are being forced out of their workplaces or even homes to live in a “bubble.”

The author shares his findings concerning the causations of this illness and successful experience based on the Guided Digital Medicine approach.

Autism, ADD, ADHD, LD

and the Power of Digital Medicine

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

Autism, ADD – 1st Autism Article


For anyone who is concerned about the rapidly growing rate of these serious ailments (as well as Alzheimer’s) and is seriously interested in preventing and addressing their roots, rather than their symptoms, this is a must read article.

Also, the life-threatening side-effects of commonly prescribed drugs, including deaths among children, is presented.

Guided Digital Medicine

Autism, ADHD and other Brain Disorders

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

Autism, ADHD and other Brain Disorders – 2nd Autism Article


As it is usually the case in any complex problem, a few plausible ideas, per se, are far from enough to solve it. The same holds true for autism, ADHD and other brain disorders, let it be anxiety, insomnia, depression or other psychiatric entities. Both the sound encompassing model of the problem and effective means pinpointed in their actions are necessary in order to achieve substantial progress.

The author reveals a complex model of the disease – a self-perpetuating web of diverse external and internal morbid factors – which sets the stage for and sustains brain pathologies. He also presents diagnostic and therapeutic means capable of addressing these and demonstrates why his system, Guided Digital MedicineTM enables the great majority of patients to overcome therapeutic deadlocks which are often and inevitably being encountered by autism/ADHD or other specialized treatments.

Guided Digital Medicine

The Law of Unintended Consequences

and Non-Disease Treatment of Diseases

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

Consequences Part I Article


Consequences Part II Article


The challenging case presented here that failed as many as 32 health practitioners, conventional and alternative alike, has spurred this fascinating discussion that continues throughout Parts I, II and III.

It analyzes common and severe conceptual shortcomings in the care of chronic diseases encountered in all of the medical specialties today. It convincingly demonstrates that a decisive change in the quality of medical care cannot be made through hyped discoveries in pharmaceuticals, natural products or technology since disease states that underlie so-called “common” diseases, are strictly individual and require, likewise, strictly tailored individualized treatment for every person.

The author proposes the solution through an introduction of an eclectic and very powerful new medical system.

Guided Digital Medicine

Going for the Bull’s Eye of Heart Disease

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

Heart Disease Article


And again, Guided Digital Medicine, as it has been the case with numerous other serious pathologies, has come up with the simplest, shortest, cheapest and most effective solution for Heart disease !

Guided Digital Medicine

Non-Disease Treatment of Diseases and so-called

Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndromes

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

Fibromyalgia Article


In this article, the author challenges and exposes the serious conceptual shortcomings on the part of the famous specialist and his many followers in their approach toward, endemic these days, Chronic Fatigue (CFIDS) and Fibromyalgia (FMS) syndromes.

Through impartial and thorough medical analysis, he demonstrates a superficial and potentially iatrogenic nature of these “natural” approaches and equates them with the expensive short-term band-aids which, in the long run, amount to proverbial shortsighted victories of the battles only to be followed by lost wars.

The author explains the deceptive nature behind the seemingly plausible logistics and even positive studies that are meant to justify these, in essence, allopathic suppressions of true causes behind these conditions and demonstrates how in the long run, worse and more destructive degenerative states along with a lifetime pharmaceutical dependency are bound to set in.

The article edifies the reader of the true culprits behind these states and how to dispose of them through the new paradigm-breaking system — Guided Digital Medicine — which leads to true healing along with real progress in overall health and at a fraction of time and cost involved.

Guided Digital Medicine

Addictive States

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

Addictive States Article


An unorthodox and an individual-oriented insight to addictions. Explores different inherited constitutional profiles and acquired impacts in the way of toxicological agents, infections and emotional assaults which trigger and sustain addictions. Very effective diagnostic approach and individual tailored therapeutic interventions discussed along with some fascinating patients’ illustrations.

Lyme Disease and Petri Dish Mentality

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

Lyme Disease Article


Lyme disease has been rapidly becoming one of the biggest growing epidemics in the U.S. and abroad. Its unique features — insidious onset, ability to mimic a great variety of diseases (up to 40!) literally from head to toe* including severe neuropsychiatric illness, capacity to mutate and escape antibiotics’ bombardments, remain silent for years to only resume its deadly strike — has made it one of the biggest medical nemeses of today.

Customarily overlooked, myopically approached through bombardments with antibiotics or natural means and just as commonly failed as a result, Lyme has been spreading and destroying relentlessly more and more people from children to elderly. Read this article and empower yourself with deeper concepts, knowledge, and means to defeat this deadly enemy.

* Physical Manifestations of Lyme:

ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease), Alzheimer’s disease, Arthritis, Blindness, Cardiac conduction abnormalities, Conjunctivitis, Encephalitis, Fatigue, Insomnia, Meningitis, Migraine, Multiple Sclerosis, Myocarditis, Parkinson’s, Pericarditis, Scleroderma, Seizures, Strokes, Tourette’s syndrome.

Mental-Emotional Manifestations of Lyme:

Anorexia Nervosa, Anxiety, Bipolar disorder , Change in personality, Confusion, Dementia, Depression, Hallucinations, Irritability and anger, Mood swings, OCD, Panic attacks, Phobias, Psychosis, Schizophrenia.

Petri Dish Mentality and Fundamental Errors in the Treatments of Candidiasis

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

Candidiasis Article


This article sheds some unusual light over an extremely important subject of candidiasis and underscores some salient points which have been ignored even by health professionals specializing in these infections.

Learn from this revealing article, packed with unique information:

  • the uncanny nature of candida species
  • their epidemic nature from babies to elderly in Western societies
  • their destructiveness and invasiveness throughout the entire body
  • relentless ability to regrow and proliferate
  • ability to mutate under and defy prevailing therapeutic bombardments
  • property to sponge in and distribute some deadly toxins throughout the body
  • common and costly errors in prevailing therapeutic approaches
  • worst of all, severe iatrogenic effects of these anti-candida bombardments including even seemingly benign and “good for your health” probiotics
  • a novel therapeutic system that has been practiced successfully and side-effect free on thousands including some of the sickest patients

The Solution to Migraine and Chronic Headaches

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

Migraine Article


One can hardly find a single medical ailment which would be as prevalent as headaches. 90% of the total U.S. population experiences it on an annual basis sporadically while as many as 87 million Americans, both men and women, suffer from severe migraines or other kind of chronic headaches. Not counting the total economic burden, 67 billion dollars annually, the ailment itself devastates the quality of life of so many. While the triggering causes are abundant from hormonal imbalance to food allergies and weather change, true causes or curative solutions remain an enigma.

This article finally sheds light on this challenging issue and offers logical, effective and simple solutions.

Chelators of Mercury, Lead and Other Heavy Metals:

Theoretical Benefits, Suboptimal Results and Real Dangers.

The Implications for Autism, Other Brain- and Somatic Diseases

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

Mercury and Other Heavy Metal Chelators


As modern populations are becoming increasingly and inescapably intoxicated with heavy metals through air, water and food, chelating agents, natural and pharmaceutical, are becoming common, too. However, very few, either the manufacturers or the physicians who administer these products, are aware of the many hidden dangers behind the chelating process. The main ones are that chelating, due to a mobilization of dormant heavy metals from the tissues, leads to dumping metals into the bloodstream that often leads to their uncontrollable redistribution to the same and other internal organs. Some of these organs and tissues had already been compromised due to acquired or genetic weakness. An overload and exhaustion of the excretory organs in the process often follows as well. In the long and short run, this mobilization and redistribution of metals may lead to the development of serious chronic and degenerative diseases.

On the whole, none of the other popular these days “detoxifying” regimens is free of this basic flaw – unforeseen and uncontrollable release and redistribution of toxins throughout the body. This is an inherited limitation of all biochemical/biomedical treatments as they lack in capacity to monitor and steer these processes properly. The article also discusses the deceptive nature of “book knowledge” that invariably offers some plausible rationale on the surface of it, for these interventions. This is particularly so, when a product has been invented or endorsed by some famous specialist or even if recommended by a medical textbook itself. The reason for this is that the rationale is commonly perceived in a linear or mechanistic fashion while the inventors, manufacturers and administering physicians do not bother thoroughly cross-examining and testing “the rationale” – the necessary requirement of scientific process. In addition, the grossly outdated and limited diagnostic tests utilized by chelating practitioners, alternative or conventional, preclude them from realizing how unsafe and ineffective the chelation process can be. One of the good illustrations to the safety issue would be the removal of lead paint or asbestos in a residence which does make environmental sense, per se, but where in the absence of proper effective precautionary means all dwellers become poisoned even more.

Besides many clinical cases, the article provides little-known scientific references which substantiate the author’s longstanding clinical experience concerning the untoward effects of chelators. The article also offers the variety of possible mechanisms behind their therapeutic failures in the detoxification of mercury and other heavy metals.

Unfortunately, the great majority of manufacturers and dispensers of these products and treatments neither possess the necessary diagnostic tools nor impartiality to recognize these failures and dangers. The author, a former chelating physician himself, presents a novel bio-energetic diagnostic and therapeutic medical system that avoids these perils and renders far superior results in achieving the goal.

FCT® Documented Case of Curing a Very Low Sperm Count, Impaired Sperm Motility, and Impotence in a Young Man

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

FCT® Documented Case of Curing a Very Low Sperm Count, Impaired Sperm Motility, and Impotence in a Young Man


This is one of the few documented cases, in alternative or conventional medicine, where a severe chronic disease has been completely reversed, as verified by conventional medical tests. Furthermore, this case was neither managed on nor maintained by any natural supplements or drugs, which usually only feign true recovery.

It was managed exclusively through homeopathic treatment, as guided by bio-resonance testing in focusing on, and addressing the exact causes of disease which this article presents. Furthermore, as in practically 100% of all chronic diseases, the pathology was not confined to the testicles or an apparent sick organ, but was, as always, of a multisystemic nature affecting an overall quality of life besides just testicular function. Questions ought to be raised concerning the true sophistication of fertility clinics, their specialists, the cost efficacy, necessity, comfort level, and very safety of their diagnostic and therapeutic interventions for men and women.

This is an especially prudent question to ask in the face of this, FCT, approach providing safe and effective treatment while the number of infertile couples and men with low sperm count is skyrocketing throughout the world. This patient was offered surgery there, besides toxic drug. He had also tried some alternative treatments, prior to FCT.

FCT® documented case of curing autism, thanks to cause-based approach to chronic diseases.

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

FCT® documented case of curing autism, thanks to cause-based approach to chronic diseases.


A while ago, I received a rather typical email-inquiry concerning a disease, along with a list of related laboratory abnormalities.

In this case, it was a case of 3 year old boy with autism, ADHD, food and environmental allergies, picky eating, chronic cough, difficulty sleeping through the night, poor energy level.

He is being evaluated now for entering a normal classroom setting in his preschool.


FCT®’s cured case of severe multiple chemical sensitivities

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

FCT®’s cured case of severe multiple chemical sensitivities


Multiple Chemical Sensitivities or MCS is one of the many growing epidemics in the modern world, today. While conventional medicine even barely recognizes this as a real disease, alternative medicine which does can hardly ever cure this condition, in spite of massive treatments, diagnostic tests and expense. Among these ineffective treatments: ‘liver cleanses’, ‘detoxes’, ‘nutritional metabolic balancing’, chelations, desensitizations, homeopathics and other. This article presents one of the many such typical cases where a life of a very successful young professional has become a real nightmare. The article presents how bio-resonance testing, within minutes, has identified causes of his disease: numerous environmental pollutants, infectious agents and electromagnetic fields by tuning non-invasively directly into his internal organs.

Novel homeopathic treatment that followed has cured not only multiple chemical sensitivities, but his other chronic health problems, also. None of these have yielded to conventional or five years of numerous alternative medical treatments.


FCT® documented case of an apparently reversed heart disease in a junk food addict with obesity diabetes thanks to cause-based approach to chronic diseases

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

Reversed Heart Disease Article


A 38 year old non-smoker and mildly overweight male sustained documented myocardial infarction in a hospital in December of 2002. He had family risk factors for coronary artery disease and was very partial to sodas and other junk food, but outside of the event, no other medical conditions were present at the time. One month following his hospital discharge, his nuclear exercise stress test was consistent with both the suffered myocardial infarction and compromised blood supply, to another area of the heart, with the latter placing him at risk of another infarction.

The shortest way to Rome, or to any destination, will always be through a straight line. The shortest way to solve or prevent the great majority of chronic diseases is only through going straight to afflicted organs and properly identify and address their genuine causes of dysfunction. Anything else seems to be just some interesting medical actions merely for disease labels.


FCT® Apparent Documented Reversal of Crohn’s Disease and Prompt Cure of a Longstanding Irritable Bowel Syndrome

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

Reversed Crohn’s Disease Article


This article is presenting two successful and the only cases of Crohn’s disease treated by this author in the last 15 years and, also, one of the numerous successful cases of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Crohn’s disease is a very serious inflammatory intestinal disease of unknown etiology commonly involving the ileum of the small intestine. It is often accompanied with multisystemic debilitating symptoms which are treated in gastroenterology with anti-inflammatory medications, and in case of poor response with high doses of prednisone and even chemotherapy or surgery.

It is considered to be an incurable disease that, in particularly severe cases, leads to death.


100% Antibiotics Free, Very Effective FCT Approach to Lyme Disease and Co-infections

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

100% Antibiotics Free, Very Effective Digital Medicine Approach to Lyme Disease and Co-infections.

Special Offer: Available to download to for Free!

Free Download

While Lyme disease with co-infections does represent a notorious, powerful multi-headed hydra with its uncanny ability to regrow its heads, following medical attacks, it can be successfully defeated through a more encompassing and different medical approach, as the experience presented here has deemed.


FCT and Successful Treatment of the Great Variety of Brain Disorders

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

FCT® and Successful Treatment of the Great Variety of Brain Disorders


The sad fact of our modern life is that the human brain is rapidly becoming an endangered species. Epidemics of autism and ADHD, Alzheimer’s and multiple sclerosis, depression and anxiety, bi-polar and OCD, insomnia and migraines, drug addictions and suicide, all support this tenet and that something has gone seriously wrong with both the brain and its prevailing treatments. The main reasons for the failure of treatments is that these attempt to correct gone astray brain chemistry, dopamine, serotonin or other, while being incapable to address the main and more important primary sources of these chemical imbalances. These are the corresponding brain zones and their true causes of abnormal functioning. In the process such neurotransmitter or other balancing treatments not only treat virtual shadows of disease, instead of its very root cause, but they also lead to loss of valuable time and allow these causes to continue inflicting deeper brain damage. The end result, as our sad statistics confirm, are these epidemics and also ‘wonder drugs’ causing life time dependency, drug addiction and also even being linked to causing suicides.

The FCT approach presented here is based on a different area of neuroscience that focuses on the primary regulatory structures of the brain and how to enter and collect the necessary information directly from these and other internal organs, via bio-resonance testing. The latter does overcome the major stumbling block in all medicine, in chronic diseases, which is the inability of all laboratory and imaging testing to identify the direct causes of malfunctions of the internal organs.


Diagnosing and Addressing Causes of Chronic Diseases through Bio-Resonance Testing and FCT®

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

Diagnosing and Addressing Causes of Chronic Diseases through Bio-Resonance Testing and FCT®



FCT® and Documented Reversals of Type 2 and, even, Type 1 Diabetes!

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

FCT® and Documented Reversals of Type 2 and, even, Type 1 Diabetes!



FCT® and Lyme – Isn’t it about time to reconsider just killing Lyme?

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

FCT® and Lyme – Isn’t it about time to reconsider just killing Lyme?



FCT® ‘Placebo-Water’ and Against All Odds Medical Ordeal

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

FCT® ‘Placebo-Water’ and Against All Odds Medical Ordeal



FCT®, brain health and its formidable challenges

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

FCT®, brain health and its formidable challenges



FCT® and Premature Aging, The Simple Approach

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

FCT® and Premature Aging, The Simple Approach



FCT and Cure of a Mysterious Disease in a child who Treated with Toxic Drugs and Recommended Surgeries by Medical ‘Specialists’, All in Vain.

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

FCT® and Cure of a Mysterious Disease in a Child…


Enough though this mysterious syndrome, as all medical conditions, carries a specific fancy label based on which ‘scientific’ treatments are prescribed, as long as we know the exact causes of these conditions and the effective ways to address these causes, most of such treatments become obsolete. And so do their high costs. Below, is the testimonial of the mother of the recovered child on FCT, following just three treatments, which were preceded by countless, ineffective and toxic ones. The road traveled by this boy and his parents is a typical as it is senseless and harmful, where people travel to fancy clinics for real answers to only end up with just more needless tests to only create a ‘better’ disease label.Following this, a medical journey leading to nowhere. Unfortunately, this pattern is just as common in alternative-integrative medicine, too.


FCT®, Detoxes, Retoxes, Benefits and Harm.

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

FCT®, Detoxes, Retoxes, Benefits and Harm.



Can FCT®, Field Control Therapy, Save Homeopathy? Part I.

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

Can FCT®, Field Control Therapy, Save Homeopathy? Part I.



FCT® and How Lyme ‘Specialists’ Keep Hammering at the Wrong Biofilm.

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

FCT® and How Lyme ‘Specialists’ Keep Hammering at the Wrong Biofilm.



FCT, cancer, and Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Oncologist: “You Better Continue This Alternative Treatment.”

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

FCT, cancer, and Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Oncologist: “You Better Continue This Alternative Treatment.”



FCT® in the Coronary Care Unit of a University Hospital and Heart Matters.

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

FCT® in the Coronary Care Unit of a University Hospital and Heart Matters.



FCT® and Brain: “Doctor, my brain feels rewired!”

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

FCT® and Brain: “Doctor, my brain feels rewired!”



FCT® Fibromyalgia & the Unsuspected Suspect – Drinking Water

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

FCT® Fibromyalgia & the Unsuspected Suspect – Drinking Water



FCT® and Dermatology: Are Skin Disorders Just the Tip of the Iceberg for Underlying Chronic Diseases?

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

FCT® and Dermatology: Are Skin Disorders Just the Tip of the Iceberg for Underlying Chronic Diseases?



How FCT® has cured me from devastating Lyme disease, without a single antibiotic

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

“How FCT® has cured me from devastating Lyme disease, without a single antibiotic”


Please click here to learn more about this article.


FCT®, BRAIN, Patients, Researchers and Doctors

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

FCT®, BRAIN, Patients, Researchers and Doctors


Please click here to learn more about this article.


FCT® and Weight, its Loss, Gain and Eternal Struggles

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

FCT® and Weight, its Loss, Gain and Eternal Struggles



FCT®, Functional medicine and related issues

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

FCT®, Functional medicine and related issues



FCT®, Is Functional Medicine Dysfunctional

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

FCT®, Is Functional Medicine Dysfunctional



FCT® and Cancer

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

FCT® and Cancer


The presented cases of cancer patients treated with the same FCT basic, simple and low cost approach to all diseases, by properly addressing their causes. This yielded very interesting results which were recorded in this article.


FCT® Treating Lyme and All Infections the Simple Way

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

FCT® Treating Lyme and All Infections the Simple Way



FCT® and The Brain

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

FCT® and The Brain



How FCT® Gets Under the Skin of Sick Skin

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

How FCT® Gets Under the Skin of Sick Skin


Virtually, all skin disorders and unhealthy faces are part of systemic diseases. This article presents very edifying information about the health benefits of approaching skin disorders and unhealthy looks through the total body approach.


FCT® and The Corona Virus Pandemic – Who is Responsible for the Needless Bloodletting

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

FCT® and The Corona Virus Pandemic – Who is Responsible for the Needless Bloodletting



FCT ED and Hormonal Upheavals in Men

by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.

FCT ED and Hormonal Upheavals in Men


Virtually, all skin disorders and unhealthy faces are part of systemic diseases. This article presents very edifying information about the health benefits of approaching skin disorders and unhealthy looks through the total body approach.


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