
About Dr. Yurkovsky

About the FCT and SYY Integrated Health Systems LTD Founder, Savely Yurkovsky MD

Savely Yurkovsky MD is a pediatrician, board-certified internist, and cardiologist who received his MD degree in pediatrics from II Moscow State Medical Institute, in the former USSR. He completed an internal medicine residency and fellowship in cardiovascular medicine at Coney Island Hospital of Downstate Medical School, Brooklyn, New York.

In his years of private practice, Dr. Yurkovsky has established key innovations in medicine due to the failure of conventional and alternative medicines to solve chronic diseases, including his very sick son. He established a new, high-standard universal medical model, FCT® (Field Control Therapy), that can be applied to any disease based on its causes rather than names. To address a possible incongruity of this claim, FCT is free of scientific conflicts and has produced reversals of chronic diseases that are documented by conventional tests.

This very effective medical system is based on the selective utilization of conventional and alternative medical knowledge, toxicology, and other important lifestyle and environmental factors. It overcomes the impossibility of laboratory tests to determine the very key to chronic diseases – their primary causes – through alternative medicine tests that are based on body physics.  This is the only dimension where chronic diseases can be solved because sick organs can be only accessible for their causes and corresponding therapeutic priorities through this level. After recognizing the great potential and certain shortcomings of these tests, he evolved them to new heights. This was done by screening afflicted organs and their causes of pathology based on a deeper application of physics, modern medical knowledge, and toxicology. The same productive revision took place with the single most effective therapy in the world, homeopathy, which acts through body physics with its little-utilized branches of remedies made of organs, toxicological, infectious agents, and other pathogens. Dr. Yurkovsky has greatly expanded the utilization of these branches based on modern medical knowledge of physiology, pathophysiology, toxicology, immunology, infectious diseases, and other medical specialties. The entire system that also includes healthy nutrition, and lifestyle became applicable to all diseases, regardless of specialties. The reason is that any disease essentially consists of only two components – sick organs and their causes.  A gold standard of scientific proof – documented reversals of chronic diseases confirmed the validity of these innovations. To note that energy medicine is recognized by the NIH, however, due to their lack of sufficient understanding of these interventions, it remains neglected.  Based on the consistency and the variety of disease reversals in children and adults by FCT, Dr. Yurkovsky founded a teaching organization, SYY Integrated Health Systems Ltd, that trains licensed health professionals in this method. Unlike other academic conventional or alternative medical organizations, SYY Integrated Health Systems teaches its students how to distinguish valid medical approaches from speculations, based on high scientific standards, and apply this knowledge to scrutinize FCT also. 



  • Can energetic vaccines, based on physics, be the sound options for COVID-19 and other pandemics in the absence of pharmaceutical vaccines?

Journal of Infectious Diseases and Therapy, 2020: 8(6). https://doi.org/10.22541/au.160562672.26680417/ v1.

Nobel Laureate in Physics Professor Brian Josephson endorsed its scientific principle. https://www.omicsonline.org/open-access/can-energetic-vaccines-based-on-physics-bethe-sound-options-for-covid19-and-other-pandemics-in-the-absence-of-pharmaceu.pdf

  • Overcoming antibiotic resistance through a different paradigm? Documented cases of resolved pneumonia and H. pylori infection without the use of antibiotics.

Journal of Clinical Trials & Case Studies. June 2023. (Under peer review).


  • Solving epidemics of Lyme and other vector-borne infections through the immune system. (2023).

Research Open Infectious Diseases and Therapeutics, volume 4 issue 1. 4(1), https://researchopenworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/IDT-4-415-1.pdf


  • Biological, Chemical, and Nuclear Warfare: Protecting Yourself and Your Loved Ones: The Power of Digital Medicine. Science of Medicine Pub.; 2003.

It was endorsed for scientific soundness by retired MIT physics Professor, George E. Pugh PhD and Stanford University Professor Emeritus of Materials Science and department chairman, Professor William A. Tiller PhD, who also wrote the foreword section for the book.

  • Chapter, Homeopathy Origins and Therapeutic Principles,

To a textbook of Integrative Gastroenterology, edited by Associate Professor of Medicine Gerald Mullin MD, John Hopkins University School of Medicine. Oxford University Press Inc., 2011


  • Therapeutic Frequency Imprinting Device, US Patent #10941061

Professional Presentations

  • Novel Bio-Energetic Approach to Countering the Human Consequences of Means of Mass Destruction – Guided Digital Medicine.

BTR 2005: Unified Science & Technology for Reducing Biological Threats and Countering Terrorism, Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NM, March 2005, sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security.

  • Physics-based Novel Diagnostic and Therapeutic Approach to Psychiatry.

Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard University Medical School, Boston 2007.

  • Treatment of Pandemics with Programmed Water.

International Water Conference on Physics of Water, Sod Baden, Germany 2022.

  • Addressing chronic diseases through medical toxicology and biophysical diagnosis and treatment.

American College for the Advancement in Medicine, Las Vegas, 2003.

American Environmental Health Foundation, Dallas, 2004.

International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, Boston, 2019.

Dr. Yurkovsky currently conducts family medicine practice through a novel FCT paradigm for chronic diseases in Mount Kisco, New York. Phone 914 861- 9161 or info@yurkovsky.com.

About Dr. Yurkovsky
About the FCT and SYY Integrated Health Systems LTD Founder, Savely Yurkovsky MD

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