
Webinar 010

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Dr Yurkovsky’s Webinar 010 – Recording (January 14, 2013)

  1. A clinical update on the woman who smelled badly, presented in the last webinar (#009) in response to her first FCT treatment. (Please review the program of Webinar #009 through this link: www.yurkovsky.com/webinar-001/webinar-009.)


  2. An important flu epidemic update for this year and how recent information from US healthcare governmental agencies confirms FCT findings:
    • The magnitude of the epidemic
    • Change in the virus strain


  3. A case of infertility with a severely lowered sperm count in a young man.  He also complains of a virtually absent sex drive and multiple other health problems.  We will display his sperm analysis report prior to and following just 3 FCT treatments.


  4. Another case of severe pathology of the reproductive system but in the opposite sex
    This concerns a state of virtual debility with multiple health problems and of a several year duration in a post-menopausal woman.  She was treated by all specialists possible in the field of bio-identical hormones, hormone replacement therapy, a book author on endocrinological problems, experts in environmental medicine, and alternative doctors.  After all of this, her clinical response remained the same – feeling worse after each intervention.Let us examine her very interesting BRT findings on her first visit and her clinical response to a single FCT treatment, so far.


  5. A quiz for all of you concerning the issue which we have mentioned in prior webinar announcements and which requires your clarification based on the knowledge of science. Among many names mentioned in alternative approaches, which is supposed to convey a sense of some impressive interventions, one entity appears to stand out – the word “quantum”: “Quantum reflex analysis”, “Quantum nutrition”, “Quantum healing, “.  The question to all of you is: What exact technology or confirmatory methods must one use in order to justify the claim “quantum”.


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