
Webinar 003

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Summary of Recording of Dr Yurkovsky’s Webinar 003 (25th June 2012)


A)  List of Cases and Topics Covered:


  1. Parasites – a star-bullet or even a star-bomb?
  2. EAV – another specialty with findings. Computerized BRT, homeopathy and comments on general science and medicine
  3. Answers to questions from participants


Special note: For all partakers of Webinar 003 there is a complimentary copy of my key notes of the book presented on parasitosis from this webinar.  It also contains some information from other sources.  I thought this would be useful since the time frame of a single webinar may prevent us from discussing certain broad issues in the kind of detailed fashion that it merits.



B)  Notes from Dr Yurkovsky introducing the programme:


1.      Parasites – a star-bullet or even a star-bomb?

Following our brief discussion on the subject at Webinar 002 (06.04.12), as to whether parasites can invade even the human brain, I wish to present the following:

  • An analysis of a very obscure but very important scientific book written by numerous expert parasitologists concerning the multi-systemic pathological effects of parasites and the exact mechanisms they use to invade, remain in for the life of and, ultimately, destroy the host.  These are all supported by scientific references.  These multi-systemic pathological effects completely support the FCT findings of parasitic infections starting from infancy, and which never leave the body while leading to head-to-toe chronic diseases.  I can humbly assure everyone that 100% of you have parasites.  Look up parasite-related signs of FCT.   E-letter #13 …..  Sorry for such a “mood elevator”
  • Futility and dangers of the prevailing parasite treatments: drugs, herbs, Russian electric pill, “Sputnik” (a talented nation but not free of idiots) , other electrocutions which all may diminish their presence in the gastrointestinal tract for a short season while forcing them to mutate, and migrate all over the body.
  • A case presentation of a patient who has spent a whole month on an inpatient basis in some “world center of parasite elimination”
  • Incidence of parasitosis worldwide
  • Why conventional and alternative labs’ stool analyses are so unreliable
  • Skillful BRT – bioresonance testing – as the only reliable diagnosis to uncover parasitic infections
  • The most common filter to diagnose parasitosis with BRT and clinical significance when other filters test positive (LI, SI)
  • How vigilant our immune system even is against parasites
  • Individual patient factors which may sustain parasites for life
  • For how long do you think parasites should be treated?
  • Is autism an overlooked parasitic infection of the brain?

What to look for to suspect this?

Brief presentation of a few cases of mine.

  • As importantly, based on my analysis of this book, I wish to highlight the most essential tool that makes a crucial difference in optimal learning of not only medicine, but science or the world.  This difference is well-known to quantum physics and the philosophy of science, with the latter studying the entire sound composition of scientific knowledge versus just piling up scientific facts on top of each other.  This concerns learning through concepts versus learning through scientific facts or findings.  The practical examples to this key difference is sun and its shadows.  Key concepts concerning the sun are:  The significance of its gravitational and electromagnetic forces on life on Earth versus millions of shadows (all scientifically correct findings) it produces in just its single daily cycle throughout our planet.  Key concepts concerning fire – a state of extreme thermodynamic entropy leading to useful or destructive thermal effects versus its correct scientific findings – thousands of different patterns combined in color and configurations of produced smoke, depending upon air flow and what and who is burning.   That is why exact sciences which have focused on scientific concepts have produced staggering technological developments and placed the man on the moon, while conventional and alternative medicine have ended up in consistent failures in all chronic diseases, while impressing everyone with their “scientific findings”.

The bottom line is that if we condition ourselves to learning through concepts, we acquire real and reliable knowledge, but if we learn through just some formally correct facts, we end up learning fashionable nonsense.  The latter is the title of the book written by two professors of physics to demonstrate how easy it is to fool everyone, including experts at peer-review scientific journals in inexact sciences by just pouring in some formally correct scientific facts and references.  Medicine is one of these inexact sciences where practically 100% of its practitioners completely lack in the training that would enable them to discern fashionable nonsense, or shadows from the sun.  This concerns all specialties in chronic diseases, whether they “balance” cholesterol or genes (functional medicine) or acupuncture meridians  ( EAV – electroacupuncture according to Voll).

That is why the pyramid of the sound structure of knowledge was presented at the end of the Lyme/Morgellon’s part of the FCT seminar: “Curable: Autism, ADHD, Lyme Disease with co-infections, & Morgellon’s Disease” (October 2011)).

Interestingly, a few months after, I came across practically an identical pyramid of sound scientific knowledge in a lucid book, The Fabric of Reality, by David Deutsch, Israeli-born and physics professor at Oxford University who is a leading authority on quantum computing and parallel universes.  The only extra step in his pyramid was on computing, but as a tool, as I see it, to possibly test or tie in the different pyramid levels.

Amazingly (but not so much if one focuses on concepts, or suns vs. shadows), he states that dissimilar medical diseases are just molecular illusions or shadows in pursuit by medical specialties, while one must seek their underlying common framework.

Some dozen years ago, I had written a lowly article, The Spleen Epidemic and Non-Disease Treatment of Diseases”.   He:  “more general concepts (sun, stars-bullets) are replacing more specific ones … (shadows, patterns of smoke, etc.) in different parts of the body ….” Much of medicine is still in the rule-of-thumb era” (e.g., not based on good solid science, but hit and miss specialties treating shadows).  Prof. Deutsch hopes that someday, medicine will turn to physics; FCT already has.  Mentioning these pyramid parallels is not to impress that he and I are so smart, but to illustrate that anyone who analyzes the entire structure of scientific knowledge, vs. some formal facts of self-serving interests of medical industry, conventional and alternative, sees the obvious – wisdom of sound concepts vs. deceit of isolated scientific findings.  Just look at Integrative Medicine – piles of treatments based on piles of findings and zero results in the end.

What is the real practical gain for us in medicine to pursue concepts – laws of nature, stars-bullets and the best diagnostic and therapeutic means to address chronic diseases?  As Prof. Deutsch put it – you may know much less (facts), yet through better understanding, you still will be a far better and successful scientist (doctor in our case).

Returning to the land of parasites, where we, men, are by far the most dangerous ones in decimating the entire planet, I will also introduce a very interesting new remedy for parasites.  This is already available to most of you.


2.      EAV – another specialty with findings. Computerized BRT, homeopathy and comments on general science and medicine.

Some of you asked my opinion of certain EAV computerized devices.  These claim that they screen for 40,000-60,000 or more items and findings and that the one that screens for more is alleged to be better than the one that screens for fewer ones.  As some nasty (not me) philosopher of science or physicist might quip at this – this is the mentality of supermarket cashiers but not of science.

Yet, I did step out in faith and have approached several EAV companies and even had an actual demo in my office on actual patients.  Moreover, I had a witness to this who is one of our FCT students and our webinar “key witness.”  So, do not rely just on my own understanding and biased testimony, but on “God’s witness” to this …. electric sham.

I will also present to you my discussion with other EAV companies who even refused the demo session only because I asked them a few concept-based questions which they clearly have never been accustomed to face.

These were not hostile questions at all as I was sincerely interested if FCT could expand its nosode and sarcode base through their equipment.

I will also share with you my personal interviews with the doctors who used other EAV computers.  By the way, any of my or anybody else’s observations of deficiencies of EAV, VEGA or Applied Kinesiology bioresonance testings should not detract my great respect for their respective inventors.  However, science is not based on service of worship but on unbiased analysis of facts and theories where its progress rests on sound laying of bricks to build a wall of sound knowledge.  And just as no scientist has ever built an entire wall on his own, neither did these inventors even while having contributed some key bricks.



C)  Simon’s notes during the webinar:


1)      Parasites – a star-bullet or even a star-bomb?


Discussion of how parasites can be found in the brain, or even spinal cord, in severe neurological illnesses.


Story of P. Petarcel, ND, Mexico, late 1930s /early 1940s – death sentence with severe TB – cured via BRT and homeopathy and outlived many, lived to 103 yrs old.

She got spectacular results treating parasites in the brain.

A patient of mine studied her work.

Title of a good book, “Parasites and the Nature of the Host” or something similar – he’ll look up the exact title for us later.


Only a very limited number of parasites (helminthes and protozoa) invade brain.

Or we could say also viruses, bacteria and fungi are parasites of brain – e.g. toxoplasma, herpes in the brain, influenza in the brain…


Limitations of scientific research:

No one can spend money researching everything + They have a poor sense of star-bullets.

So they prefer to research via machine gun approach + esp lines of inquiry with promise in terms of profit.


Summary of findings in book:


Parasites can:

– invade CNS

– distort production of neurotransmitters & ANS function

– destroy Ov and Testes

– displace hormones from receptor sites

– change in response to weather changes, sounds, colours, mechanical stimuli

– migrate to lymphatics of gut

– migrate to brain and liver

– even also invade endocrine system (e.g. adrenals) directly


Symptoms can include:

– ↓curiosity

– ↓motivation

– ↓learning ability

– ↓endocrine mechanisms

– ↓imm sppt

– ↓fertility

– ↓energy

– ↓libido

– ↓pancreas function

– ↑BS, diabetes

– ↑anorexia, ↓appetite

– ↑aggression

– ↑lethargy


Misc tips/comments:

– Be doubtful when Drs. say “parasites are gone” based on lab tests.

– Case of worsening after “Sputnick”.

– In some cases, parasites may contribute micronutrients to the host. Case of squirrels who grew better with parasites, than the squirrels without.

– Parasites can secrete growth hormone like substances.

– Candida parallel.

– Vegetarian diet – I respect it when done for spiritual reasons but it is not a healthy diet overall when parasites are prevalent and  ↓liver → ↓protein.

– Parasites also ↓lipolysis → ↑weight

– Practically 100% of babies, he has found, have parasites, from the birth canal.

– Based only on stool analysis, 25% of world’s population is infected. But based on BRT, it’s 90-100%.

– [Q of how some sell worms to treat allergies or hay fever].


Testing and treatment tips:


– Use LI-Lymph filter to test for parasites. Also look for Hg in there too. (Often Hg is present alongside parasites, as with Lyme and viruses). If you do find Hg there, you may treat both layers if parasites came first and Hg second – Or if Hg comes up first, you may treat it first and not address parasites yet (Hg awash).


– If the SI Muc filter shows Parasites, then ask, “Do you have tons of food allergies and fatigue?” Always the answer is yes.


– To clear Hg from the LI, consider:

LI Muc + Ly V +/- Hg


For treating parasites, consider:

– MPR as a remedy

– Helm/Flukes master filter as a remedy

– Combination remedy MPR + Helm/Fl

Expect Hg release afterwards.

MPR is more common than Helm/Fl.

And don’t forget individual parasites – address them individually if they come up clearly. For example, case of a man in his 50s with severe anal itch esp. at night (pinworm time) after sweets. Used Enterobius isode – and that alone.


2)      EAV – another specialty with findings. Computerized BRT, homeopathy and comments on general science and medicine:


Scientific literature – knowledge vs. concepts:

It would take someone 100 years, 24/7, to read all the medical journals in his own field. It’s impossible to keep up with this literature. Or to see why you’d want to. And none of it has really results in palpable improvements in chr. dx.

If we know less, but we understand the concepts behind them, we can put fewer findings into better, sounder theories.

Doing less, reading less, memorizing less, yet better understanding and better results.

An example of this principle of focus: FCT format of “drainage remedies” – much fewer remedies, and more effective.

Think of high-precision cruise missile hitting a precise target vs. WWII with thousands of airplanes flying around.


Ways to measure/assess any medical approach:

Check/test any approach through concepts.

The single most important thing that BRT provides = individual causes of each chr. disease.

The measure of FCT (as taught by Hering’s Law) – otherwise we’re inducing suppression – is: not while taking remedies, but while not – in between, when the patient is left alone – feel better then?


He asked EAV guy: Can you treat and reverse chronic diseases consistently? Lupus? Heart disease? Etc. No answer.

He invited him to bring his BRT machine to be evaluated in his office.

It was tested first on an M.S. patient, and not a single neurological finding came up.

Then it was tested on a patient with tons of GI complaints, yet nothing in the GI came up.

Then it was tested on an almost well patient, my wife, and the computer said, “despondent depression” and offered a Bach flower essence, yet I never met a happier person in my life. She took the remedy and it gave her a HA.


I tested a sample of machine-generated remedies, and it had terrible vibrations. It was nothing but electrocuted water.

Re: computer “printing out” homeopathic remedies? / Guy in Ukraine:

A hard disk drive is an electrocuting device. And we also know that heat (and EMF) can destroy homeopathic remedies very easily.


And why does it say 12 drops 3x/d, $25 a bottle. Trying to load you up with products.


Computers are good for certain things – such as storing and connecting data – but weak and insufficient for other things. They fail to imitate human brains. Can’t predict stock market to make us millionaires or everyone would have that software.


Comment re: functional medicine and trying to “balance genes/oncogenes with nutrition”.


3)      Answers to Questions from Participants:


Sites parasites may be found:

– LI-Ly

– Myelin Sheath (in M.S.)

– Brn

– FL

– Muscles

– Joints

– Other places


Before sex, or after eating out, take MPR or Helm/Fl or both.


Concerning repetitions:

– Don’t forget to check for repetitions, sometimes several, of parasite isodes

– Examples might be intervals such as a 2nd drop after a 7-day gap and a 3rd drop after a 14-day gap, or it may be a 2nd drop after a 5-day gap and a 3rd drop after a 10-day gap, etc. – as per BRT.


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